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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 079

Don’t be nosy, don’t self-destruct by the bad fortune of others, don’t unduly benefit others or one person

—————— Gracien’s Proverbs of Gracien’s Wisdom

Cenarius owes slightly,

“Subordinates take orders!”

As soon as the words fell, the whole person disappeared in place!

Cenarius is not a robot, he is a creature with normal thinking, if he can, he does not want to swim to the windmill village, of course, he will not bargain with Pinel, there is no point, after all, he knows that his great legionnaire will not easily change his mind!

Ten minutes is not long or short, counting the time used on the circuit, leaving less than two minutes for Cenarius to really do it!

Ah Jian listened to Pinel’s obviously excessive demands, and he couldn’t help but persuade!

“Lord Pinel, we are not in a hurry, you don’t need to be in such a hurry, we have survived so many years!” It’s not bad for this time! ”

Pinel jumped off the boat, walked in front of Ah Jian, put his head to Ah Jian’s ear, and whispered softly,

“Are you saying I’m going too far? I tell you, it’s about speaking responsibly, and do you really think you’ll get Cenarius’ thanks for doing so? Is it worth offending me for the sake of an errand runner? Even if you say so, as long as I speak, Cenarius will not hesitate to wring your neck, do you believe it? Don’t you understand such a simple truth? Nosy people will never end well! ”

Ah Jian listened to Pinel’s words, the whole person was stunned, and the sweat immediately stayed from the brain, as if the creatures in the food chain had touched their natural enemies! He wanted to defend something, but he couldn’t say a word under the pressure of Pinel’s momentum!

Just when Ah Jian was about to kneel on the ground under the oppression of Pinel, Pinel’s momentum suddenly retracted! Ah Jian’s whole person sat on the ground at once!

Pinel smiled and helped Ah Jian up, and said with a smile on his face,

“Why are you so careless, why did you fall, stand firm, I don’t mean anything else, just want to remind you, in the future, you can not be nosy or try not to be nosy!” There is nothing but to hurt yourself! ”

Originally, Pinel was still trying to say something, but suddenly a wooden stick came from behind Pinel, and a stick hit the back of Pinel’s head, banging, very loud!

“What are you going to do to Ah Jian? Don’t you know that this is the territory of Aaron the Fishman? Hurry up and let Ah Jian go, or I’ll let Boss Along clean you up!” You must know that Boss Along is a sea thief with a bounty of 20 million! If you are afraid, quickly let go, and leave this place quickly while my Boss Along has not yet discovered you!” ”

Pinel let go of Ah Jian, turned his head slowly, scratched his head while looking at Nami with a puzzled face and said,

“Oh, I seem to know you, have we met somewhere? But why am I not impressed with you at all? But that doesn’t matter, listen to your tone are you the companion of that gang of fishmen? I promised this funny man that I would kill all the fishmen, and if you were a companion of that group, could I ask you to die? ”

Nami has not seen the bounty order, for her, the bounty order is more familiar than the chart’s back, after all, she has to know who can mess with who can’t be messed with, but Kocosia Village is still waiting for her to buy it back, she is now very desperate, absolutely can’t die!

The moment Pinel turned her head, she began to sweat, this person who currently has the highest reward in the world, how could she forget, she didn’t need to look at it a second time! Just now it was also because she had just returned from the sea and did not see Pinel’s face, otherwise she would not dare to do it with her 10,000 guts!

Immediately after she heard Pinel’s words, she was overjoyed, if Pinel is willing to help, of course Aaron can solve it, you must know that the relationship between bounty and strength may not necessarily be proportional, but in terms of the gap of five hundred times the reward, these two people have no comparison at all!

However, Nami is still very worried about Pinel’s rumors, although she has not seen Pinel kill with her own eyes, but there is no wind and no waves, and the ghost knows if the rumors are true!

“Of course not, respected Lord Pinel, I am just an insignificant little person, a poor little villager, you have a large number of adults, adults do not remember villains, let me go!”

Pinel is more interested in Ah Jian at this time, for this guy with a different soul than others, Pinel wants to see what he wants to see!

“Forget it, you stand in the crowd, if you are still alive in a while, we will solve this stick matter!”

When Nami heard this, she immediately hid behind Ah Jian and began to mumble to Ah Jian and ask the east and west!

Ah Jian also did not hide anything, after all, this matter can not be hidden, after hearing the cause and effect, Nami’s face changed greatly, very blamed and Ah Jian quarreled, for the noisy sound, Pinel showed a smile, this is the scene he wants to see!

Pinel didn’t time either, anyway, soon Cenarius appeared in front of Pinel with a head!

“Legion Elder, the subordinates are fortunate not to be humiliated, they have completed their tasks, please ask the Legion Elder to review!”

Pinel patted Cenarius’s shoulder and said casually,

“Not bad, nine minutes and forty-five seconds, qualified in front of you, this time I won’t punish you, let’s get down to business first, the matter is done, you have to collect money!”

Of course, Pinel made up the time, and it is not Pinel’s words that punish or not!

Pinel casually threw Aaron’s head in front of Ah Jian, and his eyes narrowed into a slit with laughter,

“Interesting human, I have fulfilled your request, is it time to fulfill my reward, are you ready? I’m going to start asking for my life! ”

Ah Jian looked at the head at his feet, his face was full of expression of relief, there was anger, there was ease, there was relief, but Pinel did not see a trace of regret,

The more Pinel looked at his face, the worse he looked, this is not the result he wants, shouldn’t he beg for mercy at this time, or resist, this heroic death is righteous, and even some gratitude What does it mean, slap in the face?

Pinel really wanted to yell, Lao Tzu is a bad person!

Cenarius’s muzzle has begun to gradually light up, and Ah Jian closed his eyes and had a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, blocking in front of Nami and Nokigao, as if waiting for happiness to come!

Cenarius was also waiting for Pinel’s order, but this order was not given!

Pinel stared at Ah Jian for a long time, and finally pouted, his face full of regret!

“Damn man, you won this game, your fearlessness made my behavior meaningless, I want to see fear and despair, but you show only relief and pleasure, unpleasant pleasure! You won this game, I spared your life, and the girl behind you, but you won, which upset me, so I will take revenge on you next! Resent me, hate me, this world has always been a playground for the strong, a hell for the weak!

Cenarius, except him and the girl with orange hair, kill everyone except children under the age of seven, I am waiting for you on the ship! I don’t want him to wander on the sea without worry, I want him to live in pain in this place powerlessly, and I want him to remember deeply this feeling that he can’t die if he wants to!

Since you don’t despair, it doesn’t matter, I can teach you! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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