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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 032

Pinel walked very dashingly, waving his sleeve without taking away a cloud, Pinel was very happy, but the old face of the crane was full of sadness and indignation!

Although many people died on Pinel’s side, and the people who died on Pinel’s side were all people with good strength, on the whole, the navy side did not lose at all, but Tsuru felt that he was a loss when he thought of Pinel’s expression without the slightest heartache!

After Pinel left, it didn’t take long for the crane to see a small black dot appear in the sky!

Immediately after that, a gust of wind hit, thinking that the big man with a cigar fell from the sky, and immediately after landing, he pulled out his knife and stood with his back to the crane in front of the crane!

“Lieutenant General Tsuru, where is the enemy? The follow-up troops will arrive in half an hour, and the headquarters has already sent Lieutenant General Borusalino, and at the speed of Lieutenant General Borusalino, it is estimated that it can be reached in half an hour to about forty minutes! You’re not hurt, are you! ”

Although Fire Burning Mountain is also a vice admiral of the Navy headquarters, after all, Tsuru is older, and he also has the title of Grand Staff Officer of the Navy, so it is natural for Fire Burning Mountain to respect Tsuru a little!

For the words of the burning mountain, Tsuru did not answer directly, but looked at the remaining five navies with his eyes lost

“The enemy has gone, these are the only ones left, a ship of two hundred and thirty-two people, there are five left, all because my judgment is incorrect, every choice is wrong, I did not win a step, from the beginning to the end!”

Burning Mountain was also silent, and he could see from the crane’s expression that the crane was deeply hit at this time, and judging from the broken limbs and arms in this place, the navy could be said to have lost miserably this time, a fiasco!

“Lieutenant General Crane, who is the enemy, I heard that you are here to deal with Doflamingo, is this newcomer so terrifying? Is there a mistake in the intelligence, or is there some helper? ”

The crane didn’t look at the burning mountain, and the whole person’s soul was gone

“The enemy is not Doflamingo, he fled, the enemy is Heath Pinell, he is really a terrifying fellow, his harm is much more serious than other pirates!”

“Well, Lieutenant General Tsuru, victory and defeat are commonplace, as long as people are alive, there will always be a day when they can take revenge, now what you should do is to sum up experience and statistical intelligence to avoid making mistakes next time!” Instead of being depressed as you are now, you are a naval staff officer, if even you are like this, how can the navy defeat those hateful pirates! ”

Tsuru is not a sentimental person, she joined the Navy as a teenager, and she has been in her fifties until now, and she has seen more bloodshed and death over the years.

It’s just that since she became qualified for the position of the chief staff officer, she has not lost so badly for a long time, so it is inevitable that she will be a little uncomfortable.

After being said by the fire mountain, he also came back to his senses

“It’s really that the older the more useless, I was actually educated by this junior of yours, you are right, a momentary victory does not mean anything, I will definitely arrest this person and bring him to justice!” But this person is really terrifying, and his ability is also very strong, just like a god! And after this battle, I have a further guess about his ability, I just hope that my guess is not correct, if I really guess, then his ability is simply the same as God! ”

Fire Mountain is not a very curious person, so he did not ask the bottom of the crane’s conjecture

“Okay, Lieutenant General Tsuru, after you return to your headquarters, discuss these things with the Warring States Generals, I don’t have that high IQ, I will only charge, you tell me, I don’t understand!”

Tsuru took a deep breath and did not reply, but turned to look in the direction Pinel left, his face was heavy, and he stood for a while before talking to himself

“Heath Pinel, what kind of person are you? They all say that you are a madman, and the performance you give people is also a madman, but I don’t believe it, I don’t believe that I will lose to a madman in IQ! I must see you as you are! ”

Soon, the follow-up troops said by the fire mountain felt it, and quickly carried the four people who were still alive to the boat for first aid, yes, there were four left, and in the process of waiting for the ship to come, the one with broken hands and feet did not hold up!

This fleet, after receiving people, did not stop at all, and left directly, after all, the medical equipment put on was limited, and the four injured people needed better treatment!

After the cranes left, the island finally returned to calm, but no matter how calm it returned, it could not erase the lives of more than two hundred young women in the flower season left on this island, more than two hundred graves were erected on the devastated shore like that, there were no names and no tombstones, only more than two hundred lonely earth bags, this is a shame, a shame for the crane, the crane will never forget this day in his life, let alone Pinel’s face!

Pinel comfortably began to rest on the crane’s warship, the whole warship was handed over to ten summoners to take care of, Pinel is not a god, he is just a person with special abilities, he will also be tired and tired, but tired and not dead! But who wouldn’t want to when they can rest comfortably!

On the other side, the crane rushed back to the naval headquarters, and it took more than two days non-stop

For two whole days and nights, the crane did not close his eyes, but in his cabin, sorting out Pinel’s information, very detailed information, after a battle, it was enough for the crane to summarize Pinel’s ability, it may not be too accurate, but eight or nine is not far from ten!

After the warship swung the sword Malinfodo, the crane did not choose to go home to rest, but went directly to the empty office!

“Marshal, I need to report to you again, please call the Warring States and Zefa, things are very important!”

The marshal looked at the crane’s haggard look, didn’t know what to say, pursed his mouth, and said softly

“Tsuru, I know that you have been hit very this trip, but the matter is over, Pinel that guy has also run away, we can’t catch him for a while and a half, this is a very time-consuming operation, you don’t push yourself so hard, it’s not your fault that this operation failed, now you go home and rest, eat something and sleep after we will talk about Pinel!”

Tsuru originally wanted to insist, but looking at Steel Bone Kong’s unquestioning expression, he opened his mouth and didn’t say it

Because she also knows that what Steel Bone Empty says is the truth, and if she wants to catch someone floating on the sea, it will definitely not be successful for a while

“Okay, I understand Marshal, I’ll come back tomorrow, but tomorrow you must notify the Warring States Tsuruzawa Fa to be present, believe me, Pinel is really much more threatening than ordinary pirates, what he wants is to destroy the world, this is the information I have compiled in the past two days, and there are some conjectures, Marshal you take a look first!” I’m gone now! ”

After speaking, Tsuru put the document in his hand into the empty hand of the steel bone and turned to leave.


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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