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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 061

My mother told me to be kind, but then I wandered in society for many years and met many people… I wish they had moms!

————— society

After hesitating in the office of the commander-in-chief of the whole army, Steel Bone Kong took a step and set off in the direction of Pinel! In his opinion, this farce has died too many people, perhaps much more than he thinks, many people have paid a very good price, and it is time to end!

Of course, this is just wishful thinking of his own, and it would be nice if Pinel was willing to think so!

The picture returned to the side of the square, Pinir looked at the navy that was originally standing very densely, after he said plan four, immediately wary of each other’s sparse formation, and said with compassion on his face,

“I’m not like you brothers who cannibalize each other, or else, you answer me a question, and I’ll let someone be automatically exposed?” Isn’t it very reasonable! ”

The remaining more than four thousand navies looked at Pinel’s attitude of not caring about life, and they all showed angry expressions, they even felt worthless for Pinel’s subordinates, no one knew why someone would do things to such a cold-hearted person, why would someone listen to such a villain as Pinel, normal people simply could not understand!

“Since you didn’t say no, then I will acquiesce to you, after all, so many people are not all hearts like iron, the first question? Do you all have moms? ”

Listening to Pinel’s somewhat insulting question, another major general roared!

“What the hell are you thinking? What do you want? If you want to save someone, hurry up to save it, have the ability to come to a real battle, stand in such a distant position, what is the use of twitter? You can’t save the person you should save! Where do we come from without a mother? Can this also be a problem? ”

Pinel didn’t mean to be ridiculed at all, and stretched out a thumb and arched upwards at the major general,

“Not bad, answered my question without damaging the momentum, kudos to you!” This is a test, but I also count you as answering my question, of course I have to give you corresponding revenge, please listen to the movement! ”


Another deafening explosion came to mind in the naval crowd, once again taking dozens of lives, perhaps the strength of those killed by the explosion is not very strong, but it is really a serious blow to the momentum of the navy!

They have already lost almost hundreds of people without even touching the corners of Pinel’s clothes, and such a result is not so easy to accept!

Of course, for Pinel’s response, the Navy did not have any reaction, how can there be a reason to stand so that Pinel kills, this is war, not Pinel’s game!

In an instant, six figures appeared around Pinel from six angles, and six knives slashed at Pinel at the same time, human beings are this kind of creatures that will not die, even if they know that their attacks will not work, but no one will die if they don’t try!

Pinel casually snapped his fingers, and suddenly two figures appeared, punching and palming, pulling and chopping, and after a few simple movements, one of the six naval soldiers who attacked Pinel was trampled underfoot, one was blown out of the head, one was pinched by the neck, and one was penetrated through the heart! Only two Haiju head blades descended on Pinel’s body, bringing two openings to Pinel’s clothes!

Two people like iron towers silently crushed the throat in their hands, stepped on the chest under their feet, and stood unswervingly next to Pinel!

“I am willing to stand here are all naval elites, but I didn’t expect to be a group of fools, completely disobedient to people’s advice, I just said, for such a level of thought, I don’t know how much more to summon, this self-righteous encirclement and suppression, from the very beginning I didn’t mean to admit defeat!” Don’t be too rampant, navy, follow the rules of the game I set, now I’ll ask the next question!

Did your mom ever tell you to be kind? ”

Despair began to spread in the crowd, killing or not killing, and there were generally strong figures of lieutenant generals to protect, and it was not known how many human bombs were hidden around them, how could this battle be won? Of course, this is because they really thought that Pinel had many such strong people at the level of vice admirals, so they were so desperate, in fact, Pinel could summon up to six, and eight general vice admirals fought your 4,900-strong navy, tired and tired!

And such a situation is actually easy to guess, after all, if Pinel really has the strength to crush them, what else to spend here! Wouldn’t it be nice to save people directly!

So looking at Pinel is extremely confident, in fact he is just singing empty city schemes!

No one answered Pinel’s question, the momentum of the navy was already extremely low!

Looking at the navy, which had begun to gradually become frustrated, Pinel pouted a little boredly,

“Cut, the game can’t be played at the beginning, you guys are really good, in that case, give you a chance, just give me the key to open the cage, how about I let you go?”

Even if you lose this war, it will not be your turn to bear the responsibility, right? You are not the commander, those lieutenant generals have already taken care of themselves, and if they are strong enough, they will not let me walk in front of you, so all this is their responsibility, right? ”

Pinel’s language is as if full of magic, step by step dragging these poor navies into the abyss!

Looking at the navy that began to mess up and quarrel, Pinel showed a triumphant smile, and then took another step forward, but with a step, few people found it, and even if they did, they didn’t take it as a thing!

Suddenly, a figure fell from the sky and smashed in front of Pinel, and the earthquake made the navy, which was originally a little chaotic, suddenly quiet!

“It should be you not too rampant, Heath Pinel, what do you think of the navy? If this easily scares you, how did we ever swear by it? How to talk about justice to the end? Absolute justice does not allow for stains! Want to disturb the hearts of these young navies? Just pass the old man’s level first! The commander-in-chief of my entire army, Steel Bone Kong will definitely arrest you again! ”

Pinel’s smile did not converge, but his eyes narrowed, as if he was afraid of the dust that stirred up!

“Here’s a guy who doesn’t mess with much? First meeting, in Lower Heath Pinel, long admired daimyo! ”

ps: Yesterday the difference between two is not on, today try to write four chapters!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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