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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 055

Pinel left, originally Pinel wanted to take a good rest, but he didn’t even stay for a day, so he went to sea again!

After going to sea, Pinel had no other goal, the destination was Mary Joa, and the two-year voyage allowed Pinel to collect a lot of permanent pointers! Therefore, Pinel does not need to walk around the first half of the Great Hang, so that the way to go straight to the destination, although it is more dangerous than taking the Great Route, but it is fast enough! Pinel had enough time, but Ness was gone!

This side Pinel set off, on the other side Karp did not stop, although Karp did not directly attack Pinel, but it does not mean that he wants to help Pinel in this matter, although he is also full of guilt for Ness’s affairs, but after all, he is a navy!

So after Pinel left, Karp immediately reported the matter to the Sengoku

“Karp? Didn’t you get mad at me for that girl’s thing and go home? How did you suddenly call me! You’re not angry anymore? It should have been like this a long time ago, with an insignificant person, in exchange for an opportunity to pull out the thorn in our hearts, this matter is not a loss! ”

Listening to the indifferent tone of the Warring States, Kapu Qi did not fight anywhere, but the matter mattered, and he endured it!

“Less nonsense, I’m not here to reason with you, no matter what time I am against that innocent little girl to be a bargaining chip!” Someone who can do this is definitely not a real man! I haven’t forgiven you yet, and I definitely won’t forgive you until you truly apologize, I spoke to you on the phone because something happened! ”

Sengoku is a little peculiar, after all, Karp, this old bastard, has never been serious in his eyes!

“What’s going on? Is it important? ”

Karp was silent for a moment, withdrew his excited tone, and said in a calm voice

“I’ve met Pinel, he’s almost unchanged, exactly the same he looked like I did when I was in Mary Joa, and time hasn’t left a trace on him!

To be honest, I really think it’s your fault in this matter, he hasn’t caused trouble for two years, he may have given up revenge on the world, but you woke him up again! Before he got the news that Ness had been arrested, I wondered if he was the madman you said, there was no sign of madness at all, and there was even a laugh, but after hearing that the little girl named Ness had an accident, I could clearly feel the threat! You heard it right, it’s a threat!

At that moment, the evil thoughts emanating from him were the only existence I had ever seen, I had been floating on the sea for decades, I had seen both big and small people, I had seen domineering whitebeards, I had also seen ambitious golden lions, I had captured Roger who gave up everything in order to chase his dreams, I can say that I have seen everything!

But I never thought of Pinel like this, the kind of eyes that don’t care about anything, just want to destroy, that sense of despair that radiates from my bones! Sengoku, you may really be wrong this time! I don’t know if he’s as weak as you planned, at least I look at the look on his face when he leaves, it’s not like he went to die!” Instead, it is to take revenge! So much for my words, you can do it yourself, I will try my best to rush back, I should get you there before him!” ”

After speaking, Karp didn’t talk nonsense, and hung up the phone directly, looking as if he didn’t want to say more to the Warring States!

The Sengoku sitting in the marshal’s office looked at the hung up phone worm, and did not have an annoyed expression, he knew too well about his old comrade-in-arms, his eyes could not tolerate a little sand, simply terrible, not good, if not for the fact that Karp’s strength is really strong, and has a lot of merit for the Navy, the world government would have dealt with him in secret, and can he still make Karp so presumptuous all day?

Sengoku will not change this intelligence of Karp, although Karp is very unreliable, but he will never drop the chain on such a thing, and it makes no sense for him to deceive Warring States!

After hesitating for a moment, Sengoku immediately summoned all the people above the rank of vice admiral in the headquarters of the Navy for a meeting!

The execution within the Navy is still very fast

Fifteen minutes later, in addition to the task, there were twelve lieutenant generals, two general replacements and the newly arrived green pheasant red dog two generals arrived, at this time the yellow ape is still a lieutenant general, or who Pinel pits him, he is also a jackpot now!

Sengoku sat on the main seat, watched the people arrive, and said directly

“Here’s the thing, getting the news that Pinel has set off for Mary Joa! Now let’s discuss how to assign tasks! ”

Hearing the words of the Warring States, the yellow ape, who was originally lazy, immediately received it

“Marshal of the Warring States, please let me go, no matter what aspect I think is more appropriate!”

Warring States listened to the words of the yellow ape, and did not immediately agree, and waved his hand to let him stop talking first!

“Listen to me first, according to the previous plan, the three lieutenant generals should be able to arrest Pinel, but I haven’t seen him for two years, and no one knows how far he has grown!” So I decided that sending six lieutenant generals over, and the red dog also passed, plus the air commander, it should be foolproof! ”

For the words of the Warring States, no one refuted, at this time the Warring States had just become a marshal, it was when the new official took office, who did not have a head ah, this time to pick a thorn, isn’t it nothing to find trouble!

After a few seconds of silence, Sengoku saw that no one refuted him, nodded, and continued

“Well, since no one objected, then we started to determine who went to Mary Joa to arrest Pinel!”

There is an emergency meeting on the side of the Navy!

The new world has also begun to rise, no one who can become the four emperors is a lone wolf, each of the four emperors pirate group has its own set of systems, intelligence is an indispensable part of every complete block!

Just like now, when the navy began to operate, the four emperors also got their own news!

Looking at the intelligence in his hand, everyone who saw it was silent!

No one knows what is hidden in the Holy Land, but the top powerhouses in this world can understand a little, which is a more desperate place than the Navy headquarters!

And now, there is a person, who is going, or when the Navy is ready!

The four emperors on the sea almost all had an idea welling up in their hearts!

“Brave, but stupid!” X4

PS: Next chapter preview: everything is ready!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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