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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 054

As soon as Dadan’s voice fell, before he could continue, Pinel’s face had changed, his smile stiffened, and he converged a lot, leaving only a cold smirk that made people unable to see their thoughts hung on his mouth!

Of course Da Dan knew that Pinel was angry, and very angry!

Although he only survived with Pinel for seven days two years ago, although it was only seven days, Da Dan could clearly feel how much Pinel was related to the deaf and mute Ness, the kind of heartfelt care that could not be deceived, otherwise, Ness would not have been pestering Pinell!

Da Dan bit his lip, clenched his fists, and said to Pinel with some difficulty

“You calm down first, I know this matter is a little difficult for you to accept, I know that you are angry, you should really be angry, I failed you, I didn’t take good care of Ness, it’s my fault, everything is my fault, after listening to me, I want to take this life directly if you want!”

Pinel snorted lightly, with a smile on his face, if Karp, who was facing away from Pinel, turned around at this time, he would definitely find that the smile on Pinel’s face at this time was no different from two years ago!

“Interesting, tell me what happened!”

Da Dan saw that Pinel did not directly move, and was slightly relieved

“Things have to start from the day you left, you just left in the morning, Karp came at noon, Karp you should know, he said he knows you!”

Pinel scratched his head with one hand and pulled a handful of hair

“Know, he doesn’t save sitting then, I’m not blind! You go on! ”

Da Dan swallowed a mouthful of spit, she had never seen Pinel like this, to be honest, Pinel who showed nothing like this was much more terrifying in her eyes than the Pinel who opened his mouth and shut up and killed you!

“Karp recognized your Colonel No. 365 at a glance when he came, and then asked me about your existence, and then I told him about you, and Karp also knew the existence of Ness and the relationship between Ness and you, but Karp is not the kind of person who implicates innocents, after looking for several circles nearby and not finding your existence, he is not pursuing, after taking it for a few days, he left, and he swore to me that he would never mention Ness to anyone!

In fact, he did it, but only when Karp came back a year, his subordinates suddenly received an urgent order to go up the mountain to find him, and they saw the existence of Colonel 365, I don’t know how they all recognized, Karp and I didn’t expect him to recognize it, and then after returning to the warship, the subordinate of Karp drank too much and said that this person was leaked, and finally after half a year of fermentation, Ness’s was somehow transmitted to the ears of Draco!

Three months ago, the world government sent CP8 people to capture Ness, and Colonel 365 died! You know the power of mine and my brethren, we can scare and scare ordinary people, but to say that the people who deal with the world government, they can’t do it at all, so they can only watch Ness being taken away, you see that today Karp is here to make amends!

Please calm down, I know you’re angry right now, I also know you’re strong, I’ve heard some information about you from Karp, but Mary Joa really can’t be broken into by humans! Even if you break in, you will definitely not be able to save anyone, and after Fisher Tiger that time, now Mary Joa’s defense has been upgraded! Where a vice admiral of the headquarters of the Navy is stationed, and even the former Marshal of the Navy lives, there is no hope! ”

Pinel listened to Dadan’s words, his pupils were dilated, and the smile on his face could no longer be maintained, no one knew Draco’s methods better than him, it was not a punishment that people could hold on to!

“Card! General! ”

Pinel’s tone was also difficult to keep calm, especially at the thought that Ness would accept the punishments he had received, Pinell’s chest seemed to explode, and the pain was far worse than being slashed by a knife!

Karp, who had his back to Pinel, listened to Piner’s roar full of killing intent, and finally turned his head, his face full of apologetic haze! Nothing was said!

Pinel didn’t make a move, just hunched his waist forward, gritted his teeth, and said to Karp

“This is the justice you believe in? Is this what you’re going to protect? Ness is only fourteen years old this year, fourteen years old, she is still deaf and dumb, what did she do wrong? You answer me Karp! She! Do! Wrong! Finish! Miscellaneous! What! ”

Karp lowered his head, his tone was slightly weak, but he said without doubt

“She didn’t do anything wrong, it’s you who did it wrong, if you declare war on Marshal Steel Bone Air through the phone worm, if you don’t kill the Draco who came to the Kingdom of Goya, then the navy and the world government will not come out of this book, they just did this to lure you to save that girl, and then after arresting you, they will release the girl, Marshal Air has promised me, they won’t move Ness in the slightest!”

Pinel raised his head and looked up to the sky and laughed, as if mocking the whole world!

“Hahaha! Karp, do you believe it yourself when you say this? Do you believe it yourself? I heard that now the marshal of the navy has changed? But it doesn’t matter, you help me tell him that the game between me and Steel Bone Empty was won by your Navy! But don’t try to win so easily! Especially you Karp! If something goes wrong with Ness, don’t think about it! Others I don’t know, at least I know that you have two grandchildren! Let’s walk and see! ”

After Pinel finished speaking, he turned around and left!

But after walking a few steps, Pinel suddenly turned around and said to Dadan and Karp

“Dadan, don’t think you’re fine, if something happens to Ness, I’ll learn this country and leave no grass!” Karp, this is your last chance, if you want to arrest me as soon as possible! Otherwise, I won’t give you a chance! ”

After Pinel finished speaking, he left without looking back!

Karp, who was standing next to Dadan, clenched his fist several times, and released it several times, and finally he would not make a move!

ps: Next chapter preview: The storm is rising!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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