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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 034

The three people in the office all heard Pinel’s voice, and took a breath at the same time for no reason, and their muscles tightened!

Although Pinel did not stand in front of them, listening to the frivolous and rambling tone, they were inexplicably a little nervous!

“Heath Pinel, you and I are Admiral Steel Bone Kong, I and Tsuru are talking about you, I didn’t expect you to call in, how? After winning a game, the show of power came? Don’t be too arrogant! Arrogant people do not end well! ”

Pinel doesn’t eat this set at all

“Hee hee, Marshal Air, I’ve heard of your name, in fact, I want to meet you, but now forget it, if I see you now, it is estimated that you will definitely burst the hammer, hahahaha time is, we will definitely meet in the future, but I agree with your point of view, arrogance requires skills, and I happen to have!” But you are wrong, I am not here to show off my might, I am here to say hello and familiar faces, after all, I let that lady go back is not idle, the main thing is to let you know that I value me, so that the game can be better and more enjoyable! ”

“It’s better to be famous than to meet, I used to hear about you, but now after hearing your words, I find that the rumors are still a little conservative, you are far worse and more evil than the rumors, is this world just a game in your eyes?”

“Of course, otherwise you think the world is something? Aren’t people living to play games, look at the Crane lady in front of you, was she very decadent before she saw me again? She looks uninterested in anything, but now she should be very spirited, her eyes should be full of motivation, this is the charm of the game, the air marshal gossip don’t talk more, in the end you can’t persuade me, I can’t persuade you, save some saliva, say something serious, today I’m here to declare war! And inform you of the rules of the game! ”

The empty face sank, the Warring States fists were clenched, and the green tendons on the forehead gradually surfaced in the brain!

The empty tone was low, as if he was suppressing something!

“Declaration of war? Are you announcing a little late? On the day you escaped from Imperton, did you declare war on us shortly after? ”

The appearance of the phone bug model Pinel showed a look of horror

“Oh my God, Air Marshal, why do you think that? Didn’t Draco declare war on me when he put me in jail and began torturing me? My escape from Impelton is just my answer to you guys in the last game, I don’t carry this pot! But the last game ended after I managed to jailbreak, and now I’m here to announce the next game! By the way, is Hiliu okay? He should still be alive, the game between me and him is not finished yet! ”

Steel bone Kong listened to Pinel’s words, his teeth were almost crushed, he had never seen such an arrogant person, but he continued to endure, as a marshal could not be easily angry.

“Bastard, no matter what the hell you think, I won’t agree to it, let alone play any game with you! You’re going to die this heart! ”

After hearing the empty words, the phone worm changed his expression again, the corners of his mouth were very large, and his smile was very strange

“Lord Marshal, this is not for you to decide, you didn’t ask my opinion in the last game, Draco didn’t force me into the game

So ah, I didn’t give you a choice this time,

War is a dirty game, and I’m a dirty player

I’ve learned that the Draco don’t seem to be used to spending long periods of time on top of mountains, so they cruise the world they consider their own every once in a while.

The content of the game is simple, I will hunt these Draco who left Mary Joa, and you are to protect them, I am the hunter, you are the defenders, how does it sound interesting!

But some will have a beginning and a tail, now is the beginning of the game, as for the end, it will be ten years, ten years later, see if I kill more people, or how many people you protect! ”

Listening to Pinel’s words, the face of the steel bone is green, they are navy, they are here to catch pirates, not Draco’s nanny, although they secretly do nanny work, but that is only a threat, when Draco is cruising, there will not be a particularly large navy to follow, because this sea will not easily do to Draco, even the head of the four emperors is normal, no hatred and no complaint, why stab the hornet’s nest in other people’s yards!

But Pinel, this madman, will not care so much, as long as he is happy, he will do everything, if Steel Bone Kong sends one or even two vice admirals to protect every traveling Draco from today onwards, then their navy will not have to do anything else, just protect Draco every day.

I don’t know, even if Draco has an accident, he will condemn it and then send a pair of navies to hunt down Piner nominally, strengthen a bounty to save face, but now Pinel has informed them with a phone worm, if their navy does not strengthen the protection of Draco, the navy still wants to ask for military funds from the world government!

“You madman, why didn’t you die in Draco’s cell? Why did you get these anti-heavenly abilities? If you died in Draco’s cell, there wouldn’t be so much going on now, damn it, I’ll catch you, Heath Pinel! ”

The steel bone was also faint, a little speechless.

The phone worm’s smiling face narrowed slightly, and its eyes narrowed a little smaller

“Air Marshal, you can eat indiscriminately, you can’t talk nonsense, you are strong now, then you can’t do anything, but dear Lord Marshal, don’t let your family go out of Marinfodo, and even stay in Marinfodo, don’t be too relaxed, not necessarily when a knife will suddenly appear behind them Oh, don’t blame me for not reminding you then!”

Human beings are really strange, when things are not under their control, when they start to go to the worst outcome, they will reflexively shift the responsibility to others, not my fault, it is his fault, if he is not good, things will not come to this point. How can people who are bored and can’t even accept mistakes face their lives?

I thought that Marshal Air You would be different from these fools, but I didn’t expect you to be nothing more, it’s nice to chat with you, I’ll put away the phone worm, remember to call me when you have time! ”

The empty side kept scolding, but Pinel didn’t seem to hear it, and hung up the phone with his own care!

Sora didn’t call back, although he was already worried when Pinel hung up the phone, but he was a marshal after all, how could he call and compromise with the criminal!

Although Empty was cursing Pinel

But the other person standing in the office, Sengoku felt that it was quite meaningful for Pinel to read the last words!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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