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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 036

Pinel returned to the ship and quietly watched the sunset setting down!

Some warm, some sentimental, of course, Pinel will not have these feelings, Pinel is just idle and boring, after all, Draco has not yet come, what can he do? Bullying the civilians of this country? How interesting can that be? It’s not exciting at all, of course Pinel is lazy to do it!

Pinel told his men when there was a particularly big movement on the other side of the garbage mountain, and when to call him again, Pinel planned to lie still in this place until Draco came, and relive the feeling of being in Impelton!

When Pinel went to the garbage mountain before, he had already felt that the place had begun to be in turmoil, indicating that the country’s stewards had begun to take action on the garbage mountain, that is, the Draco would arrive in a few days, otherwise, the country’s stewards would not be so anxious!

Of course Pinel is not in a hurry, he has already cast the net out, just waiting for Draco to drill into it himself!

Ten colonel-level summoners have been scattered to different corners of the country, as long as Draco appears in this country, or even only Draco appears, Pinel has the confidence to disgust the navy!

Of course, Pinel did not dare to conclude that he would be able to kill Draco, if the navy sent many people, even the admirals or a few top vice admirals to accompany him, even if he was similar to Pinel, he would not be able to kill Draco!

This world is still a big fist, and when the value of force is high to a certain extent, the stratagem will not have much effect!

For example, if you are accompanied by the three future generals, the living Warring States Karp or something.

Even if Pinell’s summons could suddenly appear from behind Draco, the reaction power of these top lieutenant-generals was enough to knock Pinell’s summons away the moment they appeared! So ah, if the Navy is really determined to protect a person, Pinel has no way!

But just like Pinel thought, even if he can’t really kill Draco, it’s disgusting enough that the navy wants to vomit!

Pinel waited quietly on the boat for chaos to start, but Pinel waited first not for Draco, nor for the Garbage Mountain riot, but for a man in a green cape

The dragon with a striped tattoo on his face was also inadvertently discovered by Pinel, he just wanted to go ashore to see, but he didn’t expect to find a figure like Pinel when passing by this ship!

The revolutionary is in a period of development, as long as he has not done harm to nature, or even made some small mistakes, but those who are willing to change, he is willing to accept, not to mention, he has also heard about Pinel, just a poor person who has been persecuted by the Draco, he has no reason not to try it!

“You’re Heath Pinell, right, the one who ran out of Shipleton from the Naval Prison!”

Although the dragon is a question, the tone is affirmative!

Pinel didn’t even open his eyelids, just lying on the deck like that!

“Don’t you know, why do you ask, this is more! Is something wrong? Mr. Anonymous? ”

The dragon listened to Pinel’s prickly tone and smiled dashingly, as the leader of an organization, or the leader of an organization that had just been established and was in its infancy, this tolerance was still there!

“I’m not anonymous, you can call me a dragon, I don’t have any hostility towards you, and I feel that we may be people all the way, I just happened to meet you here, not to follow you, I’ve heard of you, poor people persecuted by Draco, the revolutionary army I created is to overthrow the criminal and unequal rule of Draco, I hope you can come and help me!”

When Pinel heard Draco, his closed eyes rolled for a moment, but he still did not open them, and his tone was normal and there was no wave

“Push to the rule of the Draco? What do I have to do with it? It doesn’t matter who you want to overthrow anyone, but if you disturb me to rest, then you are hostile to me! I don’t care what you mean, but my temper is like this, now I don’t have time to deal with you, and when I finish playing my game with the Navy, I’ll go back to you and play the game with you! Now if you don’t want to do anything to me, hurry up and go, I still want to enjoy my sunset! ”

The dragon was blinded by Pinel’s words, it was simply inexplicable, what and what is this, how can it be hostile? Isn’t it just two words, as for it!

But he didn’t care too much about Pinel’s words, the dragon simply thought that this was Pinel’s vigilance, as for what hostility ah, what kind of game, it was just said that he was playing just hoping that he would leave quickly, after all, how stupid people would treat the person they met for the first time as an enemy, so that they would make enemies indiscriminately, and sooner or later they would play to their own death!

The dragon speculated on Pinel according to his own ideas, completely unaware that Pinel was such a madman!

The dragon just hesitated for a moment, and did not insist any longer, he could see that Pinel really had no idea of joining him!

“Since you want to rest, then I won’t bother, but the door of the revolutionary army will always be open for you!” I remember you Pinel, and I have a hunch that we will definitely meet at that time, and you may surprise me then! ”

Pinel waved his hand angrily

“Hurry up, I don’t welcome you, go quickly, don’t block my sunset, what a bastard, the sunset is different every day, if you want to wait for the exact same sunset as today I may need to wait for several years or even more than ten years, don’t waste my time anymore!”

ps: Next chapter preview, burning garbage mountain!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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