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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 058

Watching Pinel’s ship being shattered, the navy on the shore all cheered, thinking that the battle was so easily over!

However, those vice admirals led by Akainu did not have a slackening expression, if Pinel would be killed so easily, then he would not be enough to be sent by the navy to fight such a big battle!

Seeing the cheers of the crowd endlessly, without any subsiding, Daubman roared loudly and seriously,

“All quiet! The battle hasn’t started yet, be careful, don’t lose your life! ”

As Dauberman’s voice spread throughout the port, the Navy soldiers suddenly quieted down, and at this time these young Navy soldiers finally discovered the problem, this Navy boss did not have a slackening expression, and could let the Navy dispatch a general and six vice admirals in battle, which is not like the treatment of people who can be killed by shells!

Everyone clenched the weapons in their hands, their eyes staring at the position on the shore, including Ness in the cage, a pair of pure eyes, the hope emitted was more obvious!

Under the gaze of more than 10,000 eyes, a hand suddenly appeared on the shore, firmly clasped the shore, followed by another, followed by a head, then the upper body, and finally Pinel finally stepped on the coast of Marie Joa, and really stood on the land of Marie Joa!

With a smile, a maniacal smile, Pinel twisted the water in the corner of his clothes, looked at the heads standing across from him who were uncountable, raised his head a little, and scanned the crowd!

Suddenly found several familiar figures, yellow ape, red dog, and the lieutenant generals who could be seen in the newspaper, but their eyes finally stayed on the moon-like Ness!

Pinel looked at the injuries on Ness’s body, and the expression on his face stiffened significantly, but he soon laughed violently!

“Hahahahahaha, ahahahahaha, I know, how can you guys let her go, I have long known, I have always known!” Hahaha, but I was still naïve to make plan one! What a stupidity! I should have started directly with Plan Three! The red dog opposite, how to play now? Let’s talk about it first, or just do it! This is your home turf, I listen to you! ”

Listening to Pinel’s words, the red dog walked forward step by step, surpassed, cage, overtook the crowd, and stood not far from Pinel with six vice admirals of the navy, although the code of conduct of the red dog has always been able to do as much as possible, but there should still be a shout, after all, they are the navy, the righteous party, can not give people a feeling of bullying, can not leave people a handle is not!

“Heath Pinel, you killed the navy, killed the Draco, and what innocent civilians, the crime is terrible, now you give up resistance, if you are captured, we will release which little girl according to the agreement!” Otherwise, only destruction will greet you! ”

Pinel crossed his waist, leaned forward a little, tilted his head, and smiled uncomfortably,

“Hey, hey, I heard it right, why don’t I remember that we had such an agreement, if Karp’s message to me was an agreement, it should also be a complete Ness!” No matter how you look at this agreement, you have broken the contract!

Moreover, the person I killed by my ability, on what basis do you say that he is innocent? Do you have innocent people in this world? If so, why would you do it to Ness? But if only one person in this world is innocent, then this person should also be her!

Since she is not innocent in the eyes of your navy, are you talking to me about innocence here? ”

Listening to Pinel’s words, the red dog’s right arm began to bubble, and the hot magma began to drip down the fingers to the ground, seeing that the red dog was about to move, Pinel didn’t care at all, but untied the opening of the blouse, exposed his chest, and took a step forward!

“Hey, hey, don’t be so anxious, shouldn’t it be me who should be in a hurry? I’m the villain first, and I’m not done yet! In this game, you made the rules, but your hole cards have been revealed cleanly, and my hole cards have not yet been revealed! Is it really good to be in such a hurry? You have to listen to it, I made five plans for this game, yes, Yellow Ape I’m ordering you, another five plans!

First of all, plan one, I will come here, and I will make it clear to you, you will give me the intact Ness, and I will leave and go to the sea! No more trouble with Draco! Now it’s clear that this plan can’t be done!

So let’s start plan two, I’m a person who likes to put everything on the surface, and then let you choose, and I think Ms. Tsuru should have said this to you all! The content of plan two is very simple, these two times, I released about five hundred colonel-level figures on the sea, hidden in all corners of this world, yes, you heard correctly, five hundred Oh! And their task is simple, that is, let my Ness not go too lonely! ”

After saying this, Pinel’s expression suddenly changed, the original smile suddenly became fierce, and the majestic murderous aura began to sweep the entire port,

“That’s right, you heard it right, if any accident happens to my Ness, these five hundred desperate dead soldiers will start slaughtering people around them madly, no matter who they are, old or young, good or evil! I know that the families of your high-ranking admirals are in Marinfodo, but what about those ordinary naval soldiers? How about their families in Marinfo? The world is big, five hundred people are very few, not necessarily killing your relatives, but are you really willing to gamble? And the lives of your families? In exchange for the life of this poor innocent little girl who was hurt by that group of waste dead pigs? Actually, think about it, I earned it, right? ”

If there really is a devil in this world, then it is absolutely exactly the same as Pinel!

Pinel laughed very wildly, but whenever his eyes passed by Ness, his chest would be extremely painful, if it weren’t for the dagger that couldn’t pierce his own chest, Pinel really wanted to deflate his chest, and the chest was bulging inside, it was really uncomfortable!

ps: Next chapter preview: You can’t stand this just plan three?

Today’s four chapters, no saving, dinner in the evening, come back after eating and continue to write!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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