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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 059

Pinel’s threat made the five thousand navies present suddenly become a little hesitant, just like Pinel said, it is not worth gambling on their family’s comfort for Ness, moreover, they have long wanted to release Ness, although they are full of injuries, but from the bottom it is completely clear that this is originally a beautiful little girl! Reduced to this point, any person with a long heart will be distressed!

But does Pinel’s threat really work? I’m sorry that Admiral Akainu said that he would never be threatened by pirates in this life, and Akainu had already sworn from the day he became a navy, and he would never compromise with pirates in this life! And the red dog can not only do his own uncompromising, he will not allow others to compromise with the pirate, no matter what the purpose, but anyone who wants the pirate to compromise is equivalent to the pirate in the eyes of the red dog!

The red dog was expressionless, and the magma in his hand did not take back, but punched out at Pinel!

“As a navy, they have long been ready to sacrifice everything, don’t think about threatening the navy, absolute justice is not to be threatened!” Pluto! ”

Pinel did not dodge or dodge, and slammed the red dog’s fist larger than a face plate in the front!

Originally standing not far from the sea, Pinelton flew into the sea, and two minutes later, Pinel climbed ashore from the sea again under the gaze of more than 10,000 eyes! There was no trace of Tanlu’s chest except for the mark of the Dragon’s hoof!

“Ahem, do you want this? I don’t know how hard it is for me to climb up once? And I’m not done yet, but since I’m done, my plan can begin! By the way, my plan three is launched together with plan two, do you want to hear my plan three? ”

Listening to Pinel’s words, the more than five thousand navies immediately rose in momentum, and their eyes were almost red, after all, the naval soldiers from the world, no one knew whether their families were affected in Piner’s slaughter plan!

The red dog looked at Pinel with a serious face, and did not answer, but he did not move, the hand that just moved, but also wanted to personally test whether Pinel is really so amazing, it turns out that it is true, there is no exaggeration at all!

Since the red dog got this devil fruit, he has never encountered it, it is not a natural department, there is no need to be domineering, and he can’t hurt anyone after a punch!

“Don’t talk nonsense, either resist or tie up, you have no other choice!”

Pinel pouted, with a disdainful expression on his face,

“I said this to the yellow ape, don’t talk too full, it’s easy to leak, no matter how confident you are, wait for the results to appear and then mock, otherwise it’s easy to hit the face!” Don’t talk yet, let me pretend to be forced!” My plan three hasn’t said yet, what’s the hurry! Hahaha, it won’t be long, I have to let you know what I’m sitting on, otherwise what’s the point of what I did! Oh oh all said, let me finish the words? It’s good that I’m prepared, why are you in such a hurry and take the magma back! ”

Just as Pinel spoke, the red dog didn’t hesitate at all and started directly! And this time Pinel was also prepared, and directly summoned a lieutenant general to block him!

Although the lieutenant general wants to win the red dog, basically the winning rate will not be much greater than zero, but it is still no problem to block the attack! Pinel also found out, don’t balance the red dog, he still has to fall into the sea again!

“Since you are in a hurry, then listen to you, let’s start first, and then I’ll talk slowly!” Come out and meet everyone, Guardian of the Jungle! ”

Pinel shrugged his shoulders and directly summoned the hero he got two years ago, and after summoning it again, he immediately spent 1,200 gold coins to give birth to the level of lieutenant general, not that General Pinel does not want to give birth, but it is too expensive, normal birth will require five thousand gold coins, and now when the epic barracks are not opened, the number of this gold coin will be ten times, how can Pinel have so many gold coins!

But even if he is only promoted to the level of lieutenant general, he is also an elite lieutenant general who is proficient in two-color domineering, and if he is not an elite, he is sorry for the title of hero!

The appearance of the jungle guardian is a very handsome man, two guns pinned to his waist, from the moment he appeared, his body exuded an inexplicable momentum, as if they all affected the surrounding environment!

The red dog standing opposite Pinel was also full of vigilance looking at the jungle guardian summoned by Pinel and the summoned object of the lieutenant general level, but it was only vigilant, after all, it was only an ordinary lieutenant general and an elite lieutenant general, not enough to pose a threat to him!

Akainu never knew what it was like to be afraid, he just wanted to kill the pirate alive and eventually die in the hands of the pirate, that’s all, without hesitation, he blasted out with one punch at the guardian of the jungle summoned by Pinel!

“If these are your hole cards, then stay here today, don’t underestimate the admiral!” Canine red lotus! ”

With the red dog’s words, a huge ball of dog-headed magma flew out from the red dog’s fist and went straight to Pinel’s side!

Of course, the jungle guardian summoned by Pinel is not muddy, and he quickly draws his gun, and a blow like a yellow ape laser shot out from the muzzle of the jungle guardian, instantly shattering the magma ball of the red dog!

Seeing that the attack of the red dog did not work immediately, the six lieutenant generals who came together drove up one after another, seemingly preparing to besiege Pinel!

Pinel put his hands in the shape of five fingers, hugged his head hard, and rubbed his hair into a mess!

“Hey, hey, are you ready for a group fight? Didn’t I just tell you? People like this, I don’t know how many I can summon, how? Is it a little desperate now? ”

As the words fell, nineteen figures suddenly appeared around Pinel, counting the one who helped Pinel block the attack just now, it was exactly twenty!

Nine are proficient in armed color domineering, nine are proficient in seeing and hearing color domineering, and the remaining two are elites who are proficient in two-color domineering!

After summoning these people out, Pinel pushed away the Guardian of the Jungle who was blocking him and took a step forward!

“Look, look, who’s beating whom! You guys started first, can I start talking about my plan three? ”

Chi Inu and the others looked at the people who surrounded Pinel, none of them were blind, for these people who suddenly appeared and others, they could see that everyone’s strength was extraordinary, at least not the characters summoned by Pinel before were not at the same level at all! Although many of them are generals who are qualified, there is no doubt that each of these characters who suddenly appeared has the strength of an ordinary lieutenant general!

The yellow ape pouted and said softly,

“It’s really terrible, such endless means are completely unbearable!”

Pinel grinned and responded to the yellow ape,

“How? You can’t stand this just plan three? Haven’t you heard me about my plan three? My plan three is not these people! ”

ps: Next chapter preview: Chambord land suffered!

I’m sorry, after dinner, my friend didn’t let me go, and then I sang the song, it was two o’clock when I got home, I cleaned up, I really didn’t want to write it, but I thought that if I didn’t write something, I would definitely be scolded, so I wrote a chapter! It is estimated that it is no better, so let’s make up for it tomorrow!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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