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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 075

Life, however, is just a hoax, and from the moment you start breathing, you are already dying slowly.

—————— Ode to Death “League of Legends”

Pinel went to sea, looking at the sea, drinking and singing!

No one on the ship knows what Pinel is singing, anyway, they just watch Pinel take a sip of wine, a song, sit on the deck and cry and laugh for a while!

Pinel acted like this all night! Early the next morning, Pinel stood straight in the direction of the bow of the boat, quietly waiting for the sun to rise slowly!

When the first rays of sunlight shone on Pinel’s face, Pinel’s expression seemed to be about to ascend to heaven, and his face was full of kind and dazzling brilliance!

“Legionnaire, where are we going to go next?”

Pinel put his hands behind his back and greeted the rising sun!

“O Cenarius, you say that this sun rises and sets every day, what is it about?”

Cenarius thought about it seriously and answered sincerely,

“Legion leader, subordinates don’t know, subordinates are not the sun, don’t know what it figures! Please forgive your ignorance! ”

There were no surprises in Pinel,

“Cenarius, like you said, you are not the sun, so you don’t know what the sun is thinking, but there are not many honest people like you, others will guess that the sun is for life, will rise in the east and set, or some people will guess, the sun is for light, will rise normally every day, they will not think, the sun may not have any ideas at all, but people will always use their thoughts to explain all these things happen!” I don’t understand why humans can tell their guesses so loudly! It’s like they’re not me, but they’re willing to believe the speculations of the world government! Humans are such an incomprehensible group of creatures! ”

Cenarius didn’t understand what Pinel meant by these words, so he just stood respectfully on the side and did not reply!

Pinel pouted his own amusement,

“Forget it, what do you mean sometimes, we have no destination, we can go anywhere, anyway, to kill people, not to find you a daughter-in-law!” I have a good idea, how about we kill only half of the people when we kill people in the future? This can bring pain to the remaining half of the population, and can do it again decades later! Sustainability, how wonderful! ”

Fortunately, Cenarius would only feel that Pinel’s words were correct, otherwise what a fear it would be to listen to such words!

A week later, Pinel didn’t know where his ship had gone, but he had arrived in a strange kingdom!

After Pinel took Cenarius off the ship, standing at the gate of the palace, looking at the palatial castle, Pinel patted Cenarius on the shoulder!

“Give you a minute! Let the king of this country inform everyone in this country, and in half an hour all those who can breathe will come to this square at the gate of the palace to assemble! Give you twenty people, those who do not come, let not gasp! After the man came, bulldozed it for me! ”

Pinel pointed to the castle behind him, bulldozed it with a casual word, and then lay down on the ground next to him, I have to say, the sun is good!

After Cenarius took the order, he walked into the palace castle with the colonel-level summons that Pinel summoned casually, and what happened to the guards at the door? Please don’t ask such an idiotic question!

A small country with about forty or fifty thousand people, Pinel did not have much ink, and he believed that Cenarius would be able to handle things for him!

Soon, after shaking twice in the castle, a pillar of light that rushed into the sky broke the roof of the castle, and then an elderly voice with a trace of panic began to sound all over the country!

“All the people of the kingdom, please gather at the square in front of the palace in half an hour, please be sure that everyone is present, and there is something to say about our life and death!”

Pinel closed his eyes, as if all this had nothing to do with him!

Soon, it seems that this king’s words are still very good, and many people have appeared from all corners of the street one after another! The square is not very small, but after accommodating the people of the entire kingdom, it is also a little crowded!

Soon Cenarius came out of the castle with twenty younger brothers, not followed by any princes and nobles, it was obvious that those kingdom nobles had been mercifully redeemed by Cenarius!

After walking out of the palace castle, Cenarius held a gun in both hands and bombarded the castle! In ten seconds, the palatial palace is forever history!

Those people standing on the square also discovered at this time that the castle that took several years to build, the castle they thought could withstand the onslaught of 50,000 people, only needed ten seconds to be destroyed!

The people didn’t even have the idea of escaping, and expressions of shock and disbelief appeared on everyone’s faces!

Pinel slowly stood up and gently patted the soil on his body! With a kind smile on his face, he whispered to the shocked people,

“Everyone, good morning, today I gathered you here, delayed everyone’s time, I’m sorry, I don’t know if anyone knows me, let me introduce myself first, in Lower Heath Pinel, a nobody!” I am here today for only one purpose! ”

Pinel smiled so warmly, so sincerely!

However, the people standing opposite him involuntarily swallowed their spit!

Pinel paused for two or three seconds, and then said softly,

“There is only one purpose, I want to double your wealth! I don’t know what you think? ”

Pinel’s smile gradually became a little weird when he spoke, but the people on the other side did not notice Pinel’s expression at all, and everyone was extremely interested in what Pinel said about doubling the property! No one will care about Pinel’s face, in their eyes, at this time, they look at Pinel the same as the God of Wealth!

Everyone stared excitedly at how much wealth they could increase, and no one felt that they were about to encounter a catastrophe!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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