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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 072

The world is troubled and troubled by countless people, and there are only three reasons: I can’t see through, I can’t think about it, and I can’t let go.

—————————— Spider (Ten Deadly Sins)

Pinel soon came ashore, swaggering down the street, receiving corpses everywhere on both sides, houses burning wantonly, no one to save at all, and even Pinel could pass through some ruins with faint moans! As if he couldn’t hear anything, Pinel swaggered over his kingdom like a king!

Pinel wandered around while saying to the guardian of the jungle walking beside him,

“Cenarius, what do you think of the world?”

Although the Guardian of the Jungle has a normal IQ, he has no hiding or right to lie when facing Pinel!

“Some subordinates can’t understand the world, but I personally feel that the world is a little distorted!”

Pinel was somewhat interested in the words of the Guardian of the Jungle.

“Oh? How to explain? Where do you see that the world is distorted? ”

Cenarius frowned slightly, giving his originally handsome face a slightly more serious look!

“My subordinates don’t know much about the world, but at the moment they appear in this world, my mind automatically receives some basic information about a part of this world,

The people of this world deserve to be oppressed and persecuted by those nobles, but they hate the pirates who did the same thing! But in fact, those pirates are far stronger than those so-called nobles, but the commoners of this world dare to resist the pirates and do not dare to resist the nobles, which makes the subordinates unable to understand the world! ”

Pinel’s thoughts about Cenarius are understandable, because at first he couldn’t understand why this happened! Later he figured out that this was habitual servility!

Of course, this word was coined by Pinel himself, and it is based on the original words of the people of this world!

“Cenarius, I think this is because the people of this world, there is the disease of habitual servility, because no one in the ancestors resisted, so they take everything around them for granted, they don’t think about why they kneel when they see Draco, they just know that people who don’t kneel when they see Draco are people who are disobedient, just like they want to drink water when they are thirsty, kneeling when they see Draco has become the physiological reflex of most people in this world!”

So I think that the people of this island should be cleared, not because they provoked me, but because they simply did not need to be saved! After the wound decays, you always have to scrape off the carrion with a knife to make the wound heal faster, right? The people here are the rotting flesh on the wounds of this world! Need to eliminate! ”

As soon as Pinel’s words were finished, there was a sound of applause from the side,

A middle-aged man with white hair mixed with some blonde hair came out from behind a big tree while clapping!

“What a unique opinion, even I was almost convinced by you, at first it will feel some truth, but if you think about it, you can find the problem, you say that the people in the Chambord Islands are carrion, are they carrion?” Who is the definition of carrion in this, who will come down? Do you? Heath Pinel? If it’s you, then what qualifications do you have? You are not God, and you are just a human being! ”

Pinel smiled very gently, turned his head to look in the direction of Renly, and nodded slightly as a gentleman,

“May I ask you?”


“Oh, I’ve heard the name, One Piece’s deputy captain? Hades Rayleigh? ”

Renly, who is nearly half a hundred years old, also smiled and waved his hand, with a relaxed expression on his face, if it weren’t for the tense muscles in his whole body, he might have looked a little more relaxed!

“Everywhere, it is a false name, there is no use, but there is no famous madman who destroys the world is more famous! I won’t say much about gossip, I probably know what happened to you and the Navy, I know that you are very aggrieved, but as far as I understand, you have already killed a lot of people, give me face, can this article be turned over? ”

Pinel listened to Renly’s words, did not change his expression, still smiled, but the smile on his face was a little cold!

“Hades Rayleigh, I’m already very tired today, I don’t want to cause trouble, and I don’t want to argue with anyone, if you can, please don’t bother me, okay?” I don’t want to kill you as an old-timer, don’t mention face with me, you want a madman to give you face, unless you are also a madman!

If you haven’t experienced it, don’t make decisions for others privately, this game is not something you can stop if you say stop, I can stop if I feel that I can stop! So when I ask you, is it okay to live well?

Since you retired, you really hide yourself, you didn’t show up to rob the court when Roger was executed, and now you have come out for some irrelevant people, I really don’t know whether to say that you are a good person or that you have a problem with your brain!

Vice Captain Rayleigh, I know you are a smart man, now I will walk in front of you, I will not pay attention to any more words for what you say, if you want to change my attention, please hurry up, but friendly reminder, you may die! ”

Pinel said very casually, as if killing Hades Reilly was just a very small thing, in fact, if Pinel wanted to, he might really be able to do it!

He can also summon two lieutenant general-level figures and no less than fifteen colonel-level summons, taking advantage of the unequal information, Renly is caught off guard, at least a forty percent chance can kill him, after all, Renly is not yet a natural ability, although the decline in strength at this time is not obvious, but Pinel’s side is not vegetarian!

Renly probably also understands that Pinel is not easy to mess with, not to mention the famous figure behind Pinel, Renly said that he may be able to take Cenarius within a hundred moves, but winning the Jedi will not be easy!

Plus a Pinel who doesn’t know the depths, it’s a little too irrational to do it, and he’s just a retired pirate, the sky is falling with a high top, and he doesn’t need to care about these nosy, not to mention the battle that may die, there is no need to carry it out!

Shrugged, pouted, did nothing and let Pinel go!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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