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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 064

Steel bone empty listened to the explosion behind him, did not change too much, just like Pinel said, although steel bone empty mouth said that this cares about these navies, but how can there be immortals in war, in the war, these navies are just cannon fodder, and now it is war!

But even if he doesn’t care, Steel Bone Void has to let these dead people play more value, such as letting him stand on the side of justice!

“You’re a demon, why don’t you fall? These people didn’t do anything to you at all, why hurt them! You should not exist in this world, you can only bring despair to this world! Damn bastards, justice will never bow to evil, no matter what the cost, justice will eventually triumph over evil, you have no hope of victory, because you do not have such firm faith in us! ”

Pinel took the pistol and slammed it into the steel bone, laughing while shooting,

“Where is the less crooked, can you say that I am dead? And there is no audience, what do you mean by performing here? Is it getting used to it or what? Hurry up and fight, kill me if you have the ability! Kill me! I let you have two feet, do not hide! Come quickly! If I don’t go back, I’ll go back and kill those lieutenant generals behind me!” Despair or something, the best! Hahaha”

As Pinel spoke, he really had to turn around and walk in the direction of the group of lieutenant generals who were fighting in the dog!

Steel bone kong does not dare to let Pinel go over there, there is now a stalemate, if Pinel joins, it is obvious that the balance will be broken, and it is obvious that after the balance is broken, it will definitely be the navy that will be injured!

Those vice admirals are not naval soldiers behind the steel bone, each headquarters vice admiral is the most important resource of the navy, navy soldiers can be found again, but if the vice admiral sacrifices one, it is not easy to cultivate!

With a jump, Pinel once again blocked in front of Pinel, blocking the group of lieutenant generals of Pinel and Red Dog!

Pinel looked at the performance of the steel bone empty and showed a successful smile!

“Air Marshal, you are still so easy to express your thoughts, you may know a little about me, I prefer to give the choice to the opponent, now the two options are in front of you, either you block my way and give up the four thousand navies that are still in stock, or you go to save that group of navies, and I go to participate in the battle of that group of vice admirals!” Of course, two vice admirals are a little rampant to take down four thousand navies, I’ll add four more! Now how do you choose? Vice admirals are human lives, those navies are also human lives, there are only six vice admirals, counting the red dog is seven, but there are four thousand people behind me! ”

Pinel’s words were loud enough for the four thousand people behind him to hear, and the game once again returned to the scene where fish and bear’s paw cannot be combined, which is also Pinel’s favorite picture, no matter what choice Cyboru makes, it is not the right one, because there will always be another party who will blame him!

After Pinel finished speaking, four more figures immediately appeared, and then the four newly appeared and the two people summoned by Pinel just now, together thinking four thousand navies rushed over, Pinel did not give Steel Bone Space time to think, after all, this world did not give Ness more time! You have to do things fairly, don’t you!

Steel Bone Kong made what he thought was the right choice, he gave up the four thousand naval soldiers, and blocked Pinel with a firm face!

Steel bone empty is not distrustful of those vice admirals can not stop Pinel this person, empty is just afraid, if Pinel walks over, those lieutenant generals will restrain themselves from doing anything to Pinel, when the time comes to be hurt by the rebound, there will be a flaw, originally they alone have to face the attack of two or three people, a momentary flaw for those vice admirals other than the red dog yellow ape, enough to be fatal!

So he can’t let Pinel go over, and there are still some ideas in the hollow, after all, this is Mary Joa, the territory of the Draco, the base of the world government, if the five old stars can’t see it, send CP0, then everything can be avoided!

It’s just that the possibility of waiting for the five old stars to speak is a little low, after all, in the eyes of the five old stars, don’t say four thousand navies, even forty thousand navies are just ants, and ants are not necessary to be saved!

Pinel also saw the choice of Steel Bone Void and licked his lips happily,

“It seems that you have already made a decision, Air Marshal, since you have made a decision, then of course I respect your choice, I am the same as you think, if I were to choose, I think I would also do it, after all, once it is more than seven vice admirals in the navy high-ranking ranks, once just more than four thousand ordinary soldiers, which is more important than the other, you can understand at a glance!” It’s just that such behavior can be somewhat contrary to the justice of the Navy, shouldn’t the Navy help the weak? Why did the Air Marshal choose to give up now? If I’m not mistaken, the Air Marshal was also promoted from the Marshal of the Navy, forgetting the justice of the Navy so quickly? ”

Steel Bone is powerless to refute Pinel’s words, but he still has a phrase that can be applied anywhere,

“It’s all for justice, Heath Pinel, you bottomless bastard, you will definitely pay the price you deserve!”

Pinel smiled wickedly,

“Don’t be silly, wake up, take a closer look at me, what price can I pay? My price has long been taken away by you, but I am collecting debts now, don’t make it seem like I am excessive, I have not done anything, everything is your choice! What does it have to do with me? I will definitely make you regret everything you did today! My Ness, how can it be worth a million lives, if you are also afraid, then you should be afraid now, as long as I exist for one day, this world will not have a peaceful day! It’s all not what you want either! Steel! Bone! Empty! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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