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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 080

As Pinel’s words fell, Ah Jian and Nami immediately looked terrified, which was completely different from what they expected, if they knew this was the result, how could Ah Jian make such a choice, it was better to pay such a price than to wait for other opportunities, at least not all of them would die!

But there has never been a regret medicine in this world, human life is also, dead is dead, at least Pinel has not seen any way to resurrect people until now, if there is really such a method, Pinel will not drink to live!

Of course, Ah Jian can’t let Pinel leave like this, he can’t give up any chance, even if there is a slightest chance he has to try again!

“No, Lord Pinel, you can’t do this, it’s different from what we said before, if you think I’ve made you angry, then take my life!” Let this village go! Please, give some mercy! ”

Of course, Nami didn’t want Ah Jian to die,

“No, no, Lord Pinel, can you give me a chance, and I’ll pay for their lives!” I have accumulated some money over the years, there are tens of millions of Baileys, please let go of this troubled village, the lives of these ordinary villagers mean nothing to you, by the way, I am still a navigator, I can join your pirate group, I can sail for you! As long as you can spare this village! Everything about me is yours! ”

This is already all Nami, according to the ideas of normal people, on the one hand, meaningless ordinary villagers, on the other hand, the loyalty of navigators with rich experience can also get a lot of money for no reason! In Nami’s opinion, Pinel has no reason to refuse at all!

Pinel stopped leaving, but did not look back,

“Hahahaha, stupid little apple, this is not a deal, this is my revenge, this funny man made me lose this game, I was very unhappy, so I took revenge on him, nothing else! So I don’t need your navigator talent, I need you to hate me, hate me, resent me, and live in this shadow all day long! I want to see your desperate expressions more than your money and allegiance! Finally, naïve little apple, I’m not a pirate! I’m just Heath Pinel and that’s it! ”

Pinel didn’t even turn his head, laughing and walking towards the boat with wine!

Nami sat weakly on the ground, her face full of tears of despair, looking at Pinel’s back, her face was full of trance!

“Demon, he’s a demon, he’s not human, he’s not human, he’s just a demon!”

Although Ah Jian is also full of haze, his teeth are bitten to the gums are bloody, but he is not as gaffe as Nami, if nothing else, this Ah Jian still has some insight!

“Nami, stand up, look at him, remember him, I don’t have any chance in my life, but you can’t give up like this, you are still young, you still have a chance, you must not let the villagers sacrifice in vain, since he wants us to take revenge on him, then as he wishes, ten years if it doesn’t work, twenty years, twenty years if it doesn’t work, thirty years!” Promise me Nami, sooner or later you will stand in front of him again! ”

Ah Jian was unusual, he actually did not persuade Nami to give up, but persuaded her to work hard! It may be that he feels that Nami has grown up and can withstand such hatred! Anyway, Ah Jian said such a thing!

Nami still looks like she has lost her soul, and her mouth keeps chanting Nokigao!

Although Cenarius had some pity for these people, he could not refuse Pinel’s task!

“This is a sad decision, and I can give you my mercy and leave you with ten minutes to leave my last words! I’ll do it in ten minutes, of course no one can escape, if someone does, I’ll do it immediately! ”

No thanks, no swearing, no madness, emotionally fragile people crying, parents laughing and comforting their surviving children, ten minutes is not enough time to tell all the emotions, but enough to give someone important a hug!

The villagers of Cocosia said their last words to Ah Jian one by one, and those who had children were saying goodbye to their children! Cenarius stood on the side and watched quietly, the picture was very harmonious!

Fifteen minutes later, Cenarius returned to the ship with three colonel-level summons, drove away without the slightest hesitation!

On the seashore of Cocosia, an adult, with a group of bitter and runny children, looked at the boat that kept moving away, and the atmosphere was heavy! Two to the ravines that turned the land upside down stood on this island, there were no corpses, no rivers of blood, only some broken clothes fluttering in the wind! This is the last mercy that Cenarius can give!

Pinel sat on the bow of the boat and drank the orange wine he got from the village of Cocosia, keeping a rare silence!

Cenarius didn’t say anything or ask anything, just stood quietly behind Pinel, and after a long time, Pinel suddenly spoke,

“How? Do you think I’m going too far? ”

“Subordinates don’t dare!”

“No, that’s what you thought, the two attacks you just made through Coco West Tooth Island have exceeded your full strength, and they obviously contain anger in it, aren’t they?”

Cenarius bowed his head respectfully, but did not refute it, he was a summoner with this independent thinking, he liked the group of people just now, strong, rational, simple, there was nothing annoying, so he couldn’t say what he felt in his heart now, it stands to reason that he couldn’t be angry with Pinel, but he couldn’t say what was the uncomfortable feeling in his heart when he did it!

Pinel turned his back to Senarius so that Cenarius could see his face at all, but Cenarius could hear it from Pinellius’s voice, and Pinel was definitely not laughing at this time!

“Get out, I don’t want to see you before dark! Sure enough, no one in this world can understand me, why no one understands, despair is a good thing! Hatred is the biggest motivator for progress! Why can’t anyone see the good side of these emotions! ”

ps: Next chapter preview: Karp, I’m coming to the appointment!


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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