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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 060

Listening to Pinel’s words, the yellow ape moved his hand to those summoners again and again, and asked Pinel again and again,

“So what’s your plan three? Now no one is stopping you, tell me about it! ”

But it’s not that no one is stopping Pinel now, everyone has their own opponents, twenty-one lieutenant general-level summons to deal with six lieutenant generals plus one general, on average, everyone on the navy side needs to deal with three people, how can there be time to target Pinel, although even if it is a gap of three times, but the victory or defeat is not certain, but what is certain is that no matter which side wants to win, it will not be solved in a while!

Pinel walked towards Ness step by step, facing the five thousand navy, and said as he walked without looking back,

“My plan three is very simple, let me ask first, do the navies present have people from the Chambord Islands? Do you have family or friends in this place? If anything, I’m sorry! I happened to pass by Chambord on my way here, and by the way, I released three hundred people on that island, if you have relatives and friends, please mourn! My plan three is to let the world know that some people can’t be provoked! ”

Pinel’s words immediately caused an uproar, the previous plan two is okay, after all, the world is so big, only five hundred people, the chance of relatives being killed will not be so great! But if you are in the Chambord Islands, then the chances are greater!

After listening to Pinel’s words, dozens of navies couldn’t help but rush towards Pinel, although they were ordered to guard Ness and not let Pinel easily approach! But sometimes something is more important than the task!

Pinel looked at the crowd rushing towards him, and there was no one else in Pinel’s eyes, only Ness, miserable Ness!

Standing more than fifty meters away from Ness, Pinel stopped, not that Pinel couldn’t walk, but Pinel knew that when he went down, it was estimated that some people would not be able to help but move!

“Since Plan Three has already been said, then Plan Four may as well start acting, otherwise, some people may still be able to bluff for me!” I don’t know if you have ever thought about a question, what kind of mood would you feel if Haiju, who was standing next to you, suddenly made a move on your own people? Will you be sad and heartbroken if you are killed by your former comrades? Maybe he saved you, and even you saved him, but at this moment he did not hesitate to stab the knife into your body, will you also feel desperate for this? If even your comrades can no longer be trusted, who else can you trust? ”

Listening to the words of the inner rege, one of the highest-ranking rear admirals in the remaining five thousand navies immediately retorted loudly,

“Stop dreaming, these navies present have each participated in the navy for more than two years, you simply have the opportunity to install your people here, such a simple dissociation scheme, don’t be fooled!”

Pinel’s smile didn’t know when it had begun to show its teeth,

“Oh? Is it? Then you have to be careful! I may be deceiving people, I have lied to people before, but it does not mean that what I say is a lie, you have to understand, the real film is three lies and seven points of truth, how do you know that what I am saying now is a lie? Unfortunately, you guessed wrong this time! ”

Pinel’s words were not finished, and just when he said, ‘I used to lie to people’, a sharp blade passed through the chest of the rear admiral who spoke, without dragging mud and water in the slightest! The cold blade moved forward, as if the person holding the knife did not have the slightest hesitation in his heart!

Suddenly, the scene was in an uproar!

A pot of fresh soup can easily be spoiled by a rat poop!

The major general who was pierced through the chest by the blade of the knife will overdo it with difficulty, looking at the ‘good brother’ who once blocked the knife for him in front of the pirates, his face was full of disbelief!

“Bruce, why?”

The man with the knife, known as Bruce, violently pulled the knife out of the body of the major general,

“My name is not Bruce, my name is Colonel 233! Willing to risk everything for the Supreme Legionnaire! ”

After speaking, all the navy’s frightened eyes were blind, the colonel 233 ignited without hesitation, the explosives on his body, and rushed to the crowd next to him, holding two with his left hand, grabbing with his right hand, no matter what the people next to him said or persuaded, he did not let go of his hand!


The doctor’s huge explosion, Colonel 233 was blown up into the sky along with dozens of navies around him!

Pinel shrugged indifferently,

“Look, I just said, the people around you are not necessarily friends, right? Now what? Do you have to worry about your comrades around you while dealing with me? I really feel sorry to see your worried look, since I will tell you mercifully, the five thousand young naval soldiers present, there are about fifty to one hundred of my men around you, if you do not want to die from the blade that comes from your own, hurry up and find them, of course, even if you find out, do not let your guard down, but they have the idea of dying together at any time! A hint for you guys, they’re all wearing hats! ”

Pinel is like a demon from hell, a dead man, an assassination, an explosion, it disturbed the five thousand navies, and the combat effectiveness dropped by at least more than two percent! Standing on the tall tower in the distance and watching the steel bone space where everything happened on the square, he couldn’t help sighing and said softly to himself,

“How nice it would be if such a figure were the Navy!”

It’s a pity that there aren’t so many ifs!

While Pinel stirred the storm, Chambord Land was undergoing a test of blood and iron!

In the past, Pinel was a little crazy, but he had never done anything to civilians, but now Pinel has gradually transformed into a real madman, and the order received by the three hundred colonel-level summoners placed in Chambord Land is to kill from the No. 1 tree to the end, either turn Chambord Land into a dead domain, or they all die in battle, there is no third possibility!

There is no shortage of powerful pirates in the step zone, but in the face of a sudden attack like a suicide attack summon, those who can protect themselves are already elites!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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