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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 068

There are no winners in wars, only losers!

—————————— too many people have said it!

Listening to Pinel’s words, the steel bone hollow was cold, no one could understand the feeling when facing this kind of monster, and no one wanted to face this kind of monster!

Perhaps because he had just experienced a brainless battle, Steel Bone Kong actually forgot for a while that the most frightening thing about Piner was not his endless subordinates, but the observation that could always catch the enemy’s weaknesses!

Even the Grand Staff Crane of the Navy, whose wisdom is beyond ordinary people, suffered from Pinel’s injury!

Every Pinel action comes to a perfect end, he has never been caught by anyone, as if this person has never had weaknesses!

But he can always stab the enemy with the sharpest knife at the most critical moment!

“Plan five? I don’t think you can plan for this far! You’ve lost everything Heath Pinel, bluffing can’t make me back down, and if you really have any means, if you don’t take advantage of it now, there will be no chance! ”

Pinel smashed his mouth,

“Still so anxious, I see that you can’t change this problem, always want your enemy to take the initiative to say his plan, don’t you know that when your enemy says the plan, it is when he feels that you are no longer able to make changes?” Stupid little darling, think about it with your walnut-sized brain, where is this? Is it me who cares most about me in this land known as the Holy Land? Or are you navies? Neither! ”

Pinel plucked his ears, and then blocked them with his hands, as if there would be some noise next, not caring about Steel Bone Kong’s gloomy face!

Three seconds later, the steel bone roared at CP0 in the distance,

“Go see the Draco, see the safety of that group of adults, Pinel is for those adults, don’t let him succeed!”

With the shouting of Steel Bone Void, the remaining four CP0s instantly disappeared in place, this time it is no longer a matter of whether Steel Bone Void can order them, no matter what is more important than the life of Draco, this is the meaning of the existence of the world government!

The world government does not exist for civilians, but for Draco, and the world government is only to help Draco manage the world!

Pinel felt more and more that the steel bone was empty and stupid!

“Hey, hey, Air Marshal, you really don’t listen to people, I just said it, when your enemy tells you his plan, it means that your enemy already thinks that this plan will not be changed, and you let them go again at this time, it’s not a star and a half!” You see, they’re back! ”

In just a few seconds, the CP0 that had just disappeared returned to the field of vision of the steel bone, but the steel bone space could not say that they were slacking, because in the distance, three people in naval uniforms were slowly walking over with the nameless Draco, the Draco was strapped with explosives, and the navy walking in the middle was holding an explosive-like thing in his hand!

It is clear that, like Pinel said, his plan has taken effect!

Steel Bone Void couldn’t accept this fact at all, they worked hard for half a day, and in the end everything was in Pinel’s plan? How can such a reality be acceptable! Kicked Pinel hard in the stomach, and Pinel slipped a deep ravine on the ground,

At the same time, the steel bone void was also a reflection of the rebound attack again, plus the anger in the heart, a mouthful of blood was no longer swallowed, and it directly sprayed out,

The steel bone did not wipe the blood, pointed at Pinel’s nose, and cursed angrily

“Damn, what the hell are you thinking? If you have such means, why don’t you make it earlier, so that all the sacrifices will not appear, and you can also take the girl away! You monster! ”

Pinel grinned, biting his lower lip and smiling happily!

“You ask me? You ask me about this? Are you asking me? I thought what Karp said could be trusted, so I didn’t have it in my original plan! After the battle began, the three of them went to tie people, but unfortunately, their movements were a little slow, so everything that happened had nothing to do with me, this was an inevitable result, it was the story that came to this point by itself, and it has nothing to do with me!

But can I go now? I’m a little tired today and don’t want to play, how about I come and play with your navy and your world government after I kill 200,000 people! Of course, you can also choose to arrest me, as long as you don’t care about the lives of these five Draco!” In other words, I’m afraid you have the determination to give up Draco, so these five fat pigs are Draco from five different families! ”

The steel bone covered his chest empty, and his mouth kept cursing,

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Are the bodyguards who protect Draco all made of wood? How can you get your people in control so easily! Why is all this so unsmooth, damn it, damn it! ”

Steel bones are almost driven crazy by Pinel!

Pinel shrugged indifferently,

“It’s simple, because they’re wearing navy uniforms! But this is not the main reason for your loss, do you know where your biggest weakness is? ”

Steel Bone looked at Pinel with red eyes, and said a few words from between his teeth,


Pinel raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth twitched,

“Whether it is the navy or the world government, what you value is too obvious, just because you have something important, so you are so easy to defeat, originally I also have it!” But to your blessing, now there is none! Hehe, hahaha!

Sa, I’m going to start walking, the kick just now is the last gift for you, if you, including your people, do something to me and my people again, then every time you do it, a Draco will be blown away!

Oh no, this feeling is really bad, the same trick can actually work again, it really bors me to meet opponents like you! Didn’t you read the yellow ape’s report two years ago? Human beings are really weak!

Commander Kong, I hope you can make some progress next time we play again, don’t let me win like this without a trace of satisfaction, okay? Actually, I really want to feel how you will torture me! Hee hee haha! ”

Pinel smiled reluctantly, because he didn’t know if this battle could really be considered a victory for him?


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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