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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 048

The farce ended with Pinel’s demonic laughter, and Ace was not impulsive, although blood had already been bitten out of his lips!

When the farce ended, the time was not early, Pinel ate dinner under Dadan’s ‘warm invitation’, and everyone got to know each other during the dinner, Pinel always had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with these people in front of him, and even some inexplicable good feelings, especially the straw hat on the head of the crying child, Pinel swore that he had definitely seen it somewhere!

At first, everyone was still very restrained, but after drinking two or three glasses of wine, they let go a lot!

The people of the Da Dan family have also let go a lot of boldness, although Pinel was a little nervous when they first met, but when he was not sick, it seemed to be quite normal!

“Pinel, where are you from, how did you come to the windmill village!”

Pinel took a sip of soup

“Me? I don’t know, I have amnesia, since I woke up in a prison five years ago, the memory has not been found, my memory is only these five years! The soup is good, how about another bowl, I haven’t eaten anything so good in five years, if I don’t give it to me, I can kill you! ”

Da Dan is probably used to Pinel’s way of speaking

“Okay, here you go, can you say who to kill without moving!” Others will think you’re neurotic! Would you really kill for a bowl of soup? And this is just ordinary mushroom soup, it’s not as delicious as you say, what have you eaten in the past five years! ”

Pinel tilted his head and thought for two seconds.

“Probably, if I don’t give it to me, I’ll probably actually kill you!” I haven’t eaten anything in these five years? So there’s no problem saying that the soup is delicious! When I was in prison, they didn’t prepare any food for me, and I forgot about the food after escaping, and I wasn’t hungry anyway! ”

Da Dan listened to Pinel’s words, and said that his heart was so tired, more tired than taking care of Luffy and Ace, at least Luffy Ace could still communicate, and if she said it, she could at least understand, but for Pinel’s words, she understood every word, but together it was a little difficult to understand!

“What do you mean you haven’t eaten for five years? Do you blame me? No one can go five years without eating! ”

Pinel didn’t seem to argue for anything, and as a result, the newly served soup was drunk dry in one gulp, and he didn’t care that it was a soup that came out of a boiling soup pot, enough to burn his mouth full of bubbles, and after drinking it, he put the bowl in front of him and said with a smile

“If you don’t believe it, forget it, anyway, whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me, thank you for the soup, I went to rest, just in that corner, I don’t have the habit of snoring, it won’t make a noise with you!” Well then, everyone! ”

Gentleman Pinel’s no, every word and deed makes people can’t fault anything!

No one replied to the Da Dan family, quietly watching Pinel walk to the corner of the room, sit down directly against the wall, and begin to close his eyes and rest!

Seeing that Pinel really went to rest, the Dadan’s family did not say anything, although they did not invite Pinel to stay, but who do you let go and throw him out now? Who dares to go?

After a wordless dinner, under the sad anger, everyone rested!

Everyone rested, but here in Pinel, it was not calm!!

As mentioned before, when the explosion in the square, the system moved a little again, but Pinel had no intention to check it at that time, so it was shelved, and now idle, Pinel also has the opportunity to see what kind of changes have occurred in the system!

Pinel closed his eyes and communicated with the system in his mind.


Congratulations to the host for unlocking achievements, killing more than five hundred enemies, rewarding a hero, you can choose in the hero pool of the Legion War, hero strength is related to level, heroes are divided into one to ten levels, specifically want to correspond to what strength and the chosen hero is related, the impact is unique and can be resurrected, the resurrection price is increased by five hundred gold coins each time! At present, the number of heroes you can choose from is one, and there are the following heroes to choose from!

Archmage: Can increase the health of summons, and the degree of increase is related to the hero level!

Dark Ranger: Reduces enemy attack power, which is related to hero level!

Snake-haired Banshee: Increases summoning speed, the degree of increase is related to the hero level!

White Tiger Sacrifice: Increases the power of summoning materials, and the increase is related to the hero level!

Night Lord: Increases summons’ ability to recover in battle, and the degree of recovery is related to the hero level!

Jungle Guardian: Bounces the damage taken by summons to enemies in a certain proportion, which is related to the hero level!

Paladin: Adds summon armor and can heal a person for a certain period of time, and the increased armor and healing effect are related to the hero level! ”

Pinel looked at the information given by the system and thoughtfully!

There is no shock how, as if Pinel has lost the ability to greatly fluctuate his mood, looking at the introduction of the heroes, Pinel’s first reaction is to start researching which hero is the most suitable, after all, only one can be selected at present, and no one knows if there will be a next time!

Pinel looked so simple that it could not be more simple to introduce it, using the oldest and most effective way of choosing human beings, and the name was pleasing to the eye!

“Archmage? Stains, three words, such a short name is certainly not powerful, PASS! Dark Ranger? Ranger? What I want is positive gang, Ranger play a JB, PASS! Snake-haired banshee? Why not humans? No! White Tiger Sacrifice, ibid.! Night Lord, the name is too pretentious, disgusting! ”

After being rejected one after another, finally the last two remained!

Pinel looked at the paladin’s three own names, looked at the five-word name of the Jungle Guardian, hesitated for about 0.018 seconds, and then decisively chose the Jungle Guardian!

“The host chose the hero jungle guardian, because the hero’s appearance conflicts with the rules of this world, so the system automatically deducts two thousand gold coins to change the hero’s appearance, and the number of remaining gold coins in the host, one thousand and five!” Happy stay owner! ”

ps: Next chapter preview: Jungle Guardian!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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