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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 052

I always see the funny side of things and always laugh!

————Clown! (Batman: The Dark Knight!) )

Early the next morning, that is, the eighth day that Pinel came to the Dandan family, Pinel got up early in the morning, Pinel glanced at Ness lying next to him, gently covered the net, and then got up and walked out the door, Pinel didn’t know what he would say if everyone woke up, parting words or something, Pinel never thought he would have such a day!

So ah, it’s better to leave quietly, life, it is impossible to always face difficulties, there will always be things that you don’t want to face, this is understandable, isn’t it! Pinel comforted himself in this way, and thus forgave himself for his own evasion this time!

Pinel quietly walked out and greeted the moonlight!

But after Pinel walked out, he found a figure sitting in the doorway, as if waiting for him!

Pinel was not surprised, because when he woke up, there was no familiar snoring sound in the room, which was enough to get his attention!

“Are you waiting for me? Dadan? ”

Da Dan smoked a cigarette and did not look at Pinel, but at the natural moonlight!

“You’re leaving? Didn’t you say goodbye to them? Ness wakes up and doesn’t see you crying! You should know how much she depends on you! And Ace and Luffy, although you said you wouldn’t teach them, the guy you found trained them every day! I see that the person who came out is also very strong! ”

A figure at the level of a colonel is already a strong outrageous figure for Dadan!

Pinel showed a big smile!

“So what? When have you ever seen a villain care what other people think? I’m Heath Pinel, an emotionless lunatic! ”

After Pinel finished speaking, he raised his legs and walked, following the road he came from eight days ago, all the way down!

Watching Pinel go farther and farther, Da Dan was silent for a long time, and finally shouted at Pinel

“Tired of playing outside! Just come back and rest! ”

Pinel didn’t reply, as if he hadn’t heard it, but the little Ness, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, had tears in his eyes closed, his hands dragged the quilt made of animal skin, and the corners of his mouth bit hard!

Pinel walked down the mountain expressionlessly, he didn’t know if his choice was right or wrong, but he knew that he definitely couldn’t leave with Ness! Life is helpless everywhere, the system that doesn’t know where it came from, only gave him the ability to protect himself, and the current Pinel can’t protect anyone!

But since he has made his choice, Pinel has no right to regret, and the pace under his feet is getting faster and faster, and soon Pinel starts running!

Keep running, keep running, as if you don’t dare to enter and leave this place and you can’t do without it again!

Even if he was panting like a dog, even if the feeling that his lungs were about to explode had already made Pinel’s eyes bloodshot! But Pinel’s footsteps did not stop in the slightest! Run away from this forest like a run!

Since Pinier left the Holy Land, he had never been so embarrassed as he was today! Never, not once! Like a bereaved dog!

Soon, running all the way like this, it took half a day, Pinel finally came to the place where he parked the ship, fortunately, the ship did not have anything that could indicate Pinel’s identity, and there was nothing on board, but even so, the obvious traces of being turned over could still be seen!

Pinel looked at his ship, shrugged indifferently, and then got on the ship, summoned a few summons, and went to the kingdom to collect supplies, while Pinel began to adjust his state, lying on the deck to empty his brain, Pinel needs to empty all his distractions, he can’t take the head of so many distractions now to the sea, Pinel needs a calm and ruthless cruel faith chaotic brain, not such a brain with some good memories!

Just when Pinel was preparing to go to sea, the windmill village welcomed a big man, and he also walked out of the windmill village, Monchi · D. Karp!

Karp also heard about what happened in the Kingdom of Goya, and he rushed back as soon as possible!

One is to see if his grandchildren have been affected, and the other is to tell the navy and the people of the world government that he is from the windmill village, and if the world government wants to vent the death of the Draco on the Goya Kingdom, then he will protect the people of the windmill village until he dies in battle! At this time, Karp is still in the prime of life, and he doesn’t want to be so old and confused more than ten years later, if Ace is caught and about to be executed at this time, Karp will definitely not do nothing, not because of recklessness, but will not think so much!

After saying hello to the village chief in the village, Karp wore big flower pants and walked up the mountain!

Soon, with Karp’s foot power, he soon came to the Da Dan family!

At this time, the people of the Da Dan family were gathered around Ness, coaxing Ness who was crying! As well as Pinell’s summons, who meticulously stood by the guardian Ness!

The first thing to see Karp is, of course, Pinel summon, and Karp also recognizes the costume on this summoner at a glance, this costume has spread in the Navy headquarters and is the most wanted target!

Karp, who was originally grinning, suddenly became serious, disappeared in place in an instant, and the next moment pressed the summoned object to the ground, and shouted loudly to Dadan!

“Hey, Dadan, why is this guy here?”

Karp’s sudden move also startled Dadan, who quickly said

“This is what Pinel left behind, to protect Ness and for us to hunt!”

Karp’s face became even more gloomy, and he said in a heavy tone

“Have you seen Pinel? Where is he? What did he do? What was said? Do you know what he did? ”

When Dadan faced Karp, no matter how many times he saw it, he was still so nervous

“I’ve seen it, I just left a few hours ago! What’s wrong? What’s the problem, can you let go of Colonel 365 first? ”

Karp pressed the letter to the ground and slowly let go!

After letting go, the summon directly flashed out, blocking in front of Ness, isolating Karp and Ness!

After Karp released the summon, he grabbed Dadan’s collar, pulled Dadan aside, and asked through gritted teeth

“What did that Heath Pinel do?”

Da Dan replied cautiously

“He’s out to sea!”

“Going to sea? Today? ”

Da Dan had a flattering smile on his face

“Well, listen to him, he wants to understand the world again!”

Karp frowned, he really didn’t know what to think about Pinel this person, even what Dadan said now, he didn’t know whether to go to the new!

What does it mean to revisit the world? Is there some hope for the world again? Or is there something else hidden in this sentence!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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