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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 057

I just want to see her smile again

—————— Joker (Batman: The Dark Knight).

The navy here is in full swing to welcome Pinel’s arrival, and every item is carried out in an orderly manner!

And Piner’s side is also shoulder to shoulder, no ships, no supplies, the goal is clear, that is, the Chambord Islands at the foot of Marie Joa, this is the last stop to Mary Joa! Pinel stood quietly at the bow of the boat alone, looking at the unchanged sea with an expressionless face! For four days and nights, Pinel couldn’t even close his eyes, let alone sleep, and his eyes were bloodshot!

Thinking of what Ness might be going through now, Pinel couldn’t wait to fly straight over!

However, although Pinel’s head is crazy, he has not given up thinking, and he has a plan for his trip!

First of all, if you can save Ness, it is of course the most perfect, but Pinel knows what a group of Draco are, although the answer is difficult to accept, but Pinel knows in his heart, the chance of coming out of Ness is not more than one percent!

Secondly, if it is not out of Ness, then he must let the world, let the Draco, and the navy feel his pain, and the pain should be shared by everyone! For this purpose, on the way to Pinel’s departure, he has already issued orders to more than four hundred colonel-level figures who he has scattered for so many years, as long as he sends an order from his head, then there will be a bloody storm in various places of the world’s great shipping routes, even if the strength of the navy is great, he cannot cover the entire sea, and Pinell’s purpose is not to let the whole world give Ness a burial

He just wanted Ness not to be too lonely on Huangquan Road!

In the end, Pinel must let Draco feel what is painful! Anyone can let it go, but this group of fat pigs, Pinel definitely holds the attitude of being able to kill a pair and never kill one!

After four days of travel, Pinel finally arrived in the Chambord Islands, where Pinel stopped on the shore, summoned the remaining three hundred colonels needed to open the senior military camp, and left them all in the Chambord Islands! This is the third hand prepared by Pinel! In Pinel’s opinion, if there are no more than three plans, it is simply not enough to call it a plan!

After doing all this, Pinel did not stop, directly drove the boat like Mary Joa to go, and I don’t know if the navy was afraid of affecting the Chambord Islands, on the way to Mary Joa’s mountain, Pinel did not encounter any interception at all, and read all the way!

And on the side of the navy, the process is still possible, of course, Daubman and the ghost spider did not directly bring Ness out, if the Draco were really so reasonable and could release people, then Pinel would not hate them to the bone!

Similarly, if the red dog can really do it, if the Draco does not release the people and he immediately withdraws the troops, then the Draco will not be so arrogant, just because the Draco know that the red dog will not withdraw the troops, so they dare not release people!

Finally, after three days of wrangling, finally on the third night, Ness appeared at the naval station! Locked up in a cell made of sea lou stone, of course, there are finally clothes to cover the body!

However, in the past three days, Ness has added a lot of wounds to his body, especially the burns on his back, which has begun to drain pus, and the face that was originally specially protected, the eye has also been swollen by one, and three teeth in the mouth have been extracted!

Seeing that Ness’s navy is all silent, they have no way, these navies also feel that the Draco are excessive, but they have no way, just because they are navy, most of the navy also began to think about a question, why should they protect these scumbags, of course, they are just thinking about it, the feeling of sympathy is there, but after all, it has not really descended on themselves, it does not matter to them and hangs high in any world is an immutable truth!

On the fourth day, Karp arrived at Mary Joa, and the moment he saw Ness, this relatively honest naval hero went berserk! Took out the phone worm and directly called the phone of the Warring States

“Fight! Country! That’s what you promised me! Doesn’t it mean that it won’t hurt her? Do you still have a conscience? She’s just a kid! What’s wrong with her! She can’t speak, can’t hear! There is not even the strength to resist! Come and see for yourself! What does she look like now! Here you come!

Hiding in your marshal’s office all day, are you confused as an official? Are you still the Sengoku I know? What about the original vow? What about the oath to protect civilians at all costs? Eaten by your damn goat?

If I had known this would have been the case, I would have said nothing to have told you to bring her to Mary Joa! You’re making me sleep hard for the rest of my life! Can you sleep well! Don’t you dream of this girl named Ness asking for your life when you sleep! Speak! You talk! Not quite able to say how! ”

Listening to Karp’s angry roar, Sengoku didn’t say a word, and after waiting for a long time, when Karp couldn’t move, Sengoku said slowly

“Are you telling me this now? If you want to blame me, if Pinel hadn’t killed Draco, this little girl would have been harmed? It’s all Pinel’s fault, when your sympathy is flooding, why don’t you think about the navy killed by Pinel, do you know how good Pinel killed in total?

