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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 063

Pinel’s behavior makes it difficult for everyone to understand why the rescuer would take the initiative to kill the rescued!

However, Pinel finally collapsed after the fall of Ness, killing the person who was most important to him with his own hands, and that feeling was enough to destroy a person from head to toe! Pinel held his head in his hands, weakly knelt on the ground and struggled in pain, screaming loudly, venting, and grabbing his hair frantically, as if he wanted to pull his hair off his head!

“Ah! Yes! Yes! What I did, what I did! ”

Steel Bone Void is not so kind to wait for Pinel to recover before making a move, taking advantage of people’s illness to kill people, not to mention that he has nothing or people to threaten Pinel, and when Pinel recovers, it will be a little difficult to catch him, that is, Steel Bone Empty is not sure to arrest Pinel under the desperate protection of the three lieutenant generals!

A navy six-style shaving, the steel bone empty disappeared in place, and the next second instantly appeared in front of Pinel, and blasted out with a pitch-black fist against Pinel’s head!

However, the two summoned objects around Pinel were not decorations, how could they watch their legionnaires being attacked? One of the summoners with armed color domineering directly crossed his hands into pitch-black colors and loyally blocked Pinel’s body!

After all, the summoned object is just an ordinary lieutenant general, in the face of the full force of the steel bone, it should have flown out, and spit out blood, but it was not directly knocked down, and it is still a little difficult to completely lose the combat effectiveness of a lieutenant general with one punch!

And after the punch of the steel bone, it is not so easy, you must know that the most important ability of Pinel’s hero is not to fight, but to provide aura!

The ninth-level thorn aura brings eighteen percent of the anti-damage effect! That is to say, nearly one-fifth of the effect of this circle of steel bone empty is on himself, and this damage appears out of thin air, the kind that cannot be defended, it is very uncomfortable!

Although the steel bone of this punch was very humiliating, he did not have time to study this matter, and after standing firm, he did not hesitate to punch again, still aiming at Pinel’s head!

This punch landed on Pinel’s head, Pinel was severely knocked to the ground, his head was buried deep in the ground, and a huge hole appeared under Pinel’s head as the center!

Another summoner mastered is to see and smell, although he also wanted to help Pinel block this attack, but it was still half a beat slower, so he could only slash out at the empty chest of the steel bone, and a huge slash slashed into the empty chest of the steel bone, leaving a trace of a knife that was not deep or shallow, knocking the steel bone air far away!

If it weren’t for the steel bone void taking the rebound damage from Pinel, he would definitely not have been hit so easily, but this was enough to shatter the earth, and one-fifth of it was returned to himself, which had made him almost not slow down, and of course he didn’t have enough energy to dodge that slash!

In fact, it is precisely because of the existence of the hero of the Jungle Guardian that the people on Pinel’s side seem to have the upper hand, because before understanding what is going on with this inexplicable and weird attack method, those lieutenant generals who have been fighting for a long time do not dare to play with the deadly attack, intelligence is the most important one that determines battle and war, and before fully understanding the intelligence, even the most powerful people may capsize in the gutter at any time!

Steel Bone Void was not attacking, he originally thought that the strange attack just now came from the first person who stood in front of Pinel, but when he attacked Pinel just now, he still received a backlash, indicating that this attack may not be when attacking someone, but anyone on Pinel’s side may be affected!

If Steel Bone Kong was not a fool, he would definitely not rush up again brainlessly, after all, the intelligence that Pinel would not be harmed has long been not fresh news! So if Steel Bone Empty attacks Pinel, it will only be himself who will be injured, and the idiot will do that!

“Hehe, haha, hey, hey! Is this life? That’s what pain feels like! It’s a wonderful feeling! I really should let the world feel it, hahahaha, I am finally myself again! Hey hahaha! Who just punched! It hurts! ”

Pinel pulled his head out of the soil with great difficulty! The tears on his face have disappeared, replaced by a panicking expression, pure evil, and does not hide his feelings of wanting to destroy the world, so that everyone who sees it will involuntarily feel palpitations from the bottom of their hearts!

Steel Squinted his eyes, stood not far from Pinel, and said loudly to those navies who wanted to rush up to help,

“Don’t move, something is wrong with him, no one is allowed to attack him without my orders!” Ness is dead, this is no longer a battle you can participate in, now your task is to protect yourself! ”

Pinel wiped his face and wiped the dirt at the corner of his mouth, looking at the steel bone empty, his eyes were shining, as if he had set a goal in his heart that he would not hesitate!

“Hey, hey, Marshal Kong, this is what is wrong with you, people want to help you, how can you live up to their good intentions? Since you want to participate in the battle, then I will fulfill them! Art is an explosion! ”

Steel Bone Kong listened to Pinel’s words, his pupils shrank sharply, and he immediately roared loudly,

“Everyone disperse!”

But it was clear that his words were slow, and as he shouted ‘everyone’, no less than ten explosions sounded in the group of navies at the same time, and the explosions in these places were obvious, and the dosage of explosives used was completely different from the previous two times! The sky-piercing fire illuminated everyone’s face, at least hundreds of people died on the spot, this is a battlefield, not an animation, human beings are not as fragile as imagined, but they are definitely not as strong as imagined, most people are still flesh and blood, or will be blown up!

“Air Marshal, quickly look back, isn’t it beautiful, look at the dead navy, watch these navy shoots being removed by me, will you be miserable? Can you feel how I feel? Probably not, although it is said that they are all your very important subordinates, but in fact, you don’t care much about them! But if I leave them all here, you should be able to feel one ten-thousandth of my pain, right? Hey, hey, hey! ”

If Pinel had scruples about retreat before Ness fell, then Pinel at this time was only a way forward without a way back, after all, there was no one behind Pinell, and even if he turned back, there was no point!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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