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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 037

The dragon is gone, the black face is gone, anyone who is pointed at the nose will not be in a good mood, besides, Pinel really did not give any face, the dragon’s cultivation is indeed very good, but he is also a person, a man, such a loss of face, of course he will also be angry!

Being angry will definitely be angry, and anyone will be angry, but it is the skill to endure the anger!

The dragon came to this is also something, so I think Pinel doesn’t want to be the same as him, and the dragon doesn’t want to make trouble, so ah, this meeting is over, but in Pinel’s heart, this settlement is recorded, there is a good saying, today you block my sunset, tomorrow I will let you die!

The dragon walked quietly, just as he came quietly, and waved his sleeve without taking away a cloud!

Pinel also doesn’t know when the sun sets, maybe he fell asleep and didn’t pay attention, or maybe he didn’t care about the damn sunset at all!

In short, when Pinel opened his eyes, it was his summoner who came to report to him, saying that the garbage mountain was on fire, a very big fire, and it was a fire everywhere, and it was estimated that the garbage mountain could be burned out in one night!

Pinel sat up from the deck and gave a weird smile

“Very good, let’s do it, so it seems that it should not be tomorrow, after all, tomorrow morning is just burned, and you have to clean the ashes, so ah, the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, at the latest it will not exceed four days, the fat pig will come!” Inform down, the plan can proceed to the next step, prepare everything needed, I don’t care if they go to grab or buy, in short, three shoulder-mounted cannons, and at least one sniper rifle with an effective range of more than five hundred meters, if these things cannot be found, tomorrow they will have to kill the fat pig! ”

After hearing Pinel’s words, the summoner who came to report the message directly knelt down on one knee

“Obey, Legion Commander, but there are other orders to convey!”

Pinel stretched and pondered

“By the way, let them burn the explosives on their bodies tomorrow on the garbage, scatter and bury them in that place, the fuse is a little longer, don’t be too conspicuous, gather to a point, find someone to wait for my order, then if necessary, it may be used!” It’s okay, if there is something, I will set off fireworks to find you, go down! ”

When the garbage mountain began to burn, Pinel’s side had already begun to prepare for the arrival of Draco, and the preparation was not necessarily very abundant, but Pinel assured that it was absolutely unambiguous!

On the other side, Draco’s ship has just left the previous country and is ready to go to the next stop, that is, the Goya Kingdom where Pinel is located, Draco’s world cruise, of course, is not as simple as going to only one country, Draco’s patrol is to pass through several countries, otherwise how is it right that they worked hard to come out

It is precisely because of this that Pinel can rush in front of them to the Kingdom of Goya to wait for the rabbit!

If the purpose of the Draco is only to come to the Kingdom of Goya, Pinel can probably only eat fart behind their ship, after all, the Draco has wealth and also represents the most advanced ship of the owner!

Draco, who wore a square glass cover, looked at the endless sea and said to his butler with some impatience

“How long will it take to arrive!”

The butler in a suit looked at the shore that was not far behind him, and wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand

“Lord Charmak, there are still two days to come, please rest for a while, the Kingdom of Green has paid tribute to you with ten beauties, just afraid that your journey will be boring in the future, and now I am waiting for your favor in your cabin, it is windy outside, you see if we will enter the cabin, I will order the kitchen to prepare the meal and send it to your room!”

The Charmark Saint with a head like a genital, showed a smile after hearing the butler’s words

“Good, good, what is the name of the king of the Lin Kingdom, very sensible, I am very satisfied, you can tell him when you have time to provide heavenly gold next year, he can be less than one percent!” You are right, the sea breeze is a little strong, I went first, prepare me with leather whips and other things, I will practice the ability to torture pirates in a while, I haven’t practiced for a long time, it is estimated that they are almost rusty! Tell me when you get to the next place! ”

The navy standing guard around was expressionless, as if they didn’t see that this Draco was ready to persecute that it was a girl in the flower season, and even more paralyzed than Pinel’s summon, maybe this kind of thing has seen more, there is no fluctuation, or in their opinion, Draco is originally the master of this world, just ten lowly women, not to mention being hurt by Draco, even if he just sees Draco’s holy face, he should be grateful to Dade!

Of course, seeing this scene was also accompanied by the vice admiral, the fastest representative of the navy, that is, the yellow ape Borusalino who fought with Pinel!

Looking at the Draco who walked into the cabin, the yellow ape pouted with a gloomy expression and disdain

“Cut, I really hope that bastard Pinel can give some strength, I really don’t understand why our navy wants to protect this gang of scum!” I don’t understand, are the kings of these countries brain-dead? Give Draco a large sum of heavenly gold every year, and it is not Draco who protects their country, it is the navy that protects them, why not directly give the heavenly gold to the navy! ”

The adjutant standing next to the yellow ape quickly made a silent gesture to the yellow ape

“My Lord Lieutenant General, can you not say these words, can’t you say it when you go back to our clothes in the future, this is the Draco’s ship, who knows if there is any eyeliner, this is related to your career, even if you accidentally offend the Draco, you may also be locked up!”

The yellow ape is not yet middle-aged at this time, thirty years old is the prime of life, when he is young and vigorous, of course, he will not be able to look at the behavior of the Draco, but he is not the kind of person who rushes and bumps, although he has anger in his heart, but he can endure.

Although the yellow ape said something complaining, he couldn’t really deliberately relax to create opportunities for Pinel! After all, if Draco is killed under his protection, then he can also escape responsibility!

ps: Next chapter preview, bombarded boats!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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