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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 042

The yellow ape gritted his teeth, eager to crush Pinel’s corpse into ten thousand pieces, but unfortunately, he couldn’t do anything, he now had to send the dying Draco in his hands to a doctor as soon as possible, otherwise, this half-cut body could no longer see the human appearance of the Draco was estimated to die in his arms!

“Damn bastard, I will definitely arrest you and put you in a cement bucket full of cement and sink to the bottom of the sea!”

Pinel smiled dashingly

“Oh, is this what your navy thought of against me? It seems that I can’t easily let you catch me now, otherwise things will become a little troublesome!” But now all you need to do is get this Draco to the doctor! Looking at the amount of bleeding, it is estimated that it will not be saved in another fifteen minutes! Of course, this is just my judgment, you can choose not to believe it! ”

Of course, the yellow ape knew that Pinel was telling the truth, and if he didn’t even understand these basic attempts, then this vice admiral of the navy headquarters would really be no different from what he bought!

But the accompanying ship doctor basically all died in the explosion just now, even if he did not die immediately, the state was no better than the Draco in the hands of the yellow ape, after all, the accompanying doctor is not a combatant, not so strong, such a close explosion, if there is no one to protect, you can only resign yourself to fate!

The yellow ape floated in the sky and did not dare to land on the ground, who knows if there are other traps laid by Pinel on the ground! Shouted loudly to the surviving nobles of the Goya Kingdom

“What are you still stunned for? Is anyone here a doctor? If anything, stand up, if Draco dies in this country, can you imagine what will happen in this country? ”

Listening to the words of the yellow ape, those nobles who were not affected by the explosion looked at each other as if they were looking for a doctor

Pinel looked at the somewhat dazed crowd and said faintly

“Most of the people who can stand here to greet the Draco are nobles, Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, do you think doctors in this world can be nobles?”

The yellow ape was choked by Pinel, but he didn’t have any room for rebuttal, he really hadn’t heard of that doctor being a nobleman, but he also had no way to carry the Draco all over the street to find a doctor, at this time, moving the injured person greatly would only speed up the speed of Draco’s death!

The yellow ape didn’t care why Pinel said that, and continued to shout at those nobles

“Are you all idiots? Since there is no doctor here, then hurry up and find it! Why are you all stunned here? See the excitement? Are the nobles of this country idiots? Who is the king! Hurry up and command your people, no matter what method I use, if no doctor arrives within ten minutes, you including me will be in big trouble!” ”

Listening to the roar of the yellow ape full of anger, the king of the Goya Kingdom immediately began to command, and the nobles of the entire scene took action to the south of the city, the west of the city, the east of the city, the north of the city, the nobles of various places were responsible for each region, and the whole country searched for doctors, everyone wanted to grow two more legs, the closer ones used to run, and the farther ones rode wildly, which was very lively!

Pinel’s side is not idle, those navies have not given up their attack on him, Pinel himself has no strength, but does it mean that he just accepted his life like this, although his inventory is not much, but after these ten days of accumulation, plus the remaining inventory before, it is still possible to summon dozens of people

In fact, the exact number is that Pinel can also summon thirty-four people at the level of colonel, and after these summons, the total number of summoned people in Pinel will reach more than three hundred and forty, which is still six hundred and sixty people short of the number needed to upgrade the barracks!

None of this is important, the important thing is that Pinel summoned twenty-four people to stalemate the twelve navies who attacked him, just said that the navy could not be easily arrested, then it was necessary to be serious, although Pinel looked unreliable and pompous, but Pinel would not underestimate anyone, because he himself grew up from a small person to this point, how could Pinel underestimate himself!

After the nobles of the Goya Kingdom had almost gone to the doctor, Pinel spread his hands and said in an apologetic tone

“Ah, I’m sorry, Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, something I just forgot to tell you, those nobles may not be able to bring anything back, because last night, I have killed all the doctors in this country, how can I leave such a major loophole, you say!”

I never had any illusions that Draco would die directly in the explosion just now, in my plan as long as his leg was injured, I didn’t expect him to be so badly injured, to be honest, I was a little unhappy, because the next plan three, plan four, plan five, all in vain!

No, no, the exact number of plan three is not in vain, maybe because the yellow ape lieutenant is your natural ability, so you don’t feel that I mixed some non-fatal poisons in the explosion smoke just now, and the kind that works very slowly, because it is cheap, so I bought these!

The effect is probably after smoking, ten minutes will gradually take effect, the effect is also very general, first speed up blood flow, make people become excited, this process lasts about three minutes, after three minutes, it will make people very sleepy, very tired, and eventually fall asleep, there is no harm to the body, it is said that some nobles take the initiative to smoke drugs to help sleep before going to bed!

But in this scenario, that’s enough for me, isn’t it? At least that fat pig in your hands can only wait to die now! ”

The yellow ape’s expression was calm, and Pinel said so much, but let the yellow ape understand the reality!

Pinel’s resolute and victorious expression on his face is undoubtedly telling the yellow ape that the Draco is dead, and there is no doctor in this kingdom, then unless a miracle occurs, no one can save the Draco who has been blown away and the glass shards are all over his face!

The yellow ape forced himself to calm down, since the person in his hands was already certain to die, then there was no need to spend energy for him, it was better to concentrate and take down Pinel first! Otherwise, if you let Pinel run away in the end, then the navy will really lose the pants!

After figuring it out, the yellow ape casually threw the Draco to the ground and said to Pinel with an expressionless face

“You won Pinel, but is there any way for you to escape from me now?”

ps: Next chapter preview: Do you believe everything I say?


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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