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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 081

When you have solved all the mysteries of life, you long for death, because it is just another mystery of life. Life and death are the two noblest manifestations of bravery.

—————— Gibran

Two days later, Pinel’s ship finally came to the front of the windmill village, and the dog-headed warship quietly docked on the shore, it was so conspicuous!

Pinel unhurriedly parked the ship next to the warship, looking at the warship next to him, which was obviously one size larger than his, Pinel arched his mouth at Cenarius!

“Let our people pack up and pack their things, I’ll drive this ship away in a moment!”

Cenarius became more respectful to Pinel after experiencing the events of the village of Cocosia, and Pinarius did not care about Cenarius’s attitude, who would care what one of his dogs thought? As long as you are healthy and don’t bark your teeth, you’re a good dog, aren’t you!

“Captain of the Legion, I personally don’t recommend you to take that warship, the bow of the dog’s head is too stupid! Not in your temperament! ”

Pinel tilted his head to look at the dog head sign that was biting the bone, was silent for three seconds, and then patted Senarius on the shoulder!

“You’re right, it’s stupid, don’t want it! Gone, it’s time to meet old friends! The little brother standing on the boat next to him, yes, it’s you, the one who reported the situation with the phone worm, trouble you to help me watch the boat, if my ship disappears after I come back, many people may die! Hahahaha! ”

Pinel laughed and landed on the shore, he did not dodge, and took seven people including Cenarius and went straight to the windmill village, if Karp was not an idiot, the windmill village should be empty by this time!

But things went wrong with Pinel, after Pinel walked to the entrance of the village, he saw Karp standing at the entrance of the village with a solemn expression, and the green pheasant and a person who could be said to be ugly stood honestly behind Karp! And the windmill village behind them is noisy, as if fleeing!

“Pinel, you’re still here!”

Pinel pulled out his ears, with a bored expression on his face, and rubbed his hand with ear poop on Senarius’s clothes!

“There is no growth at all, did I overestimate you, or did you underestimate me, obviously knowing that I wanted, you still didn’t let the villagers of Windmill Village take refuge in advance?” What? Seeing that there are only five of us, you look down on me? ”

“How is it possible, how can there be anyone in this world who dares to underestimate your Heath Pinel, who doesn’t know you now, human scavenger, smiling devil, madman who destroys the world, how many titles you have, which one is not famous?” I’m afraid the number of people you killed can’t be compared to anyone in this world! Even that Kaido, who wants war all day long, is far worse than your murderous nature! Pinel, I know what you’re here for, can you stop here! Too many innocent people have died in your injuries! Are you still not satisfied? ”

Pinel put his hand to his ear after talking, leaned sideways, and leaned in the direction of this Karp, as if he wanted to accept what Karp said more accurately, his face was full of teasing!

“Hey, hey, I can’t hear clearly, what did you just say? It won’t be something boring! Can you say it again, I didn’t hear clearly! ”

Karp’s expression couldn’t hold back, he was not a good-tempered person, the green tendons on his forehead were tight, and his fists were tightly clenched and he was a little shaky!

“Damn bastard, what the hell are you trying to do! What the hell is the point of you slaughtering lives like this! Tell me, what exactly can I do to get you to stop, and how far you have to go to be satisfied! ”

Pinel smiled like a flower, squeezing and rubbing his face with his hands on his face, as if he often kept a smile to make his face stiff,

“It’s verbose, how can there be so much why? I wanted to do it, and I did it, it’s that simple!

Besides, isn’t that a game! I’m going to be the bad guy, you guys are the good guys, how to end this game is obvious from the very beginning, and you know very well in your heart, whether you admit it or not, there are only two outcomes to terminate this game, either you watch me kill a million people, or you kill me! I never gave you a third option!

What’s the point of doing this, you ask? Why do you have to do something meaningful? Don’t you understand? Living in this world, ability is the most meaningless thing!

Since everyone will die sooner or later, why live in pain! Do you have to wait until your teeth are gone, you can’t eat, you can’t walk, you can’t see clearly? Who prescribes this? Why does he have the final say? I think dying when you are strong is the right choice! Isn’t that okay? ”

Karp listened to Pinel’s words, his mouth opened and opened, but nothing came out!

Thoughts are not synchronized at all, there is no possibility of negotiation at all, just like one believes in God and the other believes in Satan, and you let two people of completely different faiths sit together and negotiate? Unless one of them forces the other to make a compromise, how can it continue? Just say casually, may God bless you, it will be enough to justify the war!

The existence of the phrase ‘words do not speculate for more than half a sentence’ makes sense!

Pinel looked at Karp not speaking, pouted, shrugged indifferently, and then grinned and said lightly,

“Running out of words? So let’s start again, you snatched my opening when we just met, obviously I should have spoken first, now let’s turn the time forward, forget all the words we just said, and come to three, two, one! ”

Pinel said to himself, and after saying this, he paused for two seconds, showed an evil expression, and said softly,

“Karp, I’m coming to the appointment, are you ready? I am about to take away your most precious thing, are you ready to accept despair? ”

Karp’s face tightened, and he took a foot in the direction of Pinel, and said righteously,

“At least today, I will stop you, you can’t hurt anyone!”

Pinel looked questioning and pointed behind him,

“I find that you always have this problem, and the words are always so affirmative, which makes me very incomprehensible! There were seven people behind me when I got off the boat, and now there are four left, and guess where those three went? Ah, the great Lieutenant General Karp? ”

ps: This book is pure fiction, please cherish life………


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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