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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 071

For a normal person to prove that he is normal, the matter itself is abnormal!

—————— (hello maniac)

After this sad war between Pinel and the Navy at Mary Joa, the newspaper described Pinel in this way, in a large piece!

“Heath Pinel, born in 1488 in the Chambord Islands of the Great Voyage, was killed by passing pirates when his parents were selling sashimi when he was five years old, and then Heath Pinel lived in the Chambordian Islands orphanage, and it was not until he was 18 years old that he left the orphanage to live alone!

After living alone, for four years, he did everything, stealing chickens and dogs, stealing and playing tricks, until he collided and went to the Chambordian Islands to play the world nobleman Draco-sama!

Lord Draco did not blame him for the collision, and also took him as a domestic servant, but Heath Pinel did not have a trace of gratitude, and after becoming Lord Draco’s domestic servant, he stole hundreds of millions of Bailey’s finances from Lord Draco’s house for three years, and finally Lord Draco couldn’t bear to put him in Impelton Deep Sea Prison!

Two years after his two years in the Deep Sea Grand Prison, Pinel got some unknown changes, and two years later he successfully escaped from the Deep Sea Great Prison Impelton, and killed countless jailers in the process of escaping, and also hit the prison warden, Chief Hiryu!

After gaining the power, Pinel thought that everything he experienced was the mistake of Lord Draco, and did not think that the hard-won peace in this world was the credit of Lord Draco, nor did he think that he himself was taken care of by Lord Draco for three years, and even began to take revenge on the entire society!

Two years ago, that is, after Cispinel escaped from prison and fought with Vice Admiral Tsuru, he fled in a hurry, and came to the Kingdom of Goya in the East China Sea to be brutally killed, and Lord Charmak, who went to inspect the sea, openly planted explosives in the square that greeted Lord Draco, and finally killed hundreds of civilians and dozens of nobles of the kingdom! It’s a heinous crime, unforgivable!

Today, two years later, this cruel villain on the sea committed another crime, and there was a terrible war between Mary Joa and the world government, the world government and the navy were shamelessly attacked, and then resisted vigorously, and finally succeeded in repelling Pinel, but the world government and navy also paid a heavy price! Vice Admiral Burning Mountain and Vice Admiral Storobel died heroically, the navy killed 2,342 outstanding soldiers, and even the nameless Draco Lord died in this battle, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider, Vice Admiral Yellow Ape, Lieutenant General Daubman, Lieutenant General Weasel and General Akainu were seriously injured, please people all over the world to mourn these outstanding soldiers who bravely sacrificed for world peace!

The sacrifice of these tragic warriors will not be remembered by the world, and the world government has issued a notice to record this battle in the annals of history, calling it the defense of Mary Joa!

But the sad thing is that the culprit of this incident is still at large, not that the world government and navy are too incompetent, but that the enemy is too strong and cunning, and ask the people of the world to be vigilant, before the criminal Heath Pinel fled, he made a serious threat, he claimed to take revenge on the world, for which he would kill a million people!

Please note that this is not a joke, Heath Piner is a madman who intends to destroy the world, please keep your distance from the people of the world, again, this is not a joke! Please protect yourself by all those who see this report! Don’t touch them easily, don’t talk to them, and even better look at them, the best thing to do when you see this person is to leave the scene quickly!

Of course, the world government and the navy want to be helped by competent people!

Announce Heath Pinell’s latest bounty order below!

Heath Pinel

Nickname: The madman who destroyed the world

Ability: Suspected summoning superhuman ability

Bounty: 10 billion Bailey

Note: Be sure to kill it in the first place!

I hope you can never meet him! ”

A whole page of newspapers is reporting on Pinel’s affairs, you must know that the last time such a thing appeared, it was when the pirates elected the four emperors, and it was the four emperors who occupied the same page!

By the time the newspaper was sent to the world, Pinel could already see the shadow of the Chambordian Islands, the Chambordi Islands of Noda, black smoke was rising everywhere, and the explosions were still sounding! A dog-headed warship quietly stopped to the side!

Looking at the island getting closer and closer, Pinel rubbed his cheeks and put on an evil smile again, in Pinel’s world, sadness is not for others to see, sadness can only be left to himself!


Pinel began a new journey here, but the sea could no longer be calm!

All the big people who got the information at different times couldn’t calm down for a long time when they looked at the information in their hands, and they couldn’t believe that all this was true!

Although the navy is not going all out to deal with Pinel, but this is undoubtedly more than half of the navy’s combat power, but in the end it still lost so badly, it is not nice to say, as the four emperors, they may not be able to do so ‘beautiful’ when facing these opponents!

“Kula la la! What an amazing brat! ”

“What a capable, almost perfect war, why didn’t I participate!”

“How tough will the baby he gave birth to be, I really want to try it, isn’t the chocolate cake ready yet?” I’m going to starve! ”

“The sea may not be calm anymore! Luffy, the path you’re going to take will be even harder! ”

Everyone was pregnant when they saw Pinel’s photos and information in the newspaper, and there were even many pirates who wanted to go to Pinel, some cheered, some grieved, and some worried!

Not all people will honestly believe everything in the newspaper, really smart people will intercept the information they want in the newspaper! This newspaper may have fooled most people, but it definitely can’t fool everyone!

Of course, Pinel doesn’t care what others say, time will tell!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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