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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 051

Good and evil in the world come from a single thought in the human heart!

———- don’t know where it came from!

“Of course there is no problem, what is our relationship, Pinel, can I not help you talk?” Are you looking down on me! ”

Pinel smiled and put his hand down, and nodded with a smile!

“No, I can look down on you, I don’t know what kind of person you are, this is to ask you politely!” Don’t blame me! ”

The tone of their speech was like an old friend who had not seen each other for many years, how could they see that Pinel and Da Dan only met yesterday!

And the little girl who has been pulling Pinel has been looking at Pinel and smiling like that, like a little fool, Pinier has no way at all, after all, people are saved by himself, and they can’t rely on others, although he keeps saying that he doesn’t want to save, but in fact he blocked the bear, no one else, it is Pinel!

Pinel thought very simply, he could not go back to sea with Ness, she didn’t care, if she went to sea with such a young child, didn’t this clearly tell the enemy, my weakness is here! Besides, there are already two children here, so there is no problem in having one more, right?

In this way, the Da Dan family welcomed two new members, Pinel and Little Nais!

Pinel originally thought that the Da Dan family was a mountain thief after all, and how much life would not be to the point of starvation, but after all the life, a week later, Pinel found that the Da Dan family, nominally thieves, but never went down the mountain to rob, can only be regarded as a group of people who gathered here to escape some things and try to survive, if it were not for Pinel hitting the bear a few days ago, they could not guarantee that there would be meat for every meal!

Pinel looked at Ness, who was sitting next to him holding a piece of meat without looking up, smiled inexplicably, and then snapped his fingers, summoned a colonel-level summon, and said to Dadan

“Dadan, I can’t stay long, then Ness will ask you, I may come back to pick her up, probably not, this person I will stay here, you call him, Colonel No. 365, usually help you work and hunt or something, when Ness really grows a body, I don’t care about the others, she must have meat for every meal!” Da Dan I only ask for one point! After I’m gone, don’t give your idea of grievance to Ness, and don’t make any decisions for her after the age of eighteen! Human beings are creatures that yearn for freedom, if there are rules around, what is the difference between them and livestock in captivity! ”

After Pinel finished speaking, he also touched Ness’s head, maybe Pinel himself did not find it, but in Dadan’s eyes, Pinell’s face was full of spoiled at this time!

Feeling Pinel’s hand, Ness stopped eating, like a kitten, closed his eyes and put his head up, looking very comfortable!

Pinel didn’t know if Ness could understand him, but so far, Ness acted as if he was deaf and dumb! Pinel also estimated so, probably because Ness was deaf and dumb, and then he was left to fend for himself in the forest! Otherwise, how could such a young girl appear in the depths of the forest by herself!

But those are not important to Pinel, the important thing is that now Ness hands her protection, although life and Pinel think a little off track, but these are all small problems, right? If every step goes according to plan and there is no change, then what is the meaning of life! The reason why life can be the most interesting thing is because of its polygons, and no one can guarantee what will happen in the next second, right?

This week’s time, Pinel is not the kind of Pinel who escaped from Impelton and is full of hatred for this world, not a reward, a sea thief of 300 million Baileys, not a nightmare for Draco, this week’s time, he is just Pinel, a simple Pinel!

Until a week later, finally the news came, the navy of the Goya Kingdom was withdrawn, the death of the Draco finally fell the hammer, the king of the Goya Kingdom was sentenced to death, all the nobles of the kingdom abolished the noble establishment, Vice Admiral Yellow Ape was punished, the rest of the navy accompanying were all stripped of their naval status and reduced to slavery, and the rest of the Draco ship was also sentenced to death!

In general, except for the yellow ape, everything was expected by Pinel, in Pinel’s thoughts, even if the yellow ape will not be swept to the end, it will at least have to be lowered by one or two levels, but I didn’t expect to be fooled by such an easy and simple punishment!

Pinel looked at the newspaper, squinted blindly, and explained to Ness, who was sitting in his arms

“Look at Ness, this world is still big fist in the end, if the yellow ape is not strong enough, this time it will have to shed its skin if it does not die, what Draco is not Draco, said that in the end it is not a group of fat pigs in captivity, compared with watchdogs, watchdogs are more useful, aren’t they!” Hahahahahaha, sure enough, this world is still this world, it will not change, it will not admit mistakes! Hahaha! ”

Pinel was going to leave today and stay here for a week, and to be honest, the feeling of home scared him! Sometimes he looks at Ness and asks himself in his heart, is Pinel with bonds, or Pinel!

Finally Pinel found out that he didn’t know, he didn’t know if he was still the same Pinel he was when he left the Holy Land! Although the skin bag is still the same skin bag, his world is not only about revenge!

The more he came into contact with this world, the more Pinel discovered that something else was breeding in his world, something that Pinel didn’t quite understand!

PS: Next chapter preview: re-understanding the world!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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