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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 062

Longing is the emotion that is furthest from understanding!

—————— Blue Dye Suddenly Right (from the Shinigami and now renamed Realm)

The steel bone void walked out of the dust, and from the cracked lines on the ground, it was completely clear how terrifying the strength of this middle-aged man whose beard had begun to turn white was!

“Heath Pinel, I have nothing for you to look forward to, different ways do not conspire against each other, not to mention we are enemies, we guard the tranquility of this sea, and what you pursue is chaos! You who have no mercy, mercy, justice and kindness are not worthy of compassion and salvation, and only endless darkness awaits you! ”

Pinel licked his lips with his eyes wide open, took out a pistol from his arms, and took another step forward firmly!

“You talk to me about mercy and mercy? Look back and see the girl behind you talking! You persuade me to enforce justice and goodness? Go and see the life of that fat pig! No matter how high-sounding, it cannot change a fact! Over here! This Mary Joa, known as the Holy Land by the world, is the filthy and most vicious place in the world! And you guys! You well-dressed beasts! It’s the hellhounds who protect this group of sinful hell dogs!

So, I ask you, Marshal of the Steel Bone Space! Stop saying these words that make you laugh! This makes me sick, what is the difference between you and those pirates on the sea who are called villains? Isn’t it all evil in essence? Pirates have killed, there is a navy to avenge the dead! But Draco killed someone, who will avenge it? You? Or are they? No one, because you are lackeys! But do the dead deserve not to be killed?

So, this world does not need a system, this world needs to return to nature, what is wrong with me bringing the oldest system back to this world? Isn’t the law of the jungle always the most essential law? I didn’t do anything, just ripped off the fig leaf you put on the world!

If you have the ability, you go and arrest all four emperors!” Bullying a little girl, a deaf mute, a child who doesn’t even know what is evil, can prove your justice? Such justice, what is there to save! At! Target! Meaning! Righteousness? In such a world, what is there to keep! At! Target! Meaning! Righteousness?

Answer me! Noble soraku-sama! ”

Pinel almost roared at him with his steel-boned empty collar!

From the moment he saw Ness, the anger that Pinel had been accumulating exploded! No one can understand how important Ness is to Pinel! Even Pinel didn’t know!

But Pinel knows that he is willing to give up this world for Ness, and he is willing to destroy this world for Ness, not about dreams, not about good or evil, just because she is Ness, a person who once hugged Piner… Ness!

In Pinel’s world, nothing compares to that hug!

Pinel’s words are inflammatory, because he is saying things that everyone in the world knows, but no one wants to mention!

In fact, there is no right or wrong in this world, weakness is the only fault! It’s just that weak people don’t want to admit this fact, so they put the fault on those who are stronger than them but bully them! And those who are stronger, bully those who once bullied them, these weak people take those who are stronger as justice!

The weak ones are Pingming, those who are stronger than them are pirates, and those who are stronger are the navy!

Everyone in this world thinks from the position of civilians, but no one thinks that from the point of view of pirates, those navies are the ones who bully them! So there is no right or wrong in this world at all! Only strong and weak! Strong as the four emperors, the navy can’t manage it, weak as civilians, anyone can take a bite!

Steel bone Kong didn’t expect Pinel to be able to say so, just a few words on everything he firmly believes in is worthless!

“How dare you say it! But even if you tell the sky out of a hole, you won’t be this girl! As long as you dare to move, I will kill her here!” All in order to exchange the least sacrifice for the maximum result! For justice! ”

…… (Please start playing music here, “Goodbye, Miss Meow!”) 》)

Pinel listened to the words of Steel Bone Empty, he smiled, and smiled very sweetly, but this smile was not to Steel Bone Empty, but to Ness behind him!

This smile Ness has also seen before, it was the first time she met Pinel, Pinel smiled back when she blocked the bear’s mouth for her, although there was some gap overall, but it was just as sweet!

Ness sitting in the cage also responded with a sweet smile, smiling faintly, ignoring the pain on his body, and his pure eyes were full of longing and beauty!

Ness used half of her feet to support her upper body, arms full of bruises and nailless hands, grasped the railing of the cage, stood up from the cage with difficulty, faced the direction of Pinel, stretched out her hands, opened her arms tremblingly, and made a hugging gesture!

Pinel trembled the corners of his mouth, forced the corners of his mouth, silently left tears, this is the first time Pinel left tears since Mary Joa left!

Steel bone kong also sighed when he saw this scene,

“It’s all your fault, if you hadn’t killed Draco, if you hadn’t opposed this world, none of this would have happened!”

Pinel didn’t say anything back to Steelbone, probably because there was no one else in his world at this time!

Pinel’s hand holding the gun was already shaking like an epilepsy, and he also lost the anger he had just faced when he faced the steel bone, but like a strong child, he obviously wanted to cry loudly, but he kept holding back and pretending to be fine!

“How I want to hug you again, I’m sorry, goodbye, my princess! If you live again, don’t meet me again! ”


Gunshots go off!


Both with happy smiles!

The peace and tranquility of the fall!

Tears of the shooting!

ps: Next chapter preview: It’s the despair you brought to the world!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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