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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 053

After Pinel set out from the windmill village, two years passed, and in these two years, Pinel seemed to have disappeared from the sea!

Pinel neither caused trouble nor did he go against the Navy, and the phone bug placed in the Marshal’s office had not ringed for two years!

Even the marshal of the navy has already been changed to the Warring States, and Pinel spent two years traveling all over the world, walking through the first half of the Great Voyage, and even making a circle in the second half of the Great Voyage!

Two years, counting the first-level efficiency upgraded two years ago, in the course of these two years, Pinel upgraded the benefits six times, spending a total of 135,000 gold coins, and the next upgrade will require 40,000 gold coins!

It took Pinel two years to get to this point! Now Pinel’s daily income is as high as nine hundred wood, which means that according to the colonel-level summons, Piner can summon three a day and have a surplus! After two years of accumulation, Pinel had already saved 200,000 wood, and successively summoned 700 colonel-level figures scattered in all corners of the Great Voyage!

Pinel’s idea is very simple, he can’t use so many people around him, and it’s also for nothing to put it around, it’s better to spread it out and not necessarily use it at any time!

To be honest, Pinel can now be called a big guy, there is no problem at all!

Two hundred thousand pieces of wood on the body, throwing out the three hundred colonel-level summons that need to be upgraded, Piner still has more than 120,000 wood left, and these wood summons general-level summons! Can summon twenty-five!

To know what the concept of these twenty-five is, there are only sixteen vice admirals in the headquarters of the Navy! Counting those generals who are under the IQ of the vice admiral, this number will definitely not exceed twenty, this is not yet the time of world recruitment, the top combat effectiveness of the navy is only these!

Even if the combat effectiveness of the vice admiral level summoned by Pinel is slightly weaker than that of the vice admiral in the navy headquarters, but anyway, with the title of vice admiral, no matter how bad it is, it will not be too far behind! Although Pinel is extremely lacking in top combat effectiveness! But it is not completely without the ability to fight with the navy, at least although the probability of winning is very small, it is still no problem to bite off a piece of meat fiercely!

However, after two years of wandering, Pinel hates the world much less, travels all over the world, he has seen many honest navies who ask for the people’s life, although the strength is not high, but he is willing to work hard for the ordinary people!

I have also seen people embracing and warming, and in places that the navy does not take care of, self-reliant people will spontaneously set up escorts to protect women, children, the elderly, the weak and the disabled, and Pinel has witnessed their life-for-life fighting with pirates, just because their wives and children are behind them!

Pinel has seen family affection, friendship, and love in these two years!

I saw kindness, I also saw people who were willing to repay grievances with virtue, and even contacted many pirates who were laid off and did not want to go to sea to venture out to sea and settle in the village at random!

Pinel believes that these people still need to be redeemed, the world has not reached the level of rotten he imagined, not everyone is Draco’s helper!

In the past two years, no matter where Pinel went and what kind of story he saw, he couldn’t help but think of the girl he once saved, and even Hancock, who used to warm each other in prison, was no longer so deep in Pinel’s mind, but the girl named Ness was like a virus, deeply rooted in Pinel’s marrow!

So after two years, Pinel returned to this place again, this place called Windmill Village, next to his parked boat, Pinel also saw, a dog-headed warship, how could Pinel forget this ship, this ship that once sent him into Impelton!

Pinel ordered the summons, docked the ship aside, and went ashore alone! Piner did not hang the pirate flag, so the people on the warship next to him took a look and withdrew their gaze, just as a cargo ship temporarily suspended to collect supplies, and no pirate would take the initiative to stop next to the warship!

Pinel didn’t stop at the windmill village, after all, the person he thought about was not here!

Without stopping, Pinel came directly to the Da Dan family on the mountain!

Watching Dadan’s wooden house getting closer and closer, the smile on Pinel’s face gradually became real, and the smile became kinder!

When Pinel saw Dadan, Dadan was sitting with a strong man under the tree at the door of the wooden house drinking wine, glass after glass, without talking, just drinking quietly like that!

Pinel walked over quickly and said hello to Dadan!

“Hey, Dadan, I’m back! Ace, Luffy, Ness and they? Did you hang out? Did you let Colonel 365 protect Ness, after all, Ness is a girl, can’t she be compared with Luffy Ace! ”

Da Dan listened to Pinel’s voice, and the hand holding the wine glass froze obviously! Even the figure with his back to Pinel tensed his muscles in an instant!

Pinel didn’t have a premonition of anything, looking around for someone!

Da Dan hesitated for a few seconds, took a deep breath, put the wine glass down, and whispered to the man sitting in front of her

“I knew this day would come sooner or later! This is what I owe him, you leave it alone! ”

After speaking, Da Dan slowly stood up, looking at Pinel with a haze on his face, his chest kept rising and falling, and his heart fluctuated obviously very much, as if he was afraid, and it seemed to be angry!

“Pinel, don’t get excited first, you listen to me, something happened to Ness!”

ps: Next chapter preview: Something happened to Ness!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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