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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 031

Hechong is very fast, shaving continuously, although the pressure on the legs is great, but with the armed color domineering offset, she can still hold on!

A few flashes, she said that five or six summoned objects turned into fluttering clothes and fluttered in the wind, and she herself appeared in front of the naval soldiers!

After seeing the crane come to them, all the soldiers burst into tears

“Sorry Lieutenant General Tsuru, we dragged you down!”

“I’m sorry, if it weren’t for us burdens, Lieutenant General Tsuru would definitely be able to capture that demon quickly!”

“Sir, you shouldn’t have saved us, we died for justice!”

“It’s that our strength is not strong enough, and the evil fruit of laziness in training has finally been eaten, Lord Tsuru, I can finally understand your painstaking efforts, woo-woo, I was wrong, but I don’t want to die yet!”

The rest of the navy is varied, and they all talk to the crane!

The cranes are all dressed as female soldiers, women are understood by everyone, and they talk a lot at all times!

The crane had a gloomy face and roared in a low voice

“What for? Think you will be saved when I come? I only have one person, and there are no less than forty people on the other side, is it too early for you to relax! Cheer me up! From this moment on, no one can fall again! ”

Just as the crane adjusted his momentum, Pinel had already begun to wander towards the warship, singing while walking over and over!

“Xiaomo Xiaoerlang, carrying that schoolbag to school, not afraid of the sun, nor afraid of the wind and rain!”

Pinel had been standing on the shore all the time, so he was not a few steps away from the warship!

Tsuru had already changed her decision and was ready to reduce the losses of the navy, so she did not take care of Pinel, after all, when she chose to save the remaining navy, it was equivalent to giving up the warship to Pinel!

The crane did not take the lead, because she was jealous, Pinel’s summoning had surrounded them, the crane could only resist half of the enemies at most, and the other half was behind the crane, which she could not take care of, if she did it against the summoner first, then the area she could take care of was even smaller, estimated to be only a quarter! The remaining three-quarters will be attacked when she starts, and then she will definitely lose a lot, so Tsuru didn’t dare to make a move!

But going on like this is not a solution to the problem, now the problem is no longer something they can solve by themselves, if there is no external help, the result of the annihilation of the group is inevitable!

Tsuru quickly gave him a look, and her guard immediately understood, after finding an angle, she turned sideways and used the distress phone bug in a position that no one saw!

This kind of phone worm can only be equipped with important people in the Navy, especially those who do not have high strength, but are extremely important!

Originally, Tsuru didn’t want this phone worm, she still had a certain confidence in her strength! This was still given to her by Karp and Sengoku Momo later, and she didn’t expect that she could really use it!

According to Crane’s inference, the closest to here is the naval branch recently took the turn of Vice Admiral Burning Mountain to guard, after receiving her distress signal, it will definitely rush over with all its strength, Burning Mountain can also be regarded as the strength of the veteran vice admiral should not be underestimated, if you rush with all your strength, it is estimated that it should be possible to arrive in fifteen to twenty minutes! If you happen to encounter Burning Mountain patrolling, this time may be shorter!

Although the idea of keeping all the remaining navies and winning is gone, there is still confidence to hold on for ten minutes, she is not a soft persimmon, anyone can pinch! And Tsuru hopes that after Pinel boards the ship, these people will leave with Pinel, so that the rest of the people are really safe!

Just as the crane sent the distress signal, Pinel had already successfully boarded the ship!

Summon a colonel at random to sail the boat, and then Pinel stands on the edge of the boat looking in the direction of the crane!

Soon the boat began to move, and Pinel looked at the shore that was gradually getting farther away, the corners of his mouth hooked again, and shouted at the crane

“Lord Lieutenant General, I didn’t say that I would let you go after you let me go! Guard your dear subordinates, I am going to give you the last gift, you must remember me, go and don’t forget, and then every day in the future, try to kill me! Little ones, use all means to kill those navies! ”

After hearing Pinel’s words, the crane immediately changed his face! At the same time, he responded loudly

“Why! Pinel, what’s in it for you to do this? You have left safely! Can’t you let these people go? Let it be merciful! ”

Pinel jumped onto the armrest of the boat, stood straight, and made a very gentlemanly courtesy

“Mercy? I have no mercy! As for why do it? For fun, of course! Why be so serious, don’t pray to anyone, it will make you very faceless! Enjoy, those who can survive are elites. ”

After saying these words, Pinel’s figure disappeared by the side of the ship, and the crane’s side had no spare strength to observe Pinel at all, because those summoners obeyed Pinel’s words and began to attack like crazy!

Don’t care about injuries, don’t even care about losing your life, as if as long as you can fulfill Pinel’s orders, all the sacrifices are worth it!

The injured summons will choose explosives to rush into the crowd, and when facing a navy that is stronger than themselves, they will choose one person to fight to hold the navy with injuries, and then the other person is piercing, two people piercing together, the scene is almost unimaginable!

This is no longer a battle, and it does not belong to war!

This is a massacre, a massacre carried out by one side without mercy for his own life!

These summoners were very determined, as if they didn’t even think about leaving the island alive, and they all fell to the ground in just ten minutes!

Similarly, there were originally fifty or sixty people left in the navy, and only six and a half were left including the crane that was still panting!

That half lost a hand and a foot!

People who are still alive, including cranes, can’t calm their minds for a long time, and if any of them are crossers, they must be able to think of a word at this time!

That is the existence of terrorists, whose mission is to create terror!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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