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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 045

The yellow ape did not hesitate for long, after all, there are still a lot of things waiting for him to deal with, he failed, but he will not be knocked down by a failure, he is the navy, vice admiral of the navy headquarters, victory and defeat is a common thing in soldiers He understands this truth, no matter how unacceptable this defeat is, but he must cheer up, if even he falls, then what should the navy that follows him do?

After taking a deep breath, the yellow ape began to orderly command the people at the scene to evacuate, the injured people hurried to treat, and those nobles who had not yet eased up in panic also needed to be pacified, of course, the most important thing was that the yellow ape also had to report to the steel bone, although he failed this time, but this does not mean that he can hide the incident if he does not report, even if he will be punished or even demoted, but the yellow ape still has to tell the marshal that he really wants to win, in order to win next time, the sooner the intelligence is provided, the better for the navy!

After distributing the work, the surviving navy began to act intensively!

And the yellow ape took the phone worm from a navy and connected the phone of the steel bone!

Ever since Steel Bone Kong received Pinel’s provocative call, he sat in his office and kept drinking tea with some apprehension!

After seeing the yellow ape’s phone worm ringing, Steel Bone Empty calmly connected the phone!

“Hey, yellow ape? How’s it going? Did Pinel catch it? ”

The yellow ape was a little surprised

“Air Marshal, how do you know that I came into contact with Pinel? No one on my side should have reported to you yet! ”

“Before you started, Pinel called me, I have been waiting for your news, it has not been long, listening to your voice should not be hurt, it should be good news!”

The yellow ape paused and did not answer immediately.

This pause made Steel Bone Void also sink in his heart, but he still tried his best to calm down and said in a voice

“Say, Borusalino, tell me everything!”

“Air Marshal, I failed, Lord Charmark died, Pinel also ran, it’s not that I want to explain my failure, but Air Marshal, Pinel is a real monster, from the moment I saw him, it should not be said that from the moment he saw our fleet, my defeat was doomed, every step was in his calculations, I can’t imagine what words to use to describe him, it’s simply the devil, he calculated everything so clearly, and even calculated everyone’s character so properly, it’s a bit shameful to say it, Air Marshal, I’m a little scared! ”

The yellow ape’s voice was a little decadent, a little low, even if they didn’t meet, but the steel bone sky could imagine the expression on the yellow ape’s face at this moment, helpless with fear!

Steelbone’s tone began to change, and he gritted his teeth a little

“Damn yellow ape, cheer up a little, you are a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, if even you lose your fighting spirit, how can we fight him in the future?” Do you just watch Pinel drag the world into the abyss? Draco, death is death, I will go and explain to the five old stars, I know that this is definitely not your reason, now tell me something useful, don’t tell me that after a battle, so many people died, you didn’t gain anything!” One defeat is not terrible, what is terrible is that after one defeat, you dare not fight a second time! ”

The yellow ape took a deep breath, he was just a little defeated, not completely lost his fighting spirit, as a strong person, he could admit defeat so easily!

“Air Marshal, it is now certain that Pinel himself has almost zero strength, and his main means of attack are explosives and those summoned objects called by Lieutenant General Tsuru, which we already know

But I found that the number of people he summoned this time was not large, and I don’t know if it was because Pinel thought that these people were enough, or if for some reason limited his summoning at this time, I personally preferred the latter

And when cleaning the battlefield, I found that there was a difference between the people summoned by Pinel, and the equipment of those people was agreed to the system, almost identical! However, the strength of those who have guns and knives and explosives is probably that of a colonel, and the strength of a person who only has a knife is probably a sergeant!

Finally, Air Marshal, tell the navy that it is possible to contact him in the future, Pinel cannot believe every word he says! He has achieved the highest level of lying, telling some truth mixed with some falsehoods, we can hardly distinguish between true and false, the best way is not to believe a word! He’s a madman, a pure maniac, a terrible maniac, damn it, even just thinking back to Pinel’s actions and words makes my heart tremble!

I’m sorry Air Marshal, all I can think of is these things! ”

After hearing the words of the yellow ape, he did not blame the yellow ape, he understood the yellow ape steel bone Kong, laziness is laziness, but he was never vague in business, he was a reliable person, otherwise he would not have sent the yellow ape to protect that Draco!

The yellow ape failed this time, and it was definitely not because the yellow ape was slacking, but because Pinel was too strong!

“You rest first, after finishing the things over there, come back immediately, for Pinel to suspend the arrest first, we have to study it well, otherwise it will be in vain!”

The yellow ape’s side is temporarily over, and after Pinel’s side circles around the bottom of the sea, he landed on the island again from the other side of the Goya Kingdom!

His ship is still docked in the port of the Goya Kingdom, if Pinel does not want to change ships, and the most dangerous place is the safest place, who would have thought that Pinel did not run at all after jumping into the sea? Normal thinking will definitely think that Pinel ran out of the bottom of the sea like Pelton did before, and I don’t know how far!

And the place where Pinel will go ashore again is planned before, a place called Windmill Village, I heard that it is Karp’s hometown, Pinel thinks that even if the yellow ape will search the Kingdom of Goya, but there will definitely be some scruples about this village, so Pinel chose here!

But Pinel didn’t enter the village right away!

In this sensitive period, if Pinel suddenly enters this village, it will inevitably make people suspicious, so Pinel plans to enter the mountain behind the windmill village to hide for two days, the mountain is high and the forest is deep, there is no better hiding place than here!

On this jungle-thick mountain, Pinel walked along a path all the way, and soon a wooden house appeared in front of Pinel’s eyes.

At the same time, Pinel also saw that the little dwarf who was just in the square was being pushed to the ground by a child, and there were some people with similar clothes standing around, and everyone had a variety of weapons, Pinel chuckled, ordinary villagers, they don’t carry weapons with them!

Without thinking, Pinel walked directly forward and said cheerfully to the group

“Oh, may I ask, are you thieves?”

ps: Next chapter preview: Try to kill the world!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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