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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 029

Soon, before the smoke of the explosion cleared, Pinel rushed out of the smoke in rags and threw three bundles of explosives directly in the direction of the crane! At the same time, five figures also rushed out of the smoke, and surrounded the position of the crane!

The sudden outbreak of battle caught everyone off guard, but Pinel was more adaptable, so the navy was very uncomfortable at this time!

The combat effectiveness of the people summoned by Pinel is not very high, but it is not low, and even as long as she gives the crane enough time, she can dispose of all the fifty colonel-level summoned objects by herself!

But unfortunately, Pinier would not give her this time, of the two hundred or so navies present, twelve were stronger than the colonel, and now six were slightly injured, and one was seriously injured and fell to the ground!

There are about fifteen more who can deal with colonel-level summons, and now four have fallen to the ground without knowing whether they are alive or dead, and the rest are almost all wounded, and the other naval soldiers can only make a weak counterattack when they are slaughtered!

Although it is cruel, but this is what I really think at the moment, of course, the fifty colonels summoned by Pinel are not completely unharmed, and they have already hung up eleven! Otherwise, how did those navies that were stronger than the colonel get injured, and it is not the result of the summoned object immediately holding the explosive and wanting to die with it after discovering that it could not be beaten!

There are countless injured, after all, it is difficult to fight with two fists and four hands, the gun is easy to dodge and the dark arrow is difficult to prevent, even the navy with low strength will release the gun, these summoning objects are not armed, of course, you can’t ignore the bullets!

The battlefield here is Pinel’s side has the advantage, but Pinel’s side is not so smooth, after all, Crane is a veteran lieutenant general, the basic skills are very solid, a bundle of explosives even if it explodes at close range, it does not break the defense, although it is also a little gray, but her momentum has not weakened in the slightest!

As for the three bundles of explosives thrown by Pinel later, of course, it was even more ineffective, and he didn’t even touch the corners of the crane’s clothes!

The crane turned his neck to look at Pinel

“Really underestimate you, my old bone has not exercised for too long, it is almost a little rusty, these people are your back hand? Can you give me an answer to where they hid before? But I don’t think you should answer me, in fact, none of this matters, as long as it can catch you, how much sacrifice is worth it! ”

Pinel stood face to face with the crane, looking at the crane without flinching from his eyes

“It’s really cold, Vice Admiral, but do you really think you won? Do you want to gamble with me to see if my men kill these navies first, or do you catch me first? ”

Tsuru is not really hard-hearted, but her duties must require her, even if it is pretending to be iron-hearted, those young navies who are losing their lives are comrades who have been with her for many years, and she certainly does not want them to be killed!

The white-haired crane frowned, did not delay any time, and said angrily while charging at Pinel

“Don’t underestimate the faith of the navy, just because you dead men want to defeat my subordinates? You are so arrogant, Pinel! ”

In the face of the crane’s charge, Pinel didn’t dodge, he couldn’t hide anyway, why bother with it, and his freedom in Pinel’s plan didn’t matter at all!

The crane’s blow hit Pinel’s temple directly, although the fruit ability had no effect, but even if he fought for physical fitness, the crane threw Pinel eighty streets, and after receiving a circle from the crane, Pinel rightfully fell to the ground, and even the ground that touched Pinel’s head was shattered!

“Ahem, it’s really a heavy punch, Lieutenant General, you can push harder, I’ll hold on!”

Pinel didn’t even mean to get up, just lay on the ground and looked at the crane who was leaning over to look at him, and said in a relaxed tone!

Looking at Pinel’s frivolous appearance, the crane’s silver teeth bit it, and one leg was immediately attached to the armed color domineering, and stepped Pinel’s nasty face, and even after stepping down, the crane also crushed a few times!

The crane’s foot is full of anger, with the crane’s foothold, that is, Pinel’s head as the center of the circle, the land within a radius of ten meters has been broken into pieces, you can imagine how much strength the crane used!

Just as Tsuru was about to say something to Pinel, Pinel’s beating voice came from the soles of her shoes

“Lord Lieutenant General, you can use your strength, although it hurts, but I can still hold on, but when you are ready to step on the next foot, take the time to look at your subordinates, how long can they hold out!”

When the crane heard this, she immediately looked around, and in the time when she moved her hand twice against Pinai, more than a dozen navies fell on this land forever! It is clear that those two hundred or so navies will not last long at all!

With one hand, Pinel laboriously moved the crane’s foot, revealing one eye, and looked at the crane with a crazy and excited look

“Isn’t it tangled? If you go to help, it is obvious that I will leave, if you do not help, these navies may have hope of winning, but they will be killed and wounded, and you have always been very wise, what’s wrong? Hard to decide? Do you want me to help you? ”

Listening to Pinel’s words, the crane was obviously taken aback!

Her IQ is online, otherwise it would be impossible to become a staff officer, Pinel’s words are clearly expressing a meaning, everything that is happening on this battlefield now is going according to Pinel’s ideas! Pinel still has some kind of backhand, and there is more spare power!

Before she could react, a sharp blade suddenly fell from the sky and cut off her head!

Pinel’s eyes are not leaky, summons must appear somewhere in his field of vision! If there is no field of vision, it will appear within a radius of 100 meters, and Pinel does not want such randomness in his plan, so he must miss his eyes, even one!

For the sudden appearance of the blade, anyone’s first reaction is to dodge, the more powerful the character, the stronger the conditioned reaction, of course, the crane is no exception!

Without even thinking, she jumped out of Pinel’s face!

Pinel stood up from the ground with a carp, holding the shoe prints on his face, smiling wildly, and his eyes swept around the navy that was struggling not far away

“Dear Lieutenant General, for your entanglement, I will help you make a choice, my subordinates come out, go and kill all those people!”

After Pinel’s voice fell, thirty figures appeared again, carrying out sneak attacks from behind those navies who resisted strongly!

Suddenly, more than a dozen naval soldiers who were struggling fell to the ground with innocent eyes!

Pinel stuck out his tongue and licked his lips

“Now, Lord Lieutenant General, you have only two choices, arrest me or save your comrades.

Please believe me, Lord Vice Admiral, stop deceiving yourself with stupid ideas that faith prevails over everything, the fact is that without your help, these heroic naval soldiers would have died!

But if you choose to save your comrades, I will immediately turn around and leave this island on your warship!” Both options are very clear, now please make your choice! The choice is yours, I don’t care that your choice will drag on longer, but pity those navies, don’t let their lives waste on your entanglements! Isn’t it a very exciting choice? Hey, hey, hey! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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