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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 065

Gentlemen, I love war!


After speaking, Pinel did not have the slightest hesitation and ran directly, standing in place and waiting for the end of the war or something, but it was not Pinel’s style!

You can block me back, but want me to give up resistance? There are no doors!

With Pinel’s exhilarating speech, both the Red Dog side and the Four Thousand Navy side immediately felt the pressure multiply!

The red dog side has been stalemated for a long time, an elite lieutenant with two-color domineering and three summoners with armed domineering power, the four joined hands to stare at the red dog deadly, not letting him support others, and the jungle guardian and an elite lieutenant general summoner with two-color domineering power, also looked at the yellow ape, although the yellow ape is very mobile, but in the face of the jungle guardian as if the pistol with unlimited ammunition can only ensure that he will not be injured!

None of the remaining five lieutenant generals personally fought against three ordinary lieutenant general-level summons, and although they struggled to support, they would not be defeated for a while and a half!

If the two sides can carry out the confrontation normally, it is actually better, but it should be the existence of the guardian of the jungle, and the attack on the naval side is only promised, for fear of shocking yourself if you make it too strong! This kind of anti-injury attack, even if it is elementalized, is not exempt! The four summoners who fought against him were more miserable, one of them had even burned half of his arm, but at the same time, the red dog was also the most on the naval side, and after just ten punches with that elite lieutenant general, he had already begun to vomit blood!

The yellow ape may be the easiest of these vice admirals, he knows that these people are insignificant to Pinel, even if he kills these people, it will not make Pinel feel bad, so he has always retained his physical strength and is ready to attack Pinel at any time, for the yellow ape, Pinel is his target!

The most dangerous is probably Stolobel, he is a newly promoted lieutenant general, the strength is not outstanding, in the ten-minute high-strength battle, from the beginning of the battle, basically there is no time for him to stop, and his armed color domineering is not mature, consuming more physical strength, as for seeing and smelling the color can not be turned off for a second, you have to use it anytime, anywhere, after all, the attacks he faces are also one after another!

So at this time, his physical strength has declined very seriously, this battle without a trace of downtime is very difficult for him, it is not good to say, now he is really struggling to support! He himself knew in his heart that as long as he faced one more enemy, he would be cold!

The situation on the side of the vice admiral should not be underestimated, but the naval soldiers’ side is even worse, six people at the level of vice admiral, two of them formed three directions to storm into the crowd, almost every second there are naval deaths, in this situation where the gap in strength is quite large, the summons of people who have seen and heard domineering are like meat grinders, and every shot will take away a fresh life!

No one knows how long the physical strength of these six vice admirals can last, but before these six people fall, they can definitely kill more than half of the naval soldiers, which means that Pinel’s summons have no effective means of group attack, otherwise, more navies will die, or even all of them!

The battle has entered a stalemate, it depends on which side’s physical strength can not hold out first, and live to see which side has new forces to join, otherwise time will have to tell everything! But what is certain is that this battle, the navy is definitely not the winning side!

As for Pinel, he is still constantly impacting the steel bone void, and the steel bone empty is also constantly beating Pinel back, he also wants to grab Pinel, but seeing the explosives tied around Pinel’s waist, he still did not do that in the end, the steel bone empty is just a strong physical skill, he does not have the ability to elementalize, those yellow outer packaging explosives, obviously much more powerful than the red outer packaging explosives used by Pinel before!

In fact, the explosives used by Pinel are indeed more powerful, summoning characters from the system, starting from the summons of the colonel level, they will match and bring out a bundle of ten explosives, and the power of the explosives will increase without upgrading the level, and at this time Pinel uses explosives with the level of lieutenant generals, the power and the explosives in the red packaging are of course not the same, the power is at least three times that of the explosives in the red packaging!

So Steel Bone Kong chose a safer method for him, and he planned to exhaust Pinel’s physical strength! Steel bone space controlled his strength very well, just knocked Pinel away, and used all his strength, not even one-tenth of his strength, so as to avoid, the damage of the rebound damage, in the steel bone space, everything is in his plan, only time is enough to win in the end will be him!

“What’s wrong? The fist is lighter than the next, it’s fundamentally different, Air Marshal, harder, I can still withstand it! Or do you think it’s enough to keep me out? What gives you the illusion?

The war is only now really beginning!

Gentlemen, I like war, I like the picture of the head and neck separated, I like the sound of bones shattering, I like the warmth of blood spraying on me! As long as someone dies, I will be happy! Will you make me happy? ”

Pinel’s voice spread throughout the battlefield, and the summoners who heard his voice immediately changed their eyes, and a trace of ruthlessness appeared on their calm faces, while responding loudly to Pine

“Obey the instructions of the Legionnaire, the joy of the Legion is our everything! Kill! ”

Pinel didn’t want to drag the war on longer, he was a little impatient, so those summoners gave up their defenses!

That’s right, just give up the defense and start a crazy attack! The kind of state where you can hack me to death, but I must slash you to make the enemy’s heart cold!

This change in the fighting style of the summoner, the first problem is Stolobel, a movement did not react, the arm he held the knife directly split from the body, and the chest was also shot twice, although not dead, but also has no ability to fight again!

After seeing this scene happen, the red dog directly roared loudly,

“Yellow Ape!”

The yellow ape also immediately understood the meaning of the red dog, and the whole body wanted to turn into golden light for moving, but the jungle guardian fired a shot, and the golden light of the yellow ape was directly shattered, and the figure of the yellow ape also flew upside down from the golden light and turned into a human form, with a little blood at the corner of his mouth!

“Where are you going? Lieutenant General Yellow Ape? Your opponent is me, don’t look down on people too much, okay? ”

How can a hero not have his own ideas, this is also the essential difference between hero units and ordinary summons, in addition to firmly carrying out Pinel’s orders, he also has his own ideas!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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