You don’t know, and you’ve never cared, and I’m telling you, the numbers that can be counted, Pinel had at least three hundred navies, and at least more than four hundred people were killed in the kingdom of Goya, and those killed by Pinel had no children? I tell you, they all have it!

Instead of losing your temper with me here, it’s better to arrest Pinel well, otherwise more people will die in the future! I knew that you were such a person, so I lied to you in the first place, and I was afraid that you would have a burden in my heart

Now that you know what you really think, what are you going to do? Defected from the Navy to join Piner, in order to save this little girl, do something to his former life and death comrades? Monchi S. Don’t forget, D. Karp, your current identity is a navy! ”

Karp has nothing to say, because he has nothing to do but be angry now, what not to let you? Is it really like betraying the navy as Sengoku said? Betrayal of this place where he has struggled for most of his life? It’s clear he can’t do it!

“I know, but Sengoku, this battle, don’t think I’ll make a move, this is what I owe this girl, I’ll leave in a while!” I didn’t have the face to face Pinel, let alone face this little girl! ”

Sengoku still cared a lot about the thoughts of his old friend, and did not force him

“I know, originally I didn’t want you to go, you went directly by yourself!” Come back, I’m waiting for you in Marinfodo, if your anger hasn’t subsided, I won’t fight back and let you fight out!” ”

Karp didn’t speak again, hung up the phone worm directly, and finally took a deep look at Ness, sitting in the birdcage-like cell, as if to imprint Ness in his mind! At the same time, Ness also looked at Karp with wide eyes, his face full of innocence, as if to ask again, what did she do wrong, why did the people around her treat her like this!

Karp didn’t dare to look anymore, he was afraid that he would really be unable to resist moving out of Ness, his face was full of decadence, and suddenly he seemed to be more than a decade old, staggering on his dog’s head boat, and drove away without looking back!

Just over half a day after Karp left, Pinel appeared, in the eyes of the naval scout, and then the deafening alarm sound spread throughout Mary Joa!

The red dog and the others who were in the meeting were all pale!

“He came two days earlier than expected, there is no time to discuss more countermeasures, everyone remembers the tasks mentioned before, the reality burns the mountain weasel ghost spider hands, Dauberman, Stolobel, yellow ape you see the opportunity on the sidelines, let the soldiers quickly prepare for explosion-proof, at least in a team of two, take care of each other’s backs!” Let’s get moving! ”

After the red dog finished speaking, the figures of the six vice admirals quickly disappeared into the conference room, after all, time does not wait for anyone!

Soon all the navies were orderly in the port to prepare a phalanx, almost everyone was armed to the teeth, the original navy hats were replaced with heavy helmets, and everyone’s clothes were sandwiched with heavy steel plates! Ready for Pinel’s arrival!

Ness’s cage was placed in the middle of all the navies, quietly waiting for Pinel’s arrival!

Pinel did not disappoint, did not say that he saw the battle of the navy and directly turned around and left, but very decisively rushed towards Mary Joa!

Seeing that Pinel did not slow down in the slightest, the commander of the long-range forces of the Navy roared!

“Target Heath Pinel’s ship, fire!”

Bang bang, endless cannon fire came to mind in Mary Joa!

At least no less than a hundred cannons attacked Pinel at the same time! Piner doesn’t have any AOE skills, even if those colonel-level crew members on the ship can withstand some shells, but after all, ants bite dead elephants, and there are too many shells!

After being hit by fifteen shells, Pinel’s ship was blown to pieces as much as he could even think about it! Pinel’s figure also fell into the sea and disappeared suddenly!

ps: Next chapter preview: Pinel landings!

The word count is enough, and the next chapter will be on the shelves! There is not so much suspense, and I don’t want to pit people, for this small climax, I will say the one you want to know the most, Ness is dead! Although I would like to beg you to subscribe, but I know that people who are willing to read, I will subscribe if I don’t say it, people who don’t want to watch, even if I kneel down and call my father will not subscribe to one more chapter, let it be, but I am very happy to write, so I will keep writing, maybe I am a crazy person myself!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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