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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 047

After seeing Pinel go directly to the corner and not ask, Ace also remembered the thing just now, the thing that was very important to him!

Immediately turned his head and picked up Dogula’s collar

“Dogula, what did you just say, Saab is dead? Can this be said nonsense? Even if it’s a joke, I won’t let you go! ”

The little dwarf Dogula has just experienced Piner’s shocking killing intent, and now he is being carried by the collar by Ace, which is also miserable enough!

“I didn’t speak, I saw with my own eyes, Saab was killed by Draco shelling when he went out to sea in a small boat! The man sitting in the corner of the wall, I was standing together at the time, and I saw it! ”

Pinel heard Dogula’s words, opened one eye, and said softly

“Call me Mr. Pinel, don’t call me that person, or that guy, we don’t know each other so well, it’s rude, but I can prove that what you said is true, the little ghost with the gentleman’s hat was blown up by Draco’s two cannons and fell into the sea, but I can’t be sure if he is dead, but he fell into the sea and suffered, if no one rescued him, it is estimated that he will die!”

Ace now confessed, he didn’t think Pinel would lie to him in this kind of thing, and there was no reason to lie to him.

His legs fell to his knees weakly, his eyes straight

“How so, Saab, didn’t he go home, why did he suddenly go to sea! That’s not how things shouldn’t be! ”

Pinel closed the eye that had been open again! But there was no silence!

“It’s a very simple truth, there’s nothing you can’t figure out, because it’s not happy to stay at home, so you will leave home, if you are really happy, the ghost will hang the pirate flag and go to sea!” That’s right, I can see it clearly, the little ghost you are talking about is hanging the pirate flag and going to sea! Like you, a brave fool! ”

As if he was talking in a dream, Pinel whispered with his eyes closed!

But after hearing his words, the bandits and Ace present were all silent, only Luffy with a straw hat was still crying!

Ace was silent for a moment, and then grabbed Dogula’s shoulder with even greater strength!

“Where is the guy who killed Ace? I’m going to kill him to avenge Ace!” ”

The short Dogula responded helplessly

“Impossible, that’s Draco, this is obviously impossible!”

Ace did not stop, picked up an iron pipe and rushed to the outside of the wooden house.

The strong Da Dan went up and held Ace’s head and pressed him to the ground!

“Don’t stop the smelly boy yet! Obviously you don’t have the ability but always love to do it, what can you do when you go? It’s just to send to death, the next day after death will be forgotten, you are still just such an insignificant person, it is this country that killed Saab, it is this world, what can you change alone? ”

Da Dan still wanted to say something, but remembering that there was still Pinel in this room, she stopped what she wanted to say, just when she wanted to let Ace tie up, Pinel didn’t know when he fought behind Dardan, and a pair of cold eyes looked at Ace who was struggling and struggling!

This is probably the first time that Pinel has a serious face since leaving the Holy Land, and no matter what happens in the past, Pinel can at least maintain a faint smile!

“It’s stupid, how did such a person survive for so long? If you are on the sea at this time, I have every reason to suspect that you may not live more than a week!

I don’t know what that Saab is to you, if it really matters, you should be a ninja before you have no ability, after all, sending death and revenge are two completely different concepts!

And you this woman, what is it that a person can’t change anything? The wrong is this country, so long to destroy this country, wrong is this world, destroy this world, aren’t the rules of this world so simple?

There is not so much truth to talk about in this world, what black and white are right and wrong, people who only see black and white, are losers all their lives! You, a thief, have been nesting all your life, don’t teach bad children anymore, okay? This kid has potential, and I don’t want you to spoil such a good toy! Also, can you get off him, I have something to say to him! ”

Pinel feels a pity, if according to the teachings of this woman called Dadan, one day the wild nature of the child called Ace will be worn out, and the people who can ignore the identity of Draco and want to do something to it, in Pinel’s opinion, are all people who can be saved! ! !

Kicking Dadan’s strong body aside, Pinel looked down at Ace lying on the ground, and the smile gradually surfaced on his cheeks again and slowly expanded!

“Little ghost named Ace, this world is not as powerful as you think, this world killed that Saab, this life, you need to get back from this world!” I have already helped you kill that Draco, now you owe me a Draco’s life, you have to return it to me in the future, and the only thing you need to do now is to quickly become stronger, and then try to kill this world! Hahaha, take this goal as your lifelong goal, and believe that you can do it sooner or later! Come on boy! I’ll watch you! Hahahaha! ”

Pinel laughed happily and laughed heartily!

But this smile and this laughter are strange horrors in the eyes of the Da Dan family, what kind of person, what kind of arrogant and self-righteous person would say such a big contrarian thing, it is simply unimaginable!

But this voice, this smile, is so magical, although terrifying, but people don’t want to look away!

PS: Next chapter preview: Unlock heroes!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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