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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 043

Pinel watched as the yellow ape really left the Draco on the ground, and the Draco, who was already half-dead, was directly broken by the gas!

To be honest, Pinel himself was stunned, he really didn’t expect the result to be like this.

Seriously, he just said it casually, he didn’t expect the yellow ape to be so decisive, and actually gave up directly!

“Seriously, Vice Admiral Yellow Ape, if the generals of the Navy have the IQ of you, I really don’t know how the Navy has persisted on this sea for so long! Do you believe anything I say? You didn’t think about what I would do if I lied to you? Like now, do you say that this head is mine, or is it yours? Of course, my words may also be disturbing your mind, I advise you not to believe it! After all, we are now enemies, how can you easily believe my words! ”

Pinel had a strange expression on his face, but after hearing Piner’s words, the yellow ape’s face completely changed, the same as eating, but now it’s too late to say anything, if Pinel really lied to him just now and didn’t kill all the doctors in this country, and those nobles really brought the doctors back within ten minutes, the death of the Draco that day really didn’t necessarily count on anyone’s head!

“Bastard, why would God take such care of you bastard! If I could, I would really like to kill you! ”

Pinel didn’t feel threatened at all, as if he had been praised

“Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, when you say that, you are praising me! But don’t just talk about it! My purpose has been achieved, if you don’t do it, I will run!” I am a very principled person and will not easily do unplanned things! Seeing that you are very pitiful, do you want me to stand still and beat you for a while, so that you can get angry!” ”

If arrogantly want to collect taxes, then Pinel may have to pay to bankruptcy, provided that Pinel is willing to pay!

No matter how the yellow ape is said, he is also a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, and even the next admiral who is scheduled to be the admiral, when did he receive such a provocation!

“Don’t be too arrogant, speed is power, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?”

The yellow ape was angry and corrupted at this time! The figure flashed, and in a blink of an eye appeared on the left of Pinel, and the shining kick kicked Pinel in the face, Pinel’s hat was kicked away, and the whole person flew towards the direction of the sea, because there are many nobles of the Goya Kingdom near the city wall, if the yellow ape kicks Pinel to the side of those people, it is inevitable that there will be hostages!

So the yellow ape can only kick Pinel in the direction of the sea, and after this kick out, the yellow ape regretted it, the last time he met Pinel jumped into the sea to escape, and now he has kicked Pinel in the direction of the sea, the same mistake actually made twice!

Taking advantage of the fact that Pinel had not yet landed, the yellow ape followed and flew up and kicked Pinel back to the original point when Pinel had not yet landed!

Affected by the yellow ape’s angry feet, Pinel said that he did not feel anything, slowly stood up, patted the soil on his body, pretended to be angry, and pointed at the yellow ape with one hand

“It’s too much, I just said to beat you, you kick me two times now!” But yellow ape, you have really grown, you can actually think that I will run through the sea, it seems that you are not an idiot! But if I’m leaving, can you really keep me? In this square where you can grab a handful of nobles! Do you want to keep me? Isn’t it a little naïve? Probably it’s our difference, the identity of the Navy will make you cringe! If you really want to arrest me regardless of the lives of these nobles and even kings, I will look up at you!” ”

As Pinel spoke, he turned around and waved, and ten sergeant-level summons suddenly appeared behind the king’s side and those nobles who could feel their identity when they looked at the dress!

A standard long knife was directly placed on the neck of these nobles!

After all, the inventory is tight, so Pinel saves resources and does not summon a powerful colonel-level summon, and at this time, waste system wood at will, then Pinel has in his head!

Pinel, who had done all this, faced the yellow ape and spread his hands

“Naw! Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, how do you think you should choose now? I swear, as long as you do it to me again, then there will be a nobleman who will die because of your actions! If you don’t do it, although it is not necessarily that I will let them go, but they will not die because of you!

Can you think clearly about the pros and cons? Seriously, if your trip is safe and sound after the death of a Draco, another king and a vote of nobles, and you continue to be promoted, then your backstage is really hard! ”

Pinel doesn’t like to play conspiracies, he prefers to watch others know that this choice is a pit, but they can’t do anything and have to jump in!

Just like now, the yellow ape knew that it was an absolutely stupid decision to let Pinel go at this time, but he hesitated, if it was Sakaski who stood in front of Pinel today, then Pinel would not say such a thing, because Pinel knew that Sakaski would not care about those nobles!

But the yellow ape is different, a lazy temper who is committed to clocking in to work, clocking out of work, and having a lazy temper that messes with life, before making any action, he will first think about whether it is worth it!

Just like many years later, when the top war, the yellow ape attacked Whitebeard at speed, there was no reason to be slower than Kuzan, but in the top war, Kuzan and Whitebeard had just faced each other, and Sakaski had just faced Whitebeard, but the yellow ape did not!

Why? Because the yellow ape does not want to be a marshal, the general is already his peak, so he does not need merit, and there is no reason to fight with Whitebeard!

Now, after listening to Pinel’s words, the yellow ape really began to think about whether to release Pinel!

While the yellow ape was thinking, those navies that had originally fought with the summons stopped and watched, and the summoners that competed with them also returned to Pinel’s side!

Pinel walked towards the beach step by step, slowly walked past the yellow ape’s side, walked through the devastated square, less than thirty or forty meters away from the sea, and it took only three or five seconds to run with all his strength

At this time, the nobleman who had just gone to find a doctor ran back to one, followed by a man carrying a medicine box, shouting while running!

“I brought the doctor back, where is Draco-sama, where is Draco-sama!”

After hearing this, the yellow ape’s face changed, and without thinking, he directly turned to Pinel and began to attack

“Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu! Eight-foot mirror! ”

As for why the yellow ape suddenly became so decisive? At least half of the responsibility for the death of the Draco has been counted on his head, what else does he have to worry about, even if all the nobles present are all gone, there is no greater responsibility for the death of the Draco! So if the yellow ape can arrest Pinel now, he may still be able to make it happen!

ps: Next chapter preview: everything is under his control!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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