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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 046

Pinel’s voice attracted the attention of the Da Dan family, everyone looked at Pinel, a big question mark appeared on his head, Ace also stopped his behavior, no matter what, his own people can make trouble, can’t let outsiders see the joke is not!

The majestic Da Dan stepped forward with a vigilant face

“Who are you? Ask us if we are thieves? What’s up with you? ”

Pinel is a very gentleman, the clothes on his body have been changed after he went ashore, and as for the summoning that provided the clothes, he was sent by Pinel to join the navy as an undercover agent!

Pinel took off his hat with one hand and saluted

“My name is Heath Pinel, I am currently a pirate, I have no other meaning to come here today, I just want to spend the night for a while, the trip at sea is a little tired, I want to find a quiet place to rest, I think you should not object, because if you will object, I may need to kill you!”

Pinel said well in front, but in the back, the painting style was completely repeated, and he said who he wanted to kill lightly, maybe Pinel didn’t notice how big the reversal between his own words was!

Although Pinel stood squinting, the whole person did not move at all, but Nadadan and the others were already in place, sweating like rain!

If Pinel hadn’t released that amazing killing intent, maybe Da Dan would have been tougher, but now the people of Da Dan’s family couldn’t even move when facing the killing intent released by Pinel, let alone any hard qi!

Before the child with the straw hat who kept crying and didn’t notice anything because of his grief, only the freckled boy who had just pinned the little man Pinel had seen on the ground could still make a weak action!

At least put on a posture against the enemy!

Pinel looked at Ace with a smile and said softly

“Are you going to fight me? Children? Can I ask a little bit about your name? ”

Ace pressed his teeth and struggled to support, Ace’s talent is very good, but now he is still a little too young, has not seen anything beyond the sea, just a little chick who does not know how to fly, and has not seen the cruel world, so it is already a talent to be able to support in front of Pinel!

“My name is Ace, I don’t want to stand with you, because there is no chance of victory, but if you want to kill my friend, I will never allow it!”

Pinel did not praise Ace’s courage

“Courage is commendable, but it’s stupid, when you find that there is a big gap between us, the first thing you have to do is not how to stop me, but how to run away, only if you live can you take revenge, if you die here with these people, what is the point?”

But I have some interest in you, you said if I kill them all and then let you go, will you have more motivation to improve? At that time, if you grow to a certain strength and come to me to take revenge, you may be able to provide me with a lot of fun! And the crying little ghost over there makes me a little upset, do you object to me taking him first? ”

After Ace and Da Dan heard Pinel’s words, their pupils shrank into a point, and no one knew whether Pinel was telling the truth or deliberately scaring people, but these were simply overwhelming murderous for the Da Dan family, and it didn’t look like a joke at all!

Seeing that Ace was about to rush over and make a move, Pinel suddenly reaped the killing intent, and everyone in the Dadan family, including Ace, suddenly threw themselves on the ground, and Pinel spread his hands to the people who fell to the ground

“Of course, the premise of these things is that you object to what can happen after I stay here, I am a very principled person, I like to do everything step by step, now I am asking, can I stay here and rest for a while?” I was a little tired some time ago, and I’m going to accumulate something too! Is that okay? ”

Da Dan looked at Pinel with a wistful glint in her eyes, and at this time she didn’t think Pinel was longing for her consent. Da Dan looked at Pinel’s eyes with a crazy light, obviously hoping that she would refuse, so that he would have an excuse to complete the series of things he just said!

So ah, Da Dan didn’t even think about it, blurted out!

“Of course it’s no problem, distinguished guests from afar, we are a hospitable thief family, you can stay here as long as you want, even if we give this place to you, we can move it ourselves!”

Looking at Dadan’s smiling expression, he sighed with some disappointment

“Do you really agree? If I’m weak, shouldn’t I resist as a thief? You don’t have to go, as if I’m bullying! I might have a lot of fun with you! If I didn’t have you, I guess I would have to go to that village down the mountain if I want to have fun! What a hassle to say! ”

Hearing Pinel’s words, Da Dan’s expression tightened, Ace also cast a firm light, although Da Dan is a mountain thief but she is not a thief without heart and lungs, the windmill village under the mountain has long been her bond, otherwise when Karp first came to find her, she could have run away, but she didn’t, not because there were no good people in the windmill village elsewhere!

“I know, we won’t go, what are the rules in the future, please ask His Excellency Pinel to quote, what we did is wrong, please also point it out!” No matter what we can discuss, please don’t do anything to us! ”

Pinel waved his hand indifferently, he was not crazy enough to kill people at will!

“Don’t worry, I’m not crazy, how can I do it easily, you can continue what happened just now, when I don’t exist!” I prefer this look called Ace Little Ghost! ”

After speaking, Pinel casually found a corner and sat down, closing his eyes and recuperating, as if everything in the outside world could not disturb him!

ps: Next chapter preview: Try to kill the world! (Lower).


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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