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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 044

Loss is just a moment, a momentary oversight

– Yuki Midorikawa, “Hotaru no Mori”

Pinel does not believe that this world has a natural protagonist, such a person favored by God, this existence that treats the efforts of others as a child’s play, should be burned to death, so Pinel does not believe that he can have luck against the sky.

Just like him, even though he had already walked past the yellow ape, but the skin heat did not relax at all! It’s not that Pinel had already guessed that the yellow ape would suddenly make a move, but because

There is such a possibility, so Pinel has been guarding against it!

Pinel never thought he was going to win all the time, he just wanted to lose more slowly!

In the face of the yellow ape’s combo, Pinel smiled back, and then three colonel-level summons directly blocked in front of Pinel, blocking Pinel’s body while igniting the explosives on his body!

Pinel looked at the figure that gradually formed beside him and scattered light, his face full of regret!

“It’s too late, Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, if I hadn’t walked past you, you might still have a chance to arrest me, and I wouldn’t have walked as casually as I do now!” But by the time I walk past you, it’s too late! ”

As Pinel spoke, half of the yellow ape’s body had already condensed, and he reached out to grab Pinel’s clothes

“Don’t say it too early, you taught me!”

In the face of the yellow ape’s outstretched hand, Pinel is not a stake, and he can’t move!

Facing the yellow ape’s hand, Pinel of course jumped back, and casually picked up the knife pinned to his waist to block!

Of course, Pinel’s long knife did not cause any damage to the yellow ape, but it was enough to delay time! The fuse of the explosive is not so long, a few seconds is enough for it to explode!

Or the familiar sound, the familiar taste, the original explosion, Pinel and the summons, including the yellow ape, are within the scope of the explosion!

The yellow ape swore that he had never been attacked by explosives so frequently before he met Pinel, and the way of attacking explosives was very slow, and even had a certain time delay, which was not within the scope of the yellow ape’s consideration, but now, because of Pinel’s particularity, he had to bear these things that he had never endured, more than once!

It can be completely used in two words to describe the mood of the yellow ape at this time


The half-cut body of the yellow ape that had just taken shape was suddenly blown up into light again, after all, those summons, without the invincible capital of armor like Pinel, should also be bombed to the sky!

And Pinel, the old way, with the reaction force of the shock wave, flew in the direction of the sea! I don’t know when, Pinel liked such a fast way of moving forward, convenient and fast, and quite handsome, right?

“Hip hop, every time you enjoy it has a different feeling, the feeling of flying is really comfortable, hey! Landing on the ground still feels so unpleasant! ”

Before Pinier’s words were finished, he landed on the ground and slid out ten meters from the ground, still the kind that landed on the ground!

Pinel stood up and shook the soil on his body, tearing up the clothes that were already tattered and could be scattered at any time!

“Oh, it would be better if it could be smoother and dashing when landing!”

Pinel said to himself, looked at the beach a few steps away in front of him, and looked back at the yellow ape that had just flown into the sky from the raised dust

“Oh, look, I’ll just say it’s too late! Today’s fun is enough, I won’t accompany you to play Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, and just when that Draco died, I seem to have appeared more interesting toys, I hope you can make me happier next time we meet! Go back and tell Marshal Air that I won this first game! See you next time! Forget it, I’d better share the joy of victory with him personally! So everyone, see you soon? ”

Pinel made a very gentlemanly bow, took off the non-existent hat from his head, put it on his chest, and bent lightly!

While saluting, Pinel walked backwards in the direction of the sea!

The yellow ape’s hidden eyes under the sunglasses are about to protrude! Shouting loudly at the bewildered navy

“What are you still stunned for? Rush over and grab him! His speed is not fast, there is still a chance, absolutely can’t let him go! Hurry up! ”

Listening to the yellow ape’s shout, Pinel laughed playfully

“My Lord Lieutenant General, do you think I’ll just walk slowly? I don’t want to be so naïve, I’m just lazy to run, not that I can’t run! Also, did you forget about those nobles and kings? Little ones, let’s do it! ”

Pinel spoke over and over again, ran a few quick steps over and over again, and when the last word was finished, a jump plunged into the sea!

The yellow ape looked at Pinel running, and his heart suddenly tightened, mainly because Pinel is too close to the sea, if Pinel goes, there are still some opportunities, but Pinel runs, it is really not in a hurry, after all, it will take more than a second at most, Pinel can enter the sea!

Of course, the yellow ape did not forget the king’s side, otherwise he would have rushed up to capture Pinel himself, and other nobles may not be saved, but the king can no longer die!

The yellow ape looked back at the laser blow and directly killed the sergeant standing behind the king, even so, the origin of the king’s neck of the Goya Kingdom was cut through a trace of skin by a sharp standard long knife!

As for the other nobles, I’m sorry, the yellow ape said that love can’t help! Only after their death can be avenging them!

That is, in less than two seconds, the yellow ape solved the summons that coerced the nobles, and when he turned his head, Pinel had disappeared into the sea, and many navies also jumped into the sea to chase Pinel!

A few seconds later, a huge splash suddenly stirred up on the surface of the sea, and it seemed that something had exploded at the bottom of the sea!

The navy chasing Pinel who jumped off did not come up alive again!

After all, these navies are not fish people, and it is not easy to use the strength of one body after jumping into the sea! Want to chase Pinel in the sea? Unless the person chasing is a fish man, it must be a fish man above the strength of the colonel!

The yellow ape flickered, came to the shore where Pinel jumped, looked at the sea with a gloomy face, and then looked at the navy who was standing around a little overwhelmed, and did not know what he was thinking!

After a few moments, the yellow ape slowly spit out a few words!

“Terrible man, no, he is no longer in the realm of humans, he is the devil! Everything is in his plan, it’s hard to imagine, this is just plan two, what is the next three, four, five may not know in my life, I still don’t understand where the problem is, why I lost. It’s terrible! ”

Perhaps Pinel didn’t know that he had left some shadows in the yellow ape’s heart, so much so that the favorite mantra of the later yellow ape was ‘how scary’!

ps: Next chapter preview, you are thieves?


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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