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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 050

What I lost, I will definitely get back with my own hands!

—————— Pony (True Colors of Heroes).

The brown bear has a big mouth and reaches out to the head of which little girl, seemingly trying to bite off all the little girl’s head in one bite!

Pinel frowned, he hated the feeling now! This feeling of losing something important!

This made Pinel feel that there was a big hand controlling his life! This feeling is quite unbeautiful, and Pinel has an extraordinary attachment to the feeling of freedom! Perhaps because the desire for freedom has been ingrained in Pinell’s heart, Pinel really does not want to be dominated by reason!

But it was already too late, and when Pinel had just made up his mind to ignore the girl, he suddenly found that he had walked in front of the little girl and blocked the bear, whose mouth was less than fifty centimeters away from him, and he was about to ‘kiss’ on his face!

With a little smile on his face, Pinel frowned, and glanced back at the little girl behind him who was staring at him with wide eyes!

Those big eyes are full of illusions about all the good things in this world! If Pinel’s eyes are dead silent, then what kind of newborn baby-like eyes are in this little girl’s eyes, pure without a trace of impurities!

“Alas, I guess I owe you in my last life!”

As soon as Pinel’s words were finished, before the little girl could say anything, the brown bear’s mouth took Pinel’s head in its mouth!


A scream enough to shatter glass reverberates throughout the forest!

The brown bear took Pinel’s head in his mouth and bit it twice, his eyes were a little straight, even if it was an animal, there was something a little intelligent, and it could still be felt if the bite was not crushed!

Pinel quietly pointed a pistol at the brown bear’s throat!

“Hey, Brother Xiong, can you loosen your mouth! The breath in your mouth is not so fresh, and there is no need to keep me for so long! Early in the morning, I want to get some fresh air! Let me go! ”

While speaking, Pinel shot while not the slightest hesitation, without thinking about whether this head bear was the father or mother of a nest of bear cubs!

The shooting technique, decisive and natural, skilled and funny, Pinel has always shot all the bullets in his gun before stopping!

The brown bear is more than three meters tall, and when it falls to the ground, it also stirs up a burst of dust. There is nothing that cannot be solved with one shot, if it cannot be solved, then use explosives, this is Pinel’s most basic understanding of this world!

Pinel tore out a piece of his blouse, used it as a towel, wiped his face well, washed his face with brown bear saliva, and there was no one, his face was full of the smell of saliva, that feeling that if it were not for Pinell’s inhuman treatment in the hands of Draco, it is estimated that he would have vomited long ago, full of sour taste!

Suddenly, just as Pinel wiped his face with despair, a pair of small hands hugged Pinel from the position behind Pinel! The softness that hit the heart suddenly made Pinel’s heart beat fiercely!

In an instant, Pinel broke free from this embrace! And jumped back two times in a row, opened the distance from the little girl, and the gun that was no longer bulleted was aimed at the little girl, and Pinel was full of vigilance!

“Stand there and don’t move, or I can’t guarantee your safety!”

The little girl opened her mouth, but no figure came out, just like that, she wanted to hold Pinel with her arms open, with an expectant expression on her face, as if she was saying to Pinel, brother hug!

Pinel looked at the little girl’s expression, her expression changed slightly, and she took a deep breath

“I don’t know who you are, you don’t know me, I saved you just by accident, we won’t see each other again!”

After speaking, Pinel turned around and left, without the slightest pause, decisively as if there were no feelings, and the heart was surprisingly cold!

Pinel, who turned around and walked out for a long time, secretly looked back, and found that the little girl was still standing in place and opened her hands, maintaining the hugging posture, but the expression on her face had changed from the previous innocent romance to aggrieved, and her big eyes still had tears!

Pinel was expressionless, and although he looked back, his footsteps did not stop, and he disappeared into the depths of the forest!

———— split ———— line ——————

As a child, Pinel led a little girl out of the forest, followed by a summon, and pulled the bear with difficulty!

At this time, the people of the Da Dan family also got up, the splitting of firewood, the cleaning of cleaning, the breakfast of the breakfast, the sun of the sun!

Da Dan, who was basking in the sun, saw that when Pinel understood a little girl, she had been pitted twice, and suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart, accompanied by deep despair! But don’t ask, Da Dan will not die!

Da Dan pointed to the little girl who was holding Pinel’s hand with a smile on her face, and said with a promise

“Pi… Pinel, who is this little girl? ”

Pinel had an icy smile on his face

“Picked up in the forest, can’t speak, when I saw her, the bear was about to eat her, and then somehow I saved her, and then she entangled me!”

Dadan’s face was full of horror, after listening to Pinel’s speech yesterday, she never thought that Pinel would be kind enough to save someone and save an insignificant person!

“Pinel, is this really what you saved this morning? Isn’t it your distant relative or something? ”

Listening to Dadan’s question, the smile on Pinel’s face became a little more gloomy

“Oh, Da Dan means I’m not so kind, I think so, so can you help me kill her!”

Listening to Pinel’s words, Da Dan laughed twice, and looked at the little girl, and found that the little girl looked at Pinel with longing on her face, and did not feel any discomfort because Pinel said that he would kill her, that posture, as if saying that everything Pinel did was right, even if it was to kill himself!

“Well, just kidding, don’t take it seriously, but Pinel, what do you call this girl?”

Pinel shrugged

“I asked, and she didn’t speak, so I called her Ness! In the future, her diet will be handed over to you, this bear is the deposit, I think you will definitely refuse, right! Ms. Dadan! ”

While speaking, Pinel rubbed the gun on his waist, and the meaning of the threat was self-evident!

ps: Next chapter preview: Navy withdrawal!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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