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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 056

Marinfodo and Marie Joa are definitely much closer than Pinel is to Marie Joa

When the meeting of the Warring States ended, six vice admirals led by the yellow ape, including the red dog, boarded the fleet to Mary Joa, a total of five ships, six vice admirals, and one general, leading more than thirty rear admirals, plus five thousand naval soldiers!

It departs at noon and arrives in the evening!

Stepping on the land of Mary Joa, the red dog walked in front of the crowd, and there was no one to greet Mary Joa’s port, how could those Draco lords who were taller than the sky come to meet these lowly navies!

As soon as the red dog stepped on Mary Joa’s land, he couldn’t help but spit


“The land full of stench, a group of people who have taken advantage of the merits of their ancestors, is really disgusting! I really don’t want to come to this place if it doesn’t have to! ”

The yellow ape patted the red dog on the shoulder when he was in the red dog

“Shen Yan, we are the navy after all! It’s better not to mess with these people, all in trouble! It is estimated that we will stay here for several days, and I know that you have a short temper, but it is better to pay attention! ”

After all, the yellow ape is a person who came over, if not for the Draco, he is also a general now, just because he provoked the Draco, it is estimated that this general will not be able to go up several years later!

Akainu also only said this when he saw that there were no Draco nearby, in front of Draco, he would not be so stupid, what use could he have except to say hi? In the end, it’s not a mess!

“Cut, got it, go, look at the terrain, and then go and see the people Pinel is going to save over there!” I haven’t seen this Pinel, but the people who can make the yellow ape eat two turtles, how to think is not a good stubble, don’t slack, no one can explain the capsizing of the gutter! ”

After all, the red dog is a general, even if it is a newly promoted one, it is also a general, and the official level crushes people, although the Warring States did not indicate who will command this operation, but the wheel is also the largest official of the red dog, and you can’t let the lieutenant general command the general in the future, after all, a lieutenant general like Tsuru who is a part-time staff officer is also such a one!

For the words of the red dog, no one refuted, although the lieutenant general who came this time also had doves, but before coming, the Warring States all explained, there is only one purpose, that is, to capture Pinel, if you can’t catch Pinel, no one can run away from the crime!

The red dog ordered the five thousand naval soldiers to set up camp on this side of the port, after all, the place where the Draco lived in the inside, would not let these untouchables in!

The red dog left the dovish lieutenant generals to maintain order in the port, and he himself took a few hawkish lieutenant generals to see the main figure of the battle, the little girl!

The prison where Ness is located is the same prison where Pinel spent three years before!

Chi Inu and the others walked in with calm faces, without saying a word, after spending a minute in prison, they walked out with black faces, and the hawkish lieutenant generals who were with them were also black faces, and they were darker than the other!

They are hawks, they will definitely not be soft on pirates, how many kills there are, there is no psychological burden at all!

But for this Ness who lured Pinel into the bait, they really can’t bear it!

From the moment he walked out of prison, the red dog began to comfort himself constantly, this is a person who has a relationship with pirates, and he deserves it, but whenever he closes his eyes and thinks of Ness’s pure hopeful eyes, he can’t help but tremble, people with those eyes will definitely not be bad people, even if it is a red dog with the concept of absolute justice, he can’t do anything to such a child, he is a navy, not a butcher, not what kind of people kill!

The red dog has killed pirates, killed the navy, and killed civilians, but that does not mean that he has no conscience at all, if he really does not have the slightest conscience, the Warring States cannot allow such a person to become a naval admiral!

When the red dog looked into Ness’s eyes, he wanted to ask Ness aloud, what else was she expecting, what else could she expect in that state, shouldn’t she want to die!

That’s right, as long as Pinel is captured, Ness will be released intact, how can these promises be fulfilled, Sengoku is the marshal of the navy, but the marshal of the navy also does not change the mind of Draco!

Pinel has already killed two Draco, one of them is still killed in the face of countless people, so that the Draco’s face is lost, and now a person related to Pinel appears in front of them, how can they easily let Ness go!

When the red dog saw Ness, Ness had no good meat on his body except for his face intact, the nails of all ten fingers had been pulled out, the Tenryu hoof print wounds on his back had been rotted, there was not a single clothing covering his body, the sole of his right foot was also half lost, the wound on the back heel was obviously the hamstring had been picked off, and there were countless traces of whip on his body, if it were not for the fact that Draco regarded himself as high and had no interest in ordinary untouchables, It is estimated that now Ness has also been violated countless times!

As for why Ness’s face did not receive a trace of damage, it was probably because Draco didn’t want Pinel to recognize Ness’s appearance!

Ness’s originally dark hair like ripples on the surface of the water is also dirty and knotted together at this time, and the immature little face makes everyone who looks at it involuntarily overflow with a trace of pity!

After walking out of the prison, the ghost spider who had been following behind the red dog asked the red dog softly with a gloomy face

“Sakaski, is this our mistake! That girl… Is that girl really wrong? ”

Akainu was uncharacteristic, did not respond as decisively as before, and in the past, when Akainu faced such a question, he would answer without hesitation

“This is the absolute justice we believe in! All we get rid of are sinful people! ”

But this time he hesitated, although he still wanted to say so, but when the words came to his lips, he didn’t know how to speak! Fortunately, the ghost spider did not continue to ask again, and finally this question disappeared into silence!

After walking for a while, when he was about to reach the port, the red dog suddenly stopped!

“Dauberman, you and the ghost spider, go and pick up that little girl, he is an important task to attract Pinel, of course, he must be put in the naval station to take care of it, otherwise what if someone secretly rescues him!” If anyone obstructs, say that I said it, it was an order from the Navy, let those people not forget that the leader of this encirclement against Pinel is the Navy, and if they don’t need the Navy, I can lead the team away! ”

“Yes!” X2

Without the slightest hesitation, the figures of Dauberman and the ghost spider instantly disappeared in place, such an order is what a real navy should give! They are more than happy to execute!

PS: Next chapter preview: Pinel arrives in Chambord!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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