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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 066

Should man rebel against fate or echo fate when he lives? You say to the weak that things are man-made, and he simply cannot do it; You tell the strong to resign themselves to fate, and he will not listen to you at all.

—————— Cold Fall Night Sky (Villain’s Duty)

Although Stolobel lost his combat effectiveness, he was not without any fitness, at least three people who fought against him, one was pierced in the chest with a knife, and the other was broken by the arm he had left!

That is to say, his opponent of three people, at most can only be counted as two combat power, and it is not in full state! But even so, the stalemate in the entire battlefield can be regarded as broken! Although these two combat forces joined the battle between the yellow ape and the red dog, it would not have much impact on the yellow ape and the red dog, at most, it could only be regarded as an increase in some pressure! But if the combat power of these two people is added to the battle of other lieutenant generals, the effect will be fatal!

It’s like dominoes, one falls, and the next ones fall like one after the other, a chain reaction!

Pinel slipped up from the ground again and licked his lips!

“Chief Marshal Kong, what should you do now? Stop me, or help them? If I help them, I can join the battlefield, and most importantly, I may have to slip away! Friendly reminder, I swore that I would sacrifice a million people to the heavens! You said you let me go? Or abandon those lieutenant generals! Another tangled multiple-choice question! Sa, how do you decide? There is not much time left for you, after all, these lovely subordinates of mine will not stop until they receive my orders! Oh, look, the ghost spider’s hair is about to be cut off! ”

The steel bone is almost crushed with a mouthful of teeth, at this time, he even has some beginning to rely on the Warring States, why only send this few people, there are not enough people at all!

“Damn, why is God always on your side, it’s really God’s eyes, how can people like you be arrogant on this sea all the time!”

Pinel shot back and laughed presumptuously,

“What are you talking about, General Marshal Kong, if God really opens his eyes, how can he let that group of fat pigs live arrogantly, that group of scum can live well, it means that the heavens of this world have long won blind ah!” I have said it many times, don’t talk in the same way as the good guys and bad people, I really want to vomit! ”

Steel bone empty while dodging Pinel’s bullet while knocking Pinel away again,

“Can’t you see the good side? Why do you always struggle with that little bit of darkness? Do you know how chaotic this world would be if it didn’t have Draco? Isn’t it appropriate to sacrifice a small number of people in exchange for the peace of this sea? Besides, you only saw the mistakes of the Draco, didn’t you see the evil deeds of the pirates? ”

“Therefore, all deserve to die, everyone in this world deserves to die, weak people seduce others to commit crimes deserve to die, powerful people deserve to die if they bully others, ignorant people deserve to die if they don’t understand right and wrong, smart people will calculate others so they deserve to die, there is no one in this world who can be redeemed!” Even I myself deserve to die! If you can, the air commander will kill me, otherwise, the world will suffer!” Hahaha! ”

Steel bone empty listened to Pinel’s words, a sullen breath blocked in the chest, did not contain the strength for a while, with anger blow on Pinel’s head, suddenly jumped Pinel far away, steel bone kong himself also froze, involuntarily took a step back, muffled cold snorted, gently wiped the corners of his mouth, as if nothing had happened!

Pinel got up from the ground like no one else and bounced the dirt on his body!

“General Marshal Kong, you can’t get home with this qi-raising kung fu, so you’re angry? That punch just hurt me, do you want to take a few more punches to make you dissipate? Or are you going to help the red dogs and them, so that you will knock me so far with one punch!” ”

It is impossible for Sora to let Pinel run, he doesn’t think that Pinel is lying, since he said that he will kill a million people, then he will really kill a million people after he leaves Mary Joa! Pinel will not think about whether it is worth it, he will only do it if he wants, after all, no one can understand the world of madmen!

“You madman, even if everyone dies today, I won’t let you leave the land! Otherwise, those sacrifices would be in vain! ”

Pinel wanted to say something more, but suddenly a group of four or five people with white masks and ghostly masks rushed out from the depths of Marijoa, and the first to bear the brunt was directly at the summons who were slaughtering the naval soldiers!

These suddenly appeared mask people, each of them is a good hand, as soon as they joined the battle, they directly contained the actions of Pinel’s summons, and it can be clearly seen that Pinel’s summons are not opponents!

Pinel didn’t understand at all about a few people who suddenly appeared, after all, CP0 usually does not appear in front of the public, and only CP1-CP8 usually appears!

“Okay, what about the back hand? Then Air Marshal, why don’t you let them come out earlier, this can reduce more casualties! ”

The empty face showed joy and pouted,

“Hmph, Pinel, it’s up to you to make your choice, right? Do you shrink your forces to escort you away, or wait for your people to be killed one by one before you surrender! ”

Pinel pulled out a yellow explosive from his waist, lit the explosive with excitement on his face, took it in his hand and began to move his legs in the direction of the steel bone empty and ran over!

“General Marshal Kong, you still don’t know enough about me, I never make a choice, it’s just some people, if you die, you will die, anyway, all the people in this world deserve to die!” Since defeat is certain, let failure come faster! Little ones, it’s time to kill yourself! ”

Pinel is still smiling so evilly, and he is not driven to a corner!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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