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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 033

For the crane’s request, Steel Bone Empty will not choose to ignore it

Because as a leader, it is quite stupid to ignore the words of your military master, so even if there are still a lot of things to be busy on hand, Gang Bone Kong still picked up the document that Tsuru handed him, read it word by word seriously, and the more he looked at it, the tighter his brows furrowed!

After reading the whole thing, the steel bone general directly called Sengoku to his office without thinking.

After that, the Warring States Crane Steel Bone Kong talked for a long time in the marshal’s office, and there was even a quarrel halfway, but when the Warring States came out of the Steel Bone Kong’s office, his face was a little pale, and the corners of his mouth were still muttering to himself, but no one heard it clearly!

Early the next morning, the Navy headquarters had just become operational, and the officials had just eaten breakfast and started working

Tsuru pushed open the door of the steel-boned empty office

As soon as Tsuru pushed open the door, he saw Sengoku sitting on the sofa looking at the report in his hand with a serious face!

At the same time that Tsuru saw Sengoku, Sengoku also saw Tsuru, and before Tsuru could say anything, Sengoku immediately stood up and looked at Tsuru with a serious face

“Tsuru, if this report is not written by you, I will definitely fire the guy who wrote this report and advise him to see a doctor! But you wrote this report! If this is your joke, please tell me right now! There is so much ridiculous content in this report! It’s simply…”

Before Sengoku could say the following words, Tsuru interrupted directly

“It’s just incredible, right, I’m sorry Sengoku, I also want to say that this is a joke, but unfortunately it’s not, every word in this report is written by me seriously, this guy is really terrifying!”

Although Tsuru has already said this, Sengoku is still a little immortal

“Crane, my big staff officer Tsuru, are you confused in your brain, see for yourself what is written in your report? With the ability not to be injured and not to die, and it is not a fruit ability, what you mean by this sentence is actually to tell us that this guy is immortal! ”

Although Sengoku looked excited, Tsuru looked as usual

“That’s right, that’s what I meant, and this content is the report I have submitted based on the intelligence that your marshal asked for from the Holy Land, and the conclusion I got from my own experience, it’s incredible, right, but that’s the truth! If you think about it, starting from the Holy Land, when did this guy get hurt? Even if a drop of blood has been shed?

I don’t believe that those who are high up have not tried the sea lou stone, you must know that Pinel killed a Draco, if there is really a way, those guys will let Pinel go? ”

Sengoku wanted to refute, but found that it was powerless, but this report is not the only thing that is difficult to accept

“Well, I have reservations about this, I still don’t believe that there are really people in this world who will not be hurt, you know, even Kaido, will be injured!” But you wrote this one too much! What is Pinel suspected of having the ability to create life? Is he God? ”

Tsuru took a deep breath, although this report was written by her, it was difficult for her to accept this herself, and at the same time, Steel Bone Sora also pricked up his ears, even he couldn’t care about this!

“This is the conclusion I came to in two days on the way back, starting from Mary Joa’s prison to Impelton, Pinel has shown the ability to suddenly recruit his subordinates, maybe you will say that maybe Han Mosheng has the ability of the space department, but please don’t forget, what kind of strength his subordinates are, I have personally fought against them, so I know that his subordinates are all colonel-level figures, and everyone’s strength is almost the same!”

Most importantly, these people obey Pinel’s orders, have no fear, no retreat, and even no distractions at all. If you want to cultivate such a person, how long it will take and how much it costs, I think Sengoku knows better than me!

So after thinking about it for a long time, I probably came to the conclusion written in the report

Pinel can create life, but this creation is not without limits, first of all, the strongest person is the strength of the colonel level, and secondly, this amount I suspect has something to do with time, because if he could summon so many people to talk when he was transported from the Holy Land a few years ago, even Karp could not stop him from escaping, in the vast sea, it only took three seconds for him to escape, jumped ship and sank into the sea, and stayed in the sea.

If it weren’t for my guess, I really can’t think of another way to explain it! ”

After hearing Tsuru’s explanation, both Sengoku and Steel Bone Sora were silent, although they didn’t want to admit it, but what Tsuru said did make sense!

“Don’t we have anything we can do about this person? I saw what you wrote in your report, saying that it takes at least three lieutenant generals to capture Pinel, can this explain a little why? ”

He straightened his collar, and what he said above was to strengthen the momentum of others, and then the focus of the report was the point.

“No problem, the reason is simple, I fought against Pinel, although he is difficult and tricky, but it is all because of his ability to ‘not die’, not because of his own strength

To put it badly, I feel that if you throw out ‘immortality’, Pinel’s combat effectiveness is a normal naval sergeant, no more! Therefore, his strength is not strong, and his biggest threat is those soldiers who suddenly appear, these soldiers who suddenly appear will catch people off guard, and the trait of not killing people will also bite their mouths.

However, as long as the armed color domineering is strong enough, then those soldiers of Pinel will not be of much use and will not be in much trouble.

So, one vice admiral cleans up those soldiers, one vice admiral controls Pinel, and another vice admiral protects the vice admiral who controls Pinel from a sneak attack, and if all of Pinel’s hole cards are those that were displayed during the battle with me, such a lineup is enough to get Pinel! ”

Tsuru said seriously, as if only three vice admirals could arrest Pinel right now!

But how can things be so simple, doesn’t Pinel want face?

After listening to Tsuru’s words on the side, Sengoku said faintly

“Crane, we can all figure out what you said, mainly in your plan, did you think about what to do with Pinel after he was arrested? A person who cannot be killed, what can we do? Now I understand why Draco gave him to us, this is a bomb, put it outside will blow up others, put it in your own home and blow yourself up! Some diaphragm people! ”

Hearing Sengoku’s words, Tsuru was obviously stunned, she fell into this irrational mood of revenge, and in Tsuru’s subconscious, she took grabbing Pinel as a game over, so she didn’t think about it at all in the last step.

Just as Tsuru began to figure out what to do with Pinel after being caught, the phone bug on the empty table of steel bones rang!

Steel bone Kong naturally picked up the earpiece

But there was no navy voice coming out of the earpiece, but a man’s weird laughter first, this laughter is really the sound that Tsuru will never forget for the rest of his life

“Hehehe, it’s actually connected, it’s really interesting that the phone bug I found in the cabin can actually get through to the marshal’s phone!” I saw the chart from the inside of a room, according to the distance on the chart, at this time, Lieutenant General Tsuru should have arrived at the headquarters, right? Lord Marshal, did she tell you about me, if she didn’t mention it, then I would be a little stuffed, after all, I also specially let her go! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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