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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 069

Pinel walked to the side of the steel bone with some regret, and he even paused and patted him on the shoulder,

“Marshal Air, are you really not doing it? The lives of five fat pigs are just so heavy in your heart? More important than the lives of hundreds of thousands or millions of people? ”

The steel bone did not squint, his teeth crunched, and he did not say anything back to Pinel!

Pinel arched his shoulders, turned to face the navy soldiers, who were not left with less than three thousand, sneered, and roared loudly,

“Come, shout one more to me, everything for justice! Let me hear how firm your justice really is! Hahahaha! ”

All the navies that Pinel swept over all lowered their heads in pain, and some even began to cry bitterly, that helpless despair is not something that ordinary people can bear, obviously the enemy is in front of them, but they can’t do anything, they can only watch Pinel leave!!

Even some people have begun to envy Pinel, envious that he can do whatever he wants without restraint, and the navy captains who once made them extremely glorious want to bind them like a heavy turtle shell at this time! Even in the face of Pinel’s ridicule, they were powerless to refute it, wouldn’t it be ridiculous to shout out that everything was for justice at this time!

Although these navies already seem to be in great pain, Pinel wants more than that, and the pain these people endure is far from enough in Pinel’s opinion!

“By the way, in fact, think that you are really great enough, for these five pigs, even your relatives can be spared, I have never said that I only installed this person in the navy, I will find out your information present, your relatives and friends ah, I guarantee that they are among the 200,000 I am about to kill!” You can sacrifice even your loved ones for the justice in your heart, it is really great, I have to say admire ah! Then everyone, see you again! ”

Pinel is really forcing people to die! The steel bones can’t listen to it, and the originally not very kind face is almost twisted into a ball!

“Damn bastard, what the hell are you trying to do! Do you have to keep dying? You’ve done so much, isn’t that enough? How many people do you want to kill and drive crazy before you are willing to give up! Today, even if the old man fights this naval commander-in-chief inappropriately, he must arrest you! ”

Steel bone void is this you are going to be driven crazy by Pinel, otherwise he would not say such a ‘big disobedience’ words, listening to the words of steel bone empty, the nameless Draco immediately stopped working!

“What do you want to do! Don’t move, I order you as a Draco, don’t move! ”

“Steel bones, you bastard, since he wants to go, let him go quickly, whatever he says, it’s just some pariahs, death is death, our lives are the most important!”

“If I have any accident, my clan will definitely lock you up in Impelton, no, it will definitely make you die!”


Draco doesn’t care how many people Pinel will kill after he leaves, anyway, as long as their safety can be guaranteed, it doesn’t matter at all!

“Are you all idiots? I wonder what Pinel’s relationship is with you? Even if you let him go now, he will definitely not let you go in the end, and if you don’t take him down now, you won’t sacrifice in vain!” ”

If the Draco people could listen to the Steel Bone Void, then they would not be hated like they are now!

“I don’t care, I just know that if you don’t do it, we still have hope of living, but if you do it, we will die!”

“I don’t want to die, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, you can’t do it!”

“I am a Draco, I can’t die, I am a world nobleman, I order you to save me!”

The more stupid people are, the more stupid they will become when they get to such a time!

But Steel Bone Kong still had to listen to these stupid orders, and he could only raise the sky and let out the unhappiness in his heart!


Pinel had already walked out for a long time, listening to the conversation between Steel Bone Empty and Draco, he walked back and kicked Steel Bone Void’s calf! Then whispered to the steel bone,

“Hey, what are the wolves calling, what do they do, like you said, how can I let them go, as long as I leave here, my three subordinates will immediately blow them up to the sky, do it, take me down, so that you can lose a little less, how about I promise not to fight back?”

Steel bone empty listened to Pinel so provocative words, finally the string called reason in the head broke, eyes red to Pinel head slapped down, Pinel opened his hands, closed his eyes, as if greeting blessings quietly waiting for the palm of steel bone empty to fall, as if the slap was not to hit him, but to press him money!

But Pinel didn’t get the slap he wanted, but heard a metal crash,


Pinel knew what kind of movement it was just by listening to the sound, and his expression of enjoyment suddenly became tasteless, as if he had turned on the sage mode, and after slowly opening his eyes, he saw that the pitch-black long knife firmly pressed the steel bone five centimeters above his brain!

The owner of the long knife is a CP0 with a grimace!

Steel Bone Void asked angrily!

“Why stop me! Can’t you turn a blind eye? The old man will bear all the consequences! ”

CP0’s voice was grim, as if everything that was happening around had nothing to do with him!

“Pass on the order of the five old stars, Draco can’t die in the decisions of the navy and the world government, which adult above will be unhappy!”

Pinel doesn’t care who this CP0 who conveys the order is, he knows that no matter how much he presses from now on, Steel Bone Void will not do anything to him!

After the electric remote-controlled toy car has no electricity, it is not as interesting as the rag puppet on the clockwork,

“Cut, boring, it’s all waste without eggs, boring, a bunch of big men who can only brush their mouths, it’s better to go home and sleep, it’s just five fat pigs, let you make a slight promise, if you know that I buried explosives in various places in the Draco station, I don’t know what your reaction is!”

Pinel walked and spoke over and over again, and after hearing Pinier’s words, the pupils of the man with the CP0 mask shrank significantly! Packed up the CP0s in the distance, and then all the CP0s disappeared in place!

And Pinel also lost interest in Steel Bone Void, although Pinel didn’t know who the adult in the mouth of CP0 just now was, but Pinel knew that this person made Steel Bone Empty very afraid, and even returned to his senses at once!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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