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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 039

People can always speak without caring. I only trust guys who express themselves by deeds.

– Ugly Island Shin (TV series: Dark Gold Ugly Island-kun).

Pinel didn’t care about the crowd around him, but squeezed over to the little man who had just called out the word ‘Saab’ and patted him on the shoulder

“Hey, do you know the kid who was just killed? Are you angry? ”

The little man replied without thinking

“I’m sorry, I don’t know, I don’t know anyone, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

After saying two words to Pinel, the little man turned and left directly, his back hurried and panicked!

Pinel didn’t catch up and ask for an understanding, because this is also a soul that does not need to be saved!

“The country is rotten, from top to bottom, inside and out! What exactly did I expect? How stupid would he ask! ”

Pinel didn’t look at anyone, a pair of eyes just stared at the approaching ships, until the face of the Draco standing on the deck became bigger and bigger, Pinel slowly took out a pistol, and the index finger of his right hand slowly extended to the trigger, this is the first step in Pinel’s plan, with his gunfire as a trumpet, at the moment of the gunshot, five summoners will attack at the same time, three people shoot, two snipe!

Of course, Pinel knows that the possibility of such an attack being able to kill Draco is very low, but this is only the first step of the plan, and the plan has to be developed step by step, no, you can’t eat a fat person in one bite, and you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry!

Of course, Pinel will not make a fortune like this, silently assassinating Draco, since you want to do it, then you must do it smoothly!

Pinel dialed the phone worm of Steel Bone Empty with his left hand, and Steel Bone Kong may also be in the office, answering the phone in seconds!

“Hey, what do you want to do, Pinel!”

Pinel responded with a grin

“Hee-hee, Air Marshal, long time no see, I didn’t expect that I could actually get through to the phone, but I don’t have anything, I just want to remind you that the game between us is about to begin!”

Steel bone kong listened to Pinel’s words, his heart sank, of course he did not forget the game with Pinel, steel bone kong never doubted whether Pinel lied to him, because as far as the current understanding of Pinel, Pinel must do what he said, after several incidents, it is not difficult to see that no matter what Pinel said, he would do everything to complete it!

“Are you serious? Heath Pinell, I remind you one last time that your actions are provoking the world, you will be the enemy of the world, if you stop here, I can say nothing when you have not said anything, everything can be negotiated, not that everything needs to be made to your death, leave a way for yourself! ”

“Look, you still say that, how can there be so many ways to live in this world, don’t force yourself, you never know how capable you can die!” I don’t need a way back, take a step back and open the sky and so on, these are all excuses that those cowardly people make for themselves, I don’t need to! By the way, Air Marshal, don’t get me wrong, I made this call today with no other meaning! I just want to remind you that next time I will send more people to protect Draco! I’m sure of this Draco, and what I said, the general can’t save him! The game begins! Bang! ”

As Pinel finished his last word, Pinel shot directly, and the gunfire echoed in the steely office, and then the phone worm was hung up!

Steel bone empty looked at the hung up phone worm, his eyes were out of mind for a long time, he was thinking about whether to call the yellow ape to report, and he was afraid that now the war situation over there has begun, if the yellow ape makes a mistake in the battle because of answering the phone or something, it will not be worth the loss, after all, the last gunshot on the phone will not deceive!

Although the steel bone sky side has the intention to help, but the emperor is far away, there is no way, at this time, he has no better choice than praying! Fortunately, the yellow ape sent this time, at least there should be no problems in sneak attacks, as long as the first wave of damage can be blocked, then the inspected country will not watch the Draco being harmed on their national territory, and will definitely deal with Pinel!

At some point, even if there is no way to catch Pinel, at least it can protect Draco!

Although such a fact is in front of the steel bone empty, but I don’t know why, the more the steel bone empty thinks about it, the more awkward it is, the more wrong it is, and there is no bottom in the heart, but I can’t think of where the problem will be!

The picture wields the Kingdom of Goya, and after Pinel’s gunshot, the people standing around him instantly retreated to the square that was originally rubbing shoulders, and a vacuum appeared in an instant for Pinel as the center of the circle!

Everyone looked at Pinel with terrified eyes, and almost everyone’s hearts were pounding

The boy who just sailed out of port has already angered the Draco, and now there is another one who blocks the Draco from firing a gun in front of the Draco, what is wrong with this world, why there are so many problems in a welcoming celebration!

Of course, the Draco also saw the situation in the square, and suddenly became angry and shouted


“Damn untouchables, they actually put guns in my face, not only the brother who put the gun, shouldn’t the untouchables kneel when they see me, why are they all standing?” Damn everyone in the country! ”

Charmark Saint saw Pinel, there is no reason why the yellow ape can’t see it!

Seeing Pinel’s yellow ape, his muscles tensed instantly, this is in politeness, although the yellow ape does not think that Pinel is stronger than him, but in the same way, he did not think of any way to restrain Pinel!

Before the yellow ape set off, he had already seen Pinel’s information, if there was no problem with the head of the person who recorded that information, don’t say it was him, anyone who came would have no way for Pinel!

Just when the yellow ape just wanted to ask Charmark Saint to return to the cabin, three cannons rang out, two gunshots came from all directions, the target was obviously Charmark Saint, and the yellow ape could think of it even with an ass!

Without any care for him, the yellow ape suddenly withdrew from Charmark Saint, and pushed it very hard, pushing Charmark Saint to the ground!

Although Charmark Saint looked very embarrassed after being pushed by the yellow ape, but because of this push, all the attacks were in vain, and they hit the hull of the ship!

ps: Next chapter preview, when the plan is underway!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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