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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 035

Pinel is a person who follows the rules of the game, he has already set the rules of the game, then there is no reason not to play to the end!

Pinel also did not know where the warship went, anyway, he just found an island to land, and then changed ships! Navy warships are too eye-catching after all, and Pinel is not afraid of the navy, but if he is so conspicuous, this game is not fun.

As for how to change the ship, then you don’t care, this world is originally a world of personal cannibalism, the ship is something that others have, then Pinel can have it!

The most thrilling part of this game is that the Navy does not know which Draco Draco Pinel went back to kill, and if Pinel’s whereabouts are exposed, then the game will be boring if the Navy takes all the precautions!

Of course, the information of Draco’s travel is not secret intelligence at all, and even newspapers will report it, after all, Draco is a person with a good face, even if the navy gives a warning, they will not listen

That kind of arrogance from the bones does not allow them to accept the threat, if there is a threat then your navy has to go to me to clean up, why this world can threaten the existence of our Draco, is it not the primary responsibility of your navy to protect the Draco, this is what the Draco thinks, and it is not an individual Draco, but the vast majority of Draco people think so!

Pinel looked at the newspaper handed to him by the person he summoned, the corners of his mouth tugged, and then shouted at the summoned figure at the


“Little ones, target the East China Sea, full speed ahead.”

After Pinel’s words fell, no one responded, but Pinel could clearly feel that the ship had changed direction, looking at the summons whose faces and expressions remained completely unchanged, Pinel’s face was full of helplessness and cursing

“You guys, good ability, loyal enough, good everywhere, just talk again, you really make me a little uncomfortable, can’t beat a fart for half a day, can you live a little, otherwise I feel that this ship is a living person!”

For Pinel’s request, these summoners have no way at all, although they have this human form, and their intelligence is also within the scope of normal humans, but unfortunately, strictly speaking, they cannot be considered human, because they have no unnecessary feelings, no fear, no joy, and their existence has only one purpose, that is, to obey Pinel’s orders!

Traveling with the wind, for a short month, the ship on which Pinel was riding really did not dock again, and by the time Pinel arrived in the country where the Draco planned to swim quickly, the crew on board had already changed

In the absence of supplies, even if these summons have the strength of the colonel-level, they cannot escape the physiological requirements, and they also need to drink water and eat, and in the absence of food and water, these summons can only support ten to fifteen days, so the first batch of summons have starved to death on the road!

When Pinel finally landed, these second batch of summoned objects on the ship had already survived, if it were not for the lack of any turmoil on the way, it is estimated that if it was a day or two later, Pinel would have to summon the third batch!

But these Pinel will not care, after all, with Pinel’s current income, he can summon a colonel-level figure every day, and there is still leftover!

Not only Pinel is like this, but most humans are like this, what is easily obtained will not be cherished, and the current Pinel does not cherish these somewhat chicken colonel-level summons, and because the conditions for opening a high-level military camp are a thousand colonel-level summons, so the current Pinel does not want to save, and even wants to waste!

After docking, Pinel did not go to inquire about the Draco, but first summoned five colonel-level figures and fifteen captain-level figures, let them leave on their own, and think of their own ways to participate in the navy and enter the navy

As for whether it will be discovered, Pinel is not worried about the appearance of this result at all, even if it is discovered, there will be no loss, but if it is successful, it will make a lot of money, and of course Pinel will be counted!

Of course, this is all Pinell’s temporary idea, it is a sudden rise, not the main plan, Piner’s current main plan is still that the current target is still the upcoming Draco!

In any case, even if Pinel is big in his heart, no matter how confident Pinel is in himself, Pinel has to understand how much that Draco came or not, otherwise it is in vain to make a good plan!

The best place to inquire about intelligence is, of course, the most chaotic place in the area!

So Pinel took two summons to the most famous and chaotic place in the area, Garbage Mountain!

After Pinel came to the garbage mountain, he didn’t even ask anyone, just smiled and turned his head and walked to the city, if those summoners had more feelings, they would definitely ask Pinel why he didn’t ask and turn around and leave, because this is not like a place where you can ask for news?

But they won’t ask, and they will never ask why to Pinel kissing, never ask!

But Pinel is a particular person, even if no one asks him, he has to say it himself, after all, villain words are the most basic setting in this world, and Pinel must also abide by this rule!

“I know you won’t ask, but there will definitely be people who want to know, such as those I can feel exist far away but can see me, I will reluctantly explain it to them

The reason why I didn’t ask a word to the people here is simple, because when I saw these stinking mountains of garbage, I concluded that the Tenryu Hot People had not yet arrived, otherwise the arrogant guys would have allowed these garbage to appear in front of their eyes? That’s impossible! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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