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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 074

Karp was startled by Pinel’s appearance, and involuntarily sent Pinel’s collar, took two steps back, his face was full of disbelief, and he didn’t want to accept everything Pinel said,

“You, you, you, how can you think like this, if everyone thinks like you, wouldn’t this world have been destroyed a long time ago!”

Pinel turned around and was ready to leave, at this time he didn’t want to do anything to Karp, he hadn’t let Karp feel pain, how could he fight with Karp for life and death, he must make Karp’s feel despair, after feeling the pain of losing the most important person, Pinel can be satisfied with Karp! Until then, Pinel doesn’t want Karp to die yet!

Besides, Karp is not weak enough to be killed by anyone, just like Pinel at this time, the remaining two dates are not enough to kill Karp! It’s not that Karp is much stronger than Renly, but Karp knows Pinel better, and after understanding, some of Pinel’s methods are not so effective!

Looking at Pinel’s figure, Karp squeezed his fists, as if he wanted to make a move on Pinel!

Cenarius looked at Karp’s appearance, his eyes glanced sharply, and a pair of exquisite pistols appeared directly in his hands!

Pinel waved at Cenarius without looking back!

“Cenarius, don’t look like this, generous, it’s nothing, besides, if this old man wants to make a move on you and me, you can’t stop it!” Don’t look at him injured, but this bastard is really not ordinary strong!

But then again, great naval hero, Vice Admiral Karp, if you want to do it, of course, I can’t say anything, after all, you are only entering your duty, but I trouble you, give some mercy, don’t ask others all day, don’t do anything yourself, you save two people with kung fu against me, I heard a lot of moans along the way!

Also, I hope you can make plans in your heart, can you really arrest me alone? Think more about those soldiers behind you, too! ”

Karp looked at the surrounding ruins, and then at the naval soldiers behind him, there is no doubt that what Pinel said is correct, he can indeed strike at Pinel, but how many wounded people will die in the process of fighting because they did not receive timely help Cap does not know!

And if Pinel is really ruthless, these young navies behind him are estimated to not survive even half of them!

Most importantly, Karp was not sure that he would be able to keep Pinel! You know, including the former marshal, plus six vice admirals and a admiral, have not been able to do things, Karp is so confident that he will be able to do it!

Pinel walked farther and farther, and after Karp took a few deep breaths, he finally did not catch up, but whispered to the person behind him,

“Don’t be stunned, hurry up and save people, the war is over, you can’t waste your life!”

Karp took the lead and began to pick up the ruins, carrying it on his shoulder and starting to save people!

And Pinel did not stay on this island anymore, from the moment he saw Karp, Pinel knew that his idea of slaughtering this island would not be realized!

Since my family knows that Pinel is now out of stock, and some system messages have not been received! When Mary Joa summoned a bunch of lieutenant general-level summons, the system sent a message, but Pinel probably guessed something and never investigated!

It is nothing more than the upgrade conditions of the epic barracks, which should probably be similar to the opening conditions of the high-level barracks, that is, how many lieutenant general-level summons are summoned and opened! Pinel doesn’t feel anything about this system, just like those ordinary people, the ideas are too easy to guess and not interesting at all!

“Cenarius, prepare to go to sea, this war is very boring, we are going to start preparing for the next war, but before the next war starts, let’s kill some people, set a small goal first, how about killing 200,000 people first?”

Cenarius hammered one hand to the position of his heart,

“Follow the orders of the Legionnaire! Your command is the meaning of my waiting for survival! ”

Pinel staggered onto the boat, holding a large barrel of wine that came from nowhere, and the laughter spread far, far away!

On this day, violent riots broke out in more than two hundred places in the world at the same time, and the originally gentle neighbors did not know why they suddenly burst out and began to kill and set fire indiscriminately, and it was useless to persuade, as if they were crazy!

On this day, at least 100,000 people were affected, and even in some places because of the remote location, the chaos lasted for three days, and only after the murderer was tired to death, did he return to calm, the number of deaths and injuries was about between 30,000 and 50,000, plus the situation in Chambord, on this day, at least 50,000 people died on this day!

Not many people know why this happened, but everyone knows that Pinel did it!

The world government gave this day an impressive name, New Birthday!

The explanation given by the world government is that this day is the beginning of a new life for all those who survive, and it is also a reminder to those who have lost important relatives and friends to forget the past as soon as possible and start a new life!

Of course, this is only the explanation given by the world government, in the eyes of people who understand, or in the eyes of people who know the truth, this new birthday is actually saying that Heath Pinel, the terrifying guy, he lost his only bond, gained a new life, and gained a new life without weakness!

ps: Next chapter preview: I’ll come, I’ll see, I’ll kill!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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