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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 078

After two days of sailing, Pinel finally couldn’t stand it, and it was difficult to eradicate that attraction after feeling the deliciousness of the wine!

“Cenarius, go to the nearest village and stop, I want to drink!”

Unless Cenarius is mentally retarded, he won’t be holding on to Pinel at this time if he wanted to quit drinking two days ago!

“Good Legion Elder, on our route, walk thirty degrees to the left for half a day, and you can reach a village, I heard that this village is rich in orange cider!”

Pinel licked his lips sexily,

“So what are you waiting for? I can’t drink the wine you said today, so you will swim me to the windmill village!” If you drown, I’ll revive you immediately and you keep swimming! If you don’t want to feel drowned, turn the bow of the ship quickly! ”

Cenarius nodded respectfully and bent over!

No matter how long Cenarius and Pinel get along, he is always respectful to Pinel, not because of systematic suppression, but Cenarius is really a little afraid of Pinel, even Cenarius does not know when Pinel will go crazy! And when Pinel goes crazy, he can’t be understood, that kind of disregard for life, indifference to human feelings, even the summons produced by Cenarius’s system will be afraid!

Half a day later, Pinel made the bow of the ship and watched Cenarius enter the small village with three colonel-level summons, Pinel looked at the rows of upside-down houses, and was a little curious,

“What kind of customs are possible in this world, and there are people who build houses upside down! Interesting! ”

Pinel lay on the bow of the boat, and soon it was time, and Pinel smelled the scent of oranges wafting from afar, accompanied by a bunch of chaotic footsteps!

Pinel smelled the wine and stood up directly from the bow of the boat, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Cenarius standing in front of the ship with a group of plainly dressed, even pitiful!

A smile appeared at the corner of Pinel’s mouth, this was the first time he had seen such a situation, and it was the first time that someone had come to greet him since his fame spread on the sea!

“Cenarius! What is this situation? So that they don’t know about me? Or did you threaten them to bring them over? I said like I said when I was on the boat, we don’t know about this village, just look for wine! After all, if you know someone who can make sake, next time I want to talk to orange wine, there is nowhere to look! ”

Cenarius also looked like he didn’t understand much!

“Legion Elder, this matter doesn’t seem to be what you think, they know that you also know me, I saw the bounty order in their hands, your bounty is ten billion, even I have one billion, their purpose seems to be to take the initiative to request elimination!” Listen to their requests yourself! ”

At this time, a middle-aged man with a windmill decoration on his head walked out from the crowd!

“Hello, honorable Lord Pinel, I am the police of this village, on behalf of all the villagers of Cocosia Village, I hope you can clean up Cocosia Island, I heard that your cleanup operation is completely random, I hope you can do what you said, count the group of fish people on this island, if you can exchange half of our lives for the lives of some fish people, it is really better!”

Pinel understood, it seems that these villagers have been squeezed by those fish people and are about to reach a dead end, so they will make such a broken cauldron and sink the boat, wanting to change their lives!

Pinel is very peculiar, it is the first time he has encountered such a situation after traveling so many places!

“You mean I understand, but I’m curious, is it really worth it?” Aren’t you afraid of death? ”

Ah Jian smiled indifferently,

“Lord Pinel, we have already thought about it, although I don’t know why you did it, but as a big man, you must have a reason for doing this, we have already discussed it when we came, no matter what the result is, we will not blame you, just hope to die a few more damn fish people, anyway, sooner or later they will be bullied to death, it is better to die worthwhile!”

Pinel pouted,

“But I said when I came, if you don’t make clear operations in this village, you make it difficult for me to do this, I’m a trustworthy person!”

Ah Jian listened to Pinel’s words, did not force anything, he has been oppressed for many years, he knows very well that he does not have any capital to ask Pinel to do anything, this may be a mature person who is distressing!

“Yes, then sorry to disturb you, I wish you a pleasant journey ahead!”

After saying that, Ah Jian turned around and left, and there were a group of cocosia villagers with a gloomy look!

Suddenly, Pinel burst out laughing!

“Hahahahaha, you are really a bunch of interesting people, you made me feel surprised, I accepted your commission, I helped you clean up the group of fish people, do more things, one by one, but you really have an interesting soul!”

Ah Jian’s originally face full of lost souls suddenly became full of surprise, and immediately turned to Pinel and asked,

“So you said yes? Lord Pinel? And you want to get rid of the fishmen for all of us? What do you need from us? ”

Pinel had an excited expression on his face, and his teeth bit his lower lip hard!

“Of course, it’s certainly not free, but I don’t want much, just a little more than you planned to give!” I will kill all the fish people, and you will also pay ninety percent of the people! What do you think? Promise? ”

Ah Jian’s expression flustered!

Originally, he thought that Pinel was a good person and willing to help them, but he didn’t expect such a result in the end! Fifty percent is already the limit for them to pay the elderly and part of the prime of life, if they pay eighty percent, it is estimated that even the children have to sacrifice part of it! This makes it a little difficult to decide, and Pinel has made some families desperate!

Ah Jian looked back at the villagers behind him, hoping to see some other opinions in their eyes!

But Ah Jian, who turned around, was stunned, he didn’t see a hesitant look, each one was uncharacteristically firm as iron!

After taking a deep breath, Ah Jian nodded to Pinel without hesitation!

“Lord Pinel, we agree! But I hope you will do something to us after all those fishmen are dead, and I beg you, this is not about mercy, it is just the revenge of us little people! ”

Pinel’s smile slowly disappeared!

This is not what he expected!

He originally thought that after listening to his conditions, this person would retreat, or that some of these people in front of him would retreat, but there was none, such a person who did not care about his life and death at all, which made Pinel feel a little inexplicable! An indescribable feeling!

But nothing is at a point, and Pinel wants to keep the game going!

“Well, I promise you! Cenarius, go and destroy those filthy fishmen! I’ll give you ten minutes! Can’t come back, you know, this seems to be quite far from the windmill village! By the way, don’t forget to bring back the main character’s head, otherwise you won’t be able to prove that you completed the mission! ”

ps: Next chapter preview: This game, you win!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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