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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 049

“People must rely on themselves!”

———— Doctor (Gallom Terato).

After Pinel chose the Guardian of the Jungle, a new option appeared in the system, and an altar appeared next to the normal barracks, and an altar was waiting for a fully equipped man!

Pinel can feel that he can summon this hero at any time, but Pinel is not in a hurry, after all, no one knows if he can be summoned back after summoning! The gold coins needed for a resurrection are quite expensive, and they are getting more and more expensive!

This altar has a heroic introduction

“Guardian of the Jungle (Level 1):

The prototype is a tree man, which has been changed to a human template, and the attack method is mainly to shoot energy, which can provide a two-percent counter-damage effect for the rest of the summons!

At this stage, the strength is sergeant, and it costs fifty gold coins to upgrade! ”

The system is still the same system, or as always the introduction!

Obviously, the meaning of this introduction is to let Pinel explore on his own!

Pinet has become accustomed to the routine of this system, and has no temper, and directly clicked the upgrade button!

The gold coins were deducted fifty, and after that, the information of this hero changed a little!

“Guardian of the Jungle (Level 2):

The prototype is a tree man, which has been changed to a human template, and the attack method is mainly to shoot energy, which can provide a 4% anti-damage effect for the rest of the summons!

At this stage, the strength is ensign, and it costs a hundred gold coins to upgrade. ”

Pinel smiled and began to upgrade with a helpless face! After the gold coins were all ordered, they finally reached the rank of colonel

Then Pinel found that there were two ways to upgrade when he wanted to, and the introduction given on the system was like this

“Jungle Guardian (Level 7).

The prototype is a tree man, which has been changed to a human template, and the attack method is mainly to shoot energy, which can provide 14% anti-damage effect for the rest of the summons!

At this stage, the strength is Colonel, and it costs 3500 gold to upgrade (350 gold after unlocking the next level of the barracks!). )”

Pinel licked his lips, and his closed eyes opened a little slit! But then he closed his eyes again, anyway, he has a lot of time, there is no need to immediately understand now

Although Pinel is a little curious about the emitted energy in this introduction! And that so-called anti-injury effect Pinel is also a little curious! But it doesn’t matter, now the important thing is to sleep!

After a night without words, Pinerge listened to the earth-shaking snoring overnight!

Pinel was really drunk, he didn’t expect that as a woman, Da Dan snored the loudest!

After the sky was dark, Pinel went out, he was a little really unable to stand the earth-shaking snoring, in addition to the sound of explosives exploding, and the sound of gunfire, Pinel really couldn’t stand other noises, harsh and upsetting!

When Pinel walked out of the Da Dan family, he stood in the doorway, looking at the sun that was about to rise, and the afterglow under that little light reflected this Pinell’s face as bright as half dark!

At this time, there was a movement behind Pinel, Pinel knew who it was without looking back, this point can get up, and there is only the relatively mature Ace in the entire room!

Pinel didn’t turn his head back,

“Is something wrong? Can’t sleep? Why not sleep more! ”

Ace stood behind Pinel and was silent for a moment

“Who the hell are you? How strong are you now? Can you teach me to become stronger? Teach me how to kill the world! ”

Pinel scoffed

“I am Heath Pinel, I will not teach you, I am not interested, I am not capable, I will not stay, and I will leave after the navy of the Goya Kingdom is withdrawn!” I don’t need bonds, that will only make me flawed! There’s nothing more fun than chaos! One of my own is enough! Little ghost, we are different, although at present, we will not be enemies, but we will not be friends either! So, stay away, little ghost! ”

Pinel doesn’t want to accept the love of this world, because he doesn’t want to forgive the world, and Pinel doesn’t want to suddenly have a little reluctant feeling when he is about to destroy the world, in that case, even if Pinel finally succeeds in ending the world, it feels like he lost!

But as long as the person is alive, how can it be alone forever, there will always be someone who stays by your side without face and skin, anyone is, no matter how unbearable and offensive this person is, but there will always be someone who will not care about all this, appear in your world, just appear sooner or later!

I’m going to walk around the forest, and the cool morning air is very refreshing!

After saying that, Pinel walked towards the depths of the forest, not looking at Ace standing behind him at all, so aggrieved that he was about to cry! Ace had never asked anyone in his life, this was the first time he spoke, but Pinel refused! But this has nothing to do with Pinel, and Pinel doesn’t owe anyone!

After entering the forest, Pinel went further and further! I don’t know how long it took, anyway, the surrounding trees are about the same length, the ghost knows how far it goes, anyway, Pinel walked from the time of dawn to the dawn, looking at the position of the sun, it should be about eight o’clock or nine o’clock!

Just as Pinel was about to stop and find a place to study the Jungle Guardian, suddenly a crisp oriole-like voice came from a distance, if Pinel heard correctly, it should be calling for help!

Pinel originally didn’t want to care about these nosy things, but I don’t know why, but his feet moved on their own, running in the direction where the voice came from, step by step faster!

Soon after bypassing a large tree, Pinel saw the person who called for help, it was a child, thirteen or fourteen years old, very delicate, although the face was a little gray, but the high nose bridge, big eyes could not be concealed! At this time, the little girl was falling to the ground, and in front of her was a brown bear who had just gotten up to eat breakfast!

Looking at the brown bear getting closer and closer to the girl, Pinel did not move, after all, Pinel is not a nosy person!

The little girl also did not see Pinell’s figure, her eyes were probably only the bear that was getting closer and closer, looking at the brown bear with saliva, the little girl smiled with tears and closed her eyes!

I don’t know why, maybe it’s that smile that makes Pinel’s scalp tingle!

I don’t know why, Pinel felt that if he gave up this little girl today, then he might lose something important and might regret it for the rest of his life!

ps: Next chapter preview: Ness!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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