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Pirates: Legion Wars — Chapter 082

Karp listened to Pinel’s words, but there was no panic, and his expression was relatively calm!

“Don’t think that they threatened me, I have already sent people to let them take refuge, you can’t catch anyone!”

Pinel did not have the slightest annoyance at the failure of the plan, but was still very excited, as if he had discovered some new continent,

“Hehe, grow up ah Kapu, that’s right, don’t always fall in a pit, so I almost wonder if you guys deliberately let me, since you don’t worry about Da Dan them, shouldn’t we also start, although your grandson may not be able to catch it now, but those people behind you can’t run away!” If you don’t do it, I’m going to do it to them!” ”

There is a reason why Karp did not directly do it, because so far the navy is not sure where the inexplicable anti-injurious attack comes from, of course, it is not a clue, no matter how the navy is also one of the top forces in this sea, with dozens of strategic staff officers, although the IQ may not be outrageous, but the three stinkers are still a Zhuge Liang, more or less something!

Although Karp usually behaves silly, there is absolutely no need to question his combat literacy, as a strong person, especially when fighting, none of them are fools, and fools cannot live to the extent of Karp!

“Pinel, I guess that inexplicable attack should have come from the guy behind you! Since I knew you, there has been no one around you who has remained static, only this man, who has not only been around you for so long, but also has his own name! If memory serves, he should be called Cenarius, I think he must have something different, for example, he may have the ability to rebound some damage to the enemy after being attacked! That’s right! ”

Karp stared at Pinel’s face tightly while speaking, as if he wanted to see the truth from Pinel’s face!

What he just said is just one of several possibilities given by the naval staff, and some people guess that it is just Pinel’s ability, and some people say that how can someone with such ability appear in the public eye, definitely hidden in the shadows!

Karp just temporarily chose an option that he thought was most likely to work and asked Pinel a question! Of course, he didn’t expect Pinel to give him an answer, so Karp would stare at Pinel tightly, trying to find the answer himself!

Pinel clapped his hands in surprise,

“Snap, oh, this has all been discovered by you, if anyone tells me that you are stupid in the future, I will definitely kill him with a big mouth!” Yes, you guessed right, this ability is Cenarius’s, you don’t have to stare at my face all the time, I told you generously, and I also tell you that Cenarius’s ability is passive, that is, unless you kill him, it is useless to stun! Now that you know all this, what can you do? Can you still…”

Before Pinel’s words were finished, he suddenly stopped, because Karp’s figure had disappeared in front of his eyes! Of course, Pinel knew where Karp was going, but he didn’t expect this old and unorthodox guy to be so strong! Miscalculation!

Immediately after a gust of wind flowed past Pinel, a figure fell from behind Pinel to the direction of Kuzan, and Kuzan’s hands had turned into ice at this time, obviously entering battle mode, and at this time Karp’s voice also came from behind Pinel!

“What else can I do? Of course, it is the first time to kill such an important person, in other words, this guy’s anti-injury really hurts, no wonder the old marshal also cultivated for several days after the last time before recovering his state! I won’t advise you to tie your hands, and you won’t do it, I know you’re definitely more than that, but I still want to tell you that before I fall, I will never let the villagers of Windmill Village suffer a single thing! ”

While Karp spoke, Kuzan’s side, directly a frozen time capsule frozen Cenarius tightly, the ugly man next to him is also very sharp, naval six-style finger gun, Kakakaka against the frozen Cenarius is a blind poke!

In the face of a monster-level figure like Karp, plus a naval admiral, a naval award candidate, and three people’s targeted attacks, if he can still survive, his strength does not belong to the elite vice admiral, it is estimated that at least there must be a general-level figure or someone with special abilities to survive this set of combos!

After Kuzan solved Cenarius, he immediately locked his eyes on Pinel’s body!

“Without these people as protection, there is no hole card to be blackmailed, what means do you have now? After all, after losing these foreign objects, you are just a waste that will not be injured! ”

Pinel’s eyes narrowed, and his face was full of dangerous smiles,

“How dare I say, General Kuzan, how good it would be if everything could go as smoothly as you say, but it’s really a pity, I didn’t want to play any tricks with you this time, this time I only have one plan!” That’s crushing you! The three of you are indeed very strong, but how many lieutenant generals can you deal with who are not afraid of death at all? Ten? Or twenty? Last time in Mary Joa I only used twenty-six, this time I respect you, after all, you are so arrogant, you must have great skills! Just thirty to play with? If it’s not enough, I’ll add chips! ”

As Pinel’s voice fell, Kapu’s pupils standing behind Pinel immediately shrank, stepped on the ground several times, and immediately returned to Kuzan’s side, knocking a summon that suddenly appeared behind Kuzan!

Immediately afterwards, thirty strong figures suddenly appeared around the three of Karp, surrounding the three of Karp!

Kuzan silently wiped the sweat on his forehead,

“Oh, yes, things are in order, Karp won the lottery, now do you have any follow-up plans?”

Karp’s face was like black iron, it was obvious that he had no more plans, and being able to come up with the plan against Cenarius just now was already the limit of Karp!

“There’s a fart, you and I think I’m a crane? You still ask me to plan, it’s not that you kid owes it, what to say, now give him a whole eye, don’t talk nonsense, each desperately, try to live, don’t die, there is no support this time! ”

Pinel tilted his neck and licked his lips sexily,

“After whispering? So let’s start, this time the game is set? If the villagers of Windmill Village successfully evacuate before you fall, even if I lose, I lose, I will let this village go for the time being, the time limit is set for three years, on the contrary, if you fall and the villagers of Windmill Village have not yet evacuated, then even if I win, I think you should also know that none of them will survive! By the way, before the game starts, I will solemnly introduce you to Dangdang, the devil’s lackey, Cenarius! ”

Pinel said finally, his hands made a shining appearance, and then a familiar figure suddenly appeared, exactly the same decoration, with a pattern of double guns, handsome appearance!

At this time, the faces of the three of Karp changed greatly, and a sense of powerlessness swayed from the soles of their feet and rushed to the Tianling Cover!

The green pheasant sighed and said softly,


Pinel took a step back and clapped his hands in fear,

“Snap! Syllable! Sa, the game has begun! Come on, dear naval powerhouses! ”


Pirates: Legion Wars

Pirates: Legion Wars

Status: Completed Author:


Heath Pinel: What if the world hasn’t become fairer? That only means that I haven’t given it enough pain!

This book is about a story of a commitment to bringing fairness to the world, and for this reason, he has gone crazy, at least Pinel himself thought!

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novels: “Pirates: Legion Wars”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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