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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 077

The meaning of life is to prove the charm of death!

—————— don’t know where it came from!

From the first time Pinel started playing half of the game, a year is fleeting!

During this period, Pinel passed through villages, towns and, of course, kingdoms!

But no matter where you go, there is only one final result! More than half of the people have disappeared forever in the long river of history!

Pinel’s murderous name is also more dazzling day by day, especially in the first half of the Great Voyage, Pinel’s fame is far more feared than the Four Emperors, after all, the Four Emperors are probably just a legend for people in the first half of the Great Voyage, but Pinel is a horror story that really happened around them!

Pinel also completely obeys his guidelines, indiscriminately without any colored glasses to understand human beings, about this, the surviving humans in those places Pinel walked can prove that Pinel does not rob, nor insults women, nor abducts children, Pinel simply kills humans, and his behavior and thoughts are particularly simple!

Even three months after Pinel started this game, the national tribes that got the news have already discussed in advance, if Pinel really comes suddenly, then the old, weak, sick and disabled are the abandoned part, and then the rest of the people, determined by the error ratio draw, this behavior is as if they have already resigned their fate, although they feel desperate, but not hopeless!

Of course, not everyone is like this, more places still choose to resist, human beings have never lacked courageous people, since ancient times there will be resistance where there is oppression, but unfortunately, the gap is too big, not a dimensional figure, resistance will not change any results, perhaps those who resist also know in their hearts, but they still choose to put their life and death into their own hands.

Pinel is fair, although he appreciates these people who rise up to resist, but the rules of the game are the rules, Pinel will not break the rules he has set, there are old people, children, disabled people, beautiful women, and evil people who died in the hands of Pinel during this time, of course, even the great good people have no exceptions!

Sometimes Pinel also thinks about what he is doing this for! In the end, Pinel could only barely give himself an answer!

It’s all for fun!

The feeling of life quietly passing by in your hands is deeply fascinating!

For the despair of those howling in pain, the despair of silent tears, the despair of grief and indignation, the despair of peaceful acceptance! Pinel likes it, he can see his own shadow in the despair of these people, which is another possibility, maybe Pinel hopes to create more crazy people like him!

Of course, no one knows what exactly you really want, after all, Pinel’s words are not completely credible, or the fact is that even Pinel himself is not clear, there are too many things in this world that are not clear, there is no need to dwell on this!

Of course, the Navy has certainly not left Pinel alone for so many years, Karp, with Kuzan and the tea dolphin constantly chasing this Pinel! But it’s a pity that they can’t even eat Pinell’s fart, Pinel doesn’t know about his own itinerary, it’s all fate, where to float! Not to mention being predicted and tracked by the Navy!

However, there were also a few times in the middle of almost catching up, and Pinel was not surprised, after all, if no one was angry, wouldn’t his behavior be a bit like amusing himself?

Pinel is not an idiot, if he has fought, he doesn’t care, but now it is obvious that the result of the fight is not certain, so can he do it? He still has a big business to accomplish, so Pinel didn’t go head-to-head with Karp!

After a year, the number of people Pinel killed finally reached 200,000, this is Cenarius’s statistics, whether the number is accurate or not has nothing to do with Pinel, but Pinel believes that this number is definitely more than enough!

After reducing a village that had less than a thousand people to less than five hundred, Pinel looked at the prompt in the system and was in a good mood!

‘Wood balance: three hundred and forty-eight thousand

Wood income: 1000

Gold balance: 30,000

Coin Income: 200’

Thirty-four hundred thousand pieces of wood are enough to summon more than sixty summons of the general general level, although there is still a certain gap from upgrading to the epic barracks, but the power of this number, Pinel said that he no longer has to worry about any situation where the number of war is not enough!

By the way, I forgot to mention it, the fact that the barracks upgrade requires summoning 500 lieutenant general-level summons to be automatically opened!

Pinel was originally lying quietly on the beach chair basking in the sun and drinking wine, but suddenly sat up with a face full of anger!

“Cenarius, why don’t you remind me that I always feel like I have forgotten something in my heart for so long! Damn, it was actually delayed for so long, Cenarius immediately informed the helmsman, targeted the East China Sea, and set off immediately! ”

Cenarius immediately informed the helmsman on Pinel’s orders, but after notifying the helmsman, he returned to Pinel again!

“Legion Elder, I wonder what you remembered? Is there something wrong with the subordinates? ”

Pinel drained the wine on the table next to him in one sip, and threw the wine glass into the sea with some annoyance!

“Drinking really made a mistake, I forgot a very important thing, I promised Karp before, to take care of his grandson, but actually remembered a year later, from now on I will quit drinking!”

Cenarius is very pertinent,

“Legionnaire, is there no more alcohol on board? Do you want us to stop in town and get some? This is already your fourth abstinence from alcohol at the end of this year, each time because the inventory was drunk by you, next time you can directly remind your subordinates that there is no alcohol, and there is no need to use abstinence as a reason to save face for the dereliction of duty of your subordinates! ”

The irritated expression on Pinel’s face immediately disappeared and was replaced by a faint smile,

“Cenarius, you know what? Your honest appearance is really annoying sometimes! Now I order you to jump off and swim behind the boat, and don’t get on the boat until dark! ”

Cenarius had no complaints, although he did not understand at all why Pinel punished him! But Pinel’s words are orders, and they can’t be wrong!

‘Plop! ’

Cenarius didn’t even take off his clothes, and a fierce son plunged into the water, quietly following the back of the boat, swimming not fast or slow!

A day later, Karp, who had been following Pinel’s footsteps, finally got the tip, and Pinel had left the first half of the Great Voyage and headed for the East China Sea!

After getting this information, Karp’s face changed greatly, and Karp, who had been performing make-up exams all day long, immediately changed his face when he got the information and shouted loudly,

“The target, Donghai Windmill Village, advance at full speed day and night, take the unique passage of the Navy, and be sure to arrive at the windmill village before Pinel!”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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