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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 076

Time is not about how much you have, it’s about how you use it.

—————— Ike “League of Legends”

Pinel looked at the excited people and showed a relieved expression!

“It seems that everyone is very interested in my proposal! That’s great, we have the same ideas, and I was a little afraid that you wouldn’t like it! Since you don’t have any other opinions, let’s get started! Hurry up, everyone! Although time is not very important to me, it is still worth a lot to you! ”

Listening to Pinel’s words, a strong man with a flattering smile immediately walked out of the crowd, bending over and rubbing his hands and saying to Pinel,

“Good! Thank you adults, adults for their compassion, and thinking of us little people! This king has been oppressing us for a long time, thank you for liberating us, we know that you want to return the king’s money to us! We are very grateful to you from the bottom of our hearts, let us handle this little thing ourselves, your time is more valuable, if you have something, you can go first! ”

As soon as this guy finished speaking, before Pinel could reply, the crowd immediately began to be indignant,

“Don’t listen to him, my lord!”

“Sir, he’s lying to you!”

“Sir, he’s a scoundrel, he just wants to get more benefits from it!”

“If you believe him, it’s so unfair to us!”

Pinel didn’t speak, just looked at the lively crowd with a kind smile on his face, without the slightest expression of impatience! After all, people are mortal, no matter what kind of action they make, it is understandable, isn’t it!

After a while, the lively crowd gradually subsided, after all, Pinel never spoke, and it was useless for them to argue!

Pinel looked at the crowd that gradually disappeared, and smiled even brighter!

“No more noise? Quiet? Can you tell me now? Dear folks, fathers, uncles and aunts! Now it’s my turn to speak! I hope you don’t interrupt me while I’m talking, otherwise I might be angry, and if I do, something might happen that no one wants! ”

Pinel licked his lips, waited quietly for three seconds, and after making sure that no one spoke again, Pinel clapped his hands!

“Very good, now it’s up to me, first of all, please don’t misunderstand, the king’s money is mine!” It has nothing to do with you! Secondly, I am not an adult, I am a bad person, I am not here to save you, I am here to vent, there is a good saying, I come, I see, I kill! Perhaps you don’t understand me well, but I will simply explain that my plan is this, I intend to eliminate half of you, so that the rest can inherit the property of the clear half, and your property will not be doubled! What do you think? Is my plan particularly perfect? Sometimes I admire my own ideas, really genius! ”

Those who listened to Pinel were full of confusion, maybe they hadn’t reacted to what Pinel was saying!

However, Pinel said very much, paused and swallowed his saliva, and then continued!

“Of course, I am a very fair person, so ah, this half of the people I will not eliminate by my subjective consciousness, these people are up to you to decide!” If you can’t be elected, of course I can serve you! Give you half an hour, please hurry, everyone’s time is precious! Now, I announce that the game has started! ”

After Pinel finished speaking, the whole person retreated, Cenarius stood in front of Pinel, two guns fired two shots at the sky at random, the pillar of light that rushed to the sky warned those who had some other ideas, don’t think blindly, following Pinel’s ideas is the easiest way to save your life!

The gunfire of Cenarius was like a signal to start!

The originally quiet crowd didn’t know who moved first! The big melee developed directly to the point of white heat in a blink of an eye!

It’s easy to figure things out, one side is facing a strong person like Pinel, or facing those ordinary people standing around, and you know who is easier to live with a little thought!

Pinel sat on top of the ruins of the palace, looking at the big melee in front of him, Pinel suddenly found that it turned out that ordinary people should not be underestimated!

“Cenarius, you see that humans are really a strange thing, obviously we are their enemies, but they would rather kill each other and fantasize that we can keep our agreement, rather than fight back against us! What the hell do you say they’re thinking? Sometimes I really can’t guess what they think, humans are really strange creatures, can you figure out what this is for? ”

What Pinel couldn’t even figure out, of course Cenarius couldn’t figure it out!

“Legion leader, subordinates are incompetent, I can’t figure it out, but what are we going to do later? Do you really want to let the rest go? ”

When Pinel heard this, he laughed cruelly!

“When did I say I let them go? I’m talking about letting them choose the half to sacrifice, not letting them kill each other! What does it have to do with me that they kill themselves and me? They only have half an hour, and after half an hour, no matter how much is left, we will eliminate the remaining half! That’s what I said at the beginning, okay? ”

Cenarius nodded slightly, indicating that he understood!

Half an hour passes quickly, and of course it’s a long time!

Half an hour later, the remaining people, each with blood on their faces, each panting and blood-red eyes looked in Pinel’s direction!

“Lord Pinel, there must be less than half left now! Can you let us go? ”

Pinel smiled, did not reply, got up from the ruins, walked past Cenarius, patted Cenarius on the shoulder, and walked in the direction of the sea!

“Cenarius, after finishing things, remember to bring some wine to the ship, I have finished my wine! Hahaha, humans are really interesting creatures, really an interesting life form! Hahaha! ”

ps: There is something going on in the past two days, and the update will start tomorrow! Sorry, big guys!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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