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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 041

If you want to be crazy, the first step, understand who you are, and then, stick to yourself, that’s enough!

– minus one

Facing the navy surrounding him, Pinel stood in place generously, did not hide, did not run, there was no one in his eyes, only Charmark Saint who was hiding behind the yellow ape, and the smile on his face became more and more chilling!

Suddenly, when the navy had not yet touched Pinel, Pinel took the lead in attacking, and a figure suddenly appeared behind Charmark Saint, swinging the knife against the polished shiny glass cover and slashing over, the summoning object was expressionless, but the knife in his hand was swung in a posture that wanted to cut Charmark Saint in half!

Charmark sat on the ground with a terrified face and began to rub back, which is the natural reaction of humans in the face of danger, just like you can’t help but hide back when you watch a needle about to pierce you.

Just when the summoner’s knife was about to slash into Charmak Saint, a golden light passed through the summoner’s chest, and the impact of the light made Pinel’s summoned object fall directly to the side, not moving!

Of course, the golden light will not appear inexplicably, Lieutenant General Yellow Ape withdrew his finger with a serious face, and looked at the smiling Pinel said in a calm voice

“With Heath Pinel here today, you will not want to achieve your horrible purpose! I already know your abilities very well, as long as I don’t leave Charmark Saint, there is absolutely no way for you to kill him!” ”

At this time, the yellow ape had already led the people on the ship to wait for the port, so the voice was enough to be heard!

Pinel didn’t care about the yellow ape’s words, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and then raised the gun, regardless of whether it was aimed accurately or not, and fired a shot directly in the direction of the yellow ape, as if just to provoke!

“Don’t say such sure things before the end of the battle, it’s easy to get punched in the face! It’s still that sentence, if you can do it, you give me protection and try it! ”

The yellow ape looked at Pinel, who did not have any defeated expression on his face, and forcibly suppressed the uneasiness in his heart!

“Hmph, the end of the strong crossbow, what else can you do besides talking big? No matter how many people you still have who can carry out a sneak attack, I will kill you!” ”

Pinel stopped talking, but began to move in the direction of Chalmark Saint!

At this time, the navy that launched operations against Pinel finally came into contact with Pinel through the scattered crowd! At the same time, at least three knives were cut on Pinel’s body, some cut the neck, some cut the stomach, some cut the legs, in short, there were navies attacking in all directions!

Pinelton was cut and flown away, not to mention that Pinel was not prepared, even if he was prepared, it was useless, at most, the direction of flying may change somewhat!

However, at the same time that Pinel flew, another figure suddenly appeared above the head of the Charmark Saint, and the sudden attack once again forced the Charmark Saint back a few steps, and then the yellow ape kicked the summoned object that had just appeared into the air.

In fact, Charmark Saint does not need to retreat at all, because the yellow ape has enough time to save him, but the conditioned reflex is difficult to control, not to mention that Charmark Saint is very panicked at this time, let alone control himself!

The yellow ape, who once again managed to defend Pinel’s attack, pushed his sunglasses

“No matter how many times you come, I will stop it, if there is no other way, give up Pinel, don’t be fearless resistance!”

Listening to the words of the yellow ape, Pinel sat on the ground and suddenly laughed!

“Hahahaha, it’s still the same yellow ape, if it is a crane standing in your position now, it is estimated that she will not talk so much nonsense with me, but directly protect the Draco and leave quickly!” My victory or defeat in this game is not me, nor you, but that stupid pig! He lives the navy wins, he dies I win! And you actually let him appear in front of me for so long, you are too arrogant, Lieutenant General Yellow Ape! And now that you are listening to me seriously, don’t you understand that I am delaying time? What do you think I just shot for? Just a provocation? When have I done something extraneous? Arrogant Lord Lieutenant General, the time has come! It’s time for fireworks! Hahaha! ”

For Pinel, the yellow ape is very cautious, but it is this caution that makes him not leave the battlefield with the Draco at the first time, perhaps because the yellow ape thinks that it is safer to put the threat in front of his eyes, but he did not realize that when he was staring at Pinel, Pinel also stared at the Draco tightly!

And Pinel’s shot that seemed to be a provocation just now was not really a provocation, but a second signal, a signal to ignite!

This square had been planted with explosives by Pinel a few days earlier, and in order to prevent detection, the fuse of the explosives was pulled far away, so Pinel first used two summoners to approach the square with Charmark Saint, and then gave the signal to ignite!

Before the fuse burned out, he was all delaying time, and even saying so many words to the yellow ape at the end was to delay time!

It is clear that Pinel succeeded, and after his words, without the slightest delay, the explosives exploded directly, and the connection was very appropriate!

The yellow ape’s face was shocked, and he hugged the Draco at the fastest speed and yearned to fly in the sky!

But unfortunately, the speed of the yellow ape is very fast, but it can only snatch back half of the Draco, Pinel controls the position very accurately, and the two summoners directly force Charmark Saint directly above a buried explosive point!

Therefore, the Draco sitting on the ground bore the brunt of the explosion and swallowed the body below the butt, and half of the body was directly blown up with blood and flesh blurred!

Immediately after that, there was a big explosion in the entire square, and I don’t know how much explosives Pinel was buried, in short, the entire welcoming square was exploding, whether it was the nobles who had not yet evacuated, or the navy, of course, Pinel was in the range of the explosion!

The explosion did not last long, but it shocked everyone, outside the scope of the explosion, those nobles who recovered a life, they all sat on the ground, when have they seen such a scene after a lifetime of pampering, and it is already good to stay without being shocked by the!

When the smoke cleared, Pinel stood in place in rags, and the corners of his clothes were on fire, and the navy around him was also very embarrassed, each with wounds, but it was not bad, no one died, after all, the people who came out this time were not weak!

The yellow ape held the unconscious Draco, gritted his teeth and looked at Pinel with a maniacal smile on his face, unable to say anything!

Instead, Pinel, tilting his head, looked at the yellow ape, and said softly

“Look, I just said, don’t say too sure before the battle is over, you will hit you in the face!”

ps: Next chapter preview: You can only wait for death! I don’t want to say anything, the fever is repeated, and some people are afraid of me as a eunuch and don’t want to explain, after all, to be honest, it’s already a eunuch, it’s better to say it’s better to do, it’s done writing, those who read it will look seriously, don’t look at people, will find this kind of reason not to look, it’s hard to adjust everyone’s mouth, and I don’t live for others! Please believe me, I am doing my best to write, I want to earn money to support myself, write books to earn money, if I can write more, why don’t I write?


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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