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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 070

Step by step, Pinel walked farther and farther away, gradually walking towards the beach! Pinel walked all the way to the seaside position, and at this time, the Jungle Guardian and the two half-crippled summoners also walked behind Pinel!

Pinel frowned, looking at the endless sea, he always felt that there was something missing!

After stopping for a few seconds, he finally thought of something missing, turned around and shouted to the steel bone,

“Hey, Air Marshal, the ship I came was broken by you for me, now I’m leaving, do you have to compensate me!” How else would I leave? I don’t want much, just a medium-sized warship! ”

Pinel didn’t feel that his request was excessive at all!

Steel Bone didn’t say anything, he didn’t communicate a word like Pinel now, and he also knew that government officials would soon prepare for Pinel! Not to mention a medium-sized warship, even if Pinel asks for two large warships, the world government will not have the slightest intention of refuting, after all, the five old stars have already spoken, you can’t give Pinel an excuse, even if Draco is dead, it has to be Pinel’s subjective consciousness, and the navy and the world government can’t have anything to do with it!

Pinel looked at the steel bone empty and did not care, so he didn’t make himself bored, and after a while, a warship drove from a distance, and finally stopped in front of Pinel!

After Pinel drove everyone off the ship, he boarded the ship with the three Guardians of the Jungle! After getting on the ship, he summoned four colonel-level summons again, and left the ship! Before going to sea, Pinel waved his hand very enthusiastically at the red dog yellow ape,

“Goodbye navy, we’ll meet again!” I hope that when we meet next time, you can bring me a bigger surprise! Especially you Lieutenant General Yellow Ape, this is already the third time we have met, to be honest, I am very disappointed in you, there is no growth at all! If you don’t have any growth the next time we meet, I will…. Slaughter you! ”

The yellow ape covered the wounds on his body, his face was heavy, he didn’t think that Pinel’s words were really joking, after all, this person grew too fast! Two years ago, Pinel was still no threat to the yellow ape, but now the yellow ape believes that if he meets Pinel alone on the sea, it will be an absolute nightmare!

In the end, Pinel still left, walking dashingly, and even the people of the navy did not dare to send people to chase! I can only let Pinel go!

In fact, it is not that the navy is too cowardly, nor is the navy too wasteful, it can only be said that in the eyes of the world government, Draco is more important than the navy!

Sitting at the bow of the warship, Pinel kept smiling and knew that after Mary Joa could no longer be seen, the smile finally disappeared!

Immediately after that, there was an earth-shattering explosion in the direction of Mary Joa!

Just like Steel Bone Kong said, even if Pinel is let go, Pinel will definitely not let go of the Draco, the human head within reach, how could Pinel let go so easily!

But all this didn’t matter, the two injured lieutenant general-level summoners had already entered the cabin to rest, and only the Jungle Guardian stood faithfully beside Pinel looking at Pinel’s serious face!

Pinel sat in the bow of the boat for a long time, knowing that the sun was about to set, when he suddenly asked the guardian of the jungle,

“Cenarius, did we win this war? Why don’t I feel joy at all, and I don’t feel satisfied, and I even feel a little empty! ”

(The name of the Guardian of the Jungle is Cenarius, and when you reach level nine, new information appears in the system!) )

Cenarius didn’t know how to answer Pinel, and he couldn’t understand how Pinel felt at this time,

“Legion Elder, for the victory of the war, all sacrifices are worth it, I believe that those who died for you died with a sense of contentment, a short death is not terrible, the terrible thing is to stay on earth to suffer, death is the end of life, they just reached the end first, you should be happy for the dead warriors!”

Pinel listened to Cenarius’s words and sneered, people who don’t understand don’t understand more, and from Pinel’s point of view, even if Cenarius makes a hole in the sky, the feeling of emptiness caused by losing important things in Pinel’s heart will not lie!

“Go and see, how long until Chambord Land, I want to go and see if there are enough people to accompany me Ness!”

Cenarius had no right to refuse Pinel’s order!

The atmosphere on Pinel’s side is heavy, and there is no joy to escape, nor does it have the sense of accomplishment of severely damaging the navy!

And the atmosphere on Mary Joya’s side is even heavier, and it can even be said to be grief!

In this battle, two vice admirals of the navy headquarters were sacrificed, more than two thousand naval soldiers died, and even five Draco, and the rest were almost all wounded, and the culprit who caused all this slipped away before their eyes, which is undoubtedly a major defeat!

It was the worst battle in the history of the Navy, and it can be said that both sides lost a lot!

This battle must not be hidden, ten minutes after the end of the battle, newspapers have begun to fly all over the sky, of course, the reason why the newspaper is distributed quickly is not to broadcast the failure of the navy, but to remind the people of the world that they are ready to face disasters at any time, no one knows when Pinel will start slaughtering the million people he promised, maybe the next island on which Pinel sails will be slaughtered!

After two years of silence, the name Heath Pinel is once again widely spread on the sea, and this time the prestige is even closer to the four emperors of pirates!

A person’s prestige is never lived in an ordinary life, but beaten!

Steel Bone Sora and Red Inu stood on the beach of Mary Joa together, looked at the direction where Pinel disappeared, and said to Akainu a little weakly,

“I feel like we’ve released a real demon, and next time maybe we’ll have a hard time cornering him!”

The red dog clenched his fists, his face was full of anger and helplessness, and after more than ten seconds, he squeezed out a few words from the root of his teeth!

“Justice will win!”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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