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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 038

Time is far from as rich as imagined, two days, a moment passed, although there was wind and rain on the way, but also encountered the sea king, but the ship did not stop, said that two days to arrive, then it must be two days to arrive, otherwise this is a matter of the whole ship crew to lose their heads!

That’s right, the ship on which the Draco rides is not a naval man, but a hired sailor, and now the sailors on the ship are already the third batch, the first two batches have already been thrown into the sea by the angry Draco because of the loss of time, if they can survive in the sea if they are trapped hands and feet, then they are not considered to be fed fish!

They were ‘recruited’ to board the ship at the previous stop in the Kingdom of Grimm! If it weren’t for someone holding a knife to his neck and being able to get paid, he would really have been recruited on board!

However, how can there be the word coercion in the eyes of the Draco, everything should be divided, shouldn’t they be happy to serve these civilians for the Draco?

Of course, none of this mattered, the time was in time, although it did not reach the Kingdom of Goya in the morning, but fortunately it arrived at noon! It didn’t drag on until the next day, and it happened that Charmark Saint was immersed in punishing a beautiful woman, so he was not in a hurry, and even when the butler knocked on the door to remind Draco to come to the place, he was scolded!

But it was just a scolding, Draco was just a little self-righteous, not really all of them were so stupid, and those ten women were played by him similarly, and they were a little tired of being crooked in two days!

Stretching out of the cabin,

“Butler, the woman inside is rewarded to you, a lowly, who is not even qualified to be my wife! Where is this? When do we go ashore? ”

The butler bowed humbly

“Lord Charmak, we are already close to the port, and on the shore are the nobles of this Goya Kingdom, who are welcoming you in the road, and we can go ashore in a few minutes, may I ask if we will eat first or patrol the streets first after we go ashore!”

This housekeeper said that eating is a real meal, but the meaning of patrolling the street is not patrolling the street, the patrol here is the Draco people take people to walk on the street, so that all the civilians come out and kneel on the ground to greet, if you see something good, take it away, this is the real meaning of patrolling the street!

Charmark Saint did not reply, but wanted to walk by the side of the boat, he did not come out for several hours, his body was a little tired, as for the butler’s question, why did he answer? Arranging the itinerary is what this butler should do, follow Charmark Sacred Will, then everyone is happy, if not follow Charmark Sacred Will, then it is good to change a butler, there will always be one that can satisfy Charmark Saint!

After Charmark Saint walked to the side of the boat, he looked at the people on the shore not far away, very disdainful to raise their proud heads, and the people on the shore also cheered when they saw the Draco with the glass cover, as if the groupies saw their favorite stars!

Suddenly, St. Charmark saw a small boat passing by his car, with its back to the shore, heading towards the depths of the sea!

Charmark Saint immediately widened his eyes, as if he was a little incredulous

“Guard, where are the guards? Give me that shoulder cannon, hurry up, immediately, I’ll do it now! ”

Just when Charmak Saint locked his eyes on the boat, Pinel stood in the crowd on the shore, cheering like the people next to him, perfectly blending into the crowd!


There is no doubt that the guards handed over what Charmark Saint asked for directly to Charmark Saint as quickly as possible!

And the boat on which our poor Saab was riding was also hit like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the already very thin boat, which was tattered by shells, even caught fire!

You can see on the boat that started the fire, only one and a half old children, desperately using a rag to put out the fire, weak and helpless, pitiful!

There are countless people in Wuyang Wuyang on the shore, but none of them can save a poor child!

Pinel was also one of those watching on the shore, but his smile narrowed a lot, leaving only a fake smile on his face!

Of course, Draco will not only fire a shot to punish, Charmark Saint Tha’s purpose has always been clear, how can a pariah stand past him!

So the second shot, of course, went out!

The boat could no longer hold on, and immediately broke, and a high flag with a capital S standard ignited a raging fire, and the hat that must have been broken went with the wind.

Pinel suddenly heard someone next to him whisper a name in anger

‘Saab! ’

Pinel stared coldly at the Draco who was shooting with a shoulder cannon on his face, and whispered to himself

“Saab? Poor child! ”

Pinel didn’t know what he was thinking here, but the nobles around him exploded!

“On such an important celebration day, he actually provoked the Draco, what is he going to do!”

“Quickly move the ship out of the way, don’t block Draco-sama’s boat!”

“Damn it, whose children are the children, if they provoke Lord Draco, they should be put to death!”

The huge seaside, thousands of humans, after seeing this scene, the first thing they thought was to blame that child, why provoke Draco! No one opened their mouths to save people, some people may think in their hearts, but no one spoke, not one!

Pinel looked around, watching the changes in expressions on the faces around him, the corners of his mouth rose a little, and said in a tone that only he could hear

“The world is really sick! And the disease is not light, I thought that the source of the world’s illness was the fat pigs, but now it seems not, this virus is a human being! Is madness a result, or an instinct? Hi, these don’t matter, Draco baby, get closer, rest assured, it doesn’t hurt, life is a firework in a moment, I should let you bloom! Hey! Hey, hey, hey! ”

ps: Next chapter preview, the plan begins! Three changes today, I try to try to see if I can change five tomorrow…


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